Phyiscs..... Ever Heard of Them?

Post anything about MX Simulator here. Please. I'm begging you.
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Re: Phyiscs..... Ever Heard of Them?

Post by RSmithDRIFT »

onefoureight wrote:
RSmithDRIFT wrote:And yall keep asking about my stability setup, so I know it'll just arouse more questions but I dont care. After much trial and error I've discovered this to be the best (yes I've tried several different pro setups directly and this works 10x better for me) like I said, with this setup it handles turns beautifully and I actually have no problems on nationals tracks. But I cant get down a supercross straight to save my life.

leveling=100.000000 < HOLY FUCKIN BALLS.
roll_damping=50.000000 < this is ok.
roll_limit_angle=0.000000 <Are you retarded?
roll_limit_factor=0.000000 <!?!?!?!?!?
steering_damping=50.000000 <Y SO HIGH?
steering_strength=95.000000 <ok
max_steering_force=750.000000 <slow but whatever.
direct_steering=1.000000 <Good work, you got something that works well.
slow_damping_speed=40.000000< Bit low but manageable
slow_damping_factor=1.500000 <Again, a bit low.
land_damping_falloff=0.062500 <Too low
land_damping_factor=2.000000 <Bit high
full_lock_speed=1.000000< CHRIST.
restricted_lock_speed=40.000000 <Meh.
restricted_lock=5.000000 <AYYYYYY ON THE MONEY.
Your advanced stability is your issue. 110%.
Well, I'll explain my advanced stability settings and why they are so bizzare to apparently all of you...

leveling=100.000000 <This is to make the bike so that when I am not steering I am going straight. This almost works out but it still wobbles a little bit.
roll_damping=50.000000 < This is where I feel most comfortable
roll_limit_angle=0.000000 <This is because at 100% leveling any limit angle will stop the bike from turning on a berm and this is no longer needed at 100% leveling anyways, you can actually balance a turn.
roll_limit_factor=0.000000 <Same as above... Must be 0 or you will not turn with 100% leveling
steering_damping=50.000000 <At 100% leveling this MUST equal your roll dampening as the two must happen at the same speed or you will get uncontrollable wobble
steering_strength=95.000000 <The higher the better when using 100% leveling, but at 100% he glitches and will crash on every jump for some reason and also will over turn the bars and wash out. Anything below 100% is glitch free and the lower you go the less he turns.
max_steering_force=750.000000 <I feel he gets out of control and swaps too easily above this value
direct_steering=1.000000 <Obvious
slow_damping_speed=40.000000< Where I feel comfortable
slow_damping_factor=1.500000 <Any higher and he gets that "wobble"
land_damping_falloff=0.062500 <IDK honestly
land_damping_factor=2.000000 <Seems to help some???
full_lock_speed=1.000000< This is the way it should work. Your slow dampening starts at 0 and falls off untill the set value... So the steering should match it
restricted_lock_speed=40.000000 <Again should match slow damping value
restricted_lock=5.000000 <Lowered this till I prevented swapping

And I love riding. I grew up BMX racing. I was professionally trained as a kid by Profile. I know how a bike should ride and with the above setup I feel that it turns the way it should. He just does crazy shit on the rythm sections. Like, if your trained to ride, you would never let a bike do the shit it does in this game. Your body will AUTOMATICALLY WITHOUT THINKING absorb the bad movements and enhance the good movements of the bike. This game rides like you got a dead body and no feel for the terrain. Like an untrained "stiff". Like growing up my whole life focus was on how your body moves on the bike to make you faster and smoother. I learned to pump race and run fast laps without pedaling. You dont just act like a spring/damper, you ride the damn bike. This game fails at that horribly and expects you to "learn how to deal with it" not a bad skill to have honestly, but not what you want, or in any way shape or form realistic. I was trained to ride the terrain, not react to it like a dead weight. And it's not something you think about doing either, IE it's not something you would put into joystick movement in the game. It's subconcious and it's the "inner ear gyro" effect I keep refering to that's missing from this game. He seems to have that in arcade mode. Why cant I have it in sim mode? Like honestly it needs to be a value I can adjust like any of theones above... Arcade mode obviously has a very limiting 90%+ rider gyro effect. RC drifters use gyro's like this to be able to control a RWD RC drift car. Typically an impossible task, butwith a gyro controlling the steering its a piece of cake. And the steering of the joystick feels realistic. At 90% it's too automatic and doesnt give you enough input. At 10% it's not enough and it's too hard to controll. We need this in this game. BADLY.
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Re: Phyiscs..... Ever Heard of Them?

Post by RSmithDRIFT »

Also let me be clear... I dont really want a refund... I want the game to be fixed. Because IDC who you are, when even a pro like Kellen complains about how hard this game is and falls all the time. It's clearly broken. I feel it's potential every time I play it. I swear with that rider gyro variable it'd be perfect. And completely able to be turned off for you seasoned masochists.... Even in the RWD RC community their are those few who chose to devote their lives to learning to drift a RWD RC without a gyro for some reason.
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Re: Phyiscs..... Ever Heard of Them?

Post by RSmithDRIFT »

m121c wrote:You don't want realistic tracks trust me... go download one of Shadow's 1:1 scale supercross tracks and then you will realize how easy the supercross tracks really are.
Point me to where to find them because I bet I'll love them to death. I hate the overscaling with a burning passion. You guys think you need that because you use 100+ FOV settings. That's insane and makes everything look all stretched out and will make you over speed on everything. Your eyes are 90* FOV and you shouldnt even be using that unless you have an oculous rift or some other 3d headset. I understand if 60 is the lowest you can tolerate on an MX game because you need that FOV to tell where your going with the constant up/down/tilting movements but it RUINS the realism to go above 90.... Thus makes you feel like you need a massive scaled track and super tall/steep jumps/whoops to make it look realistic. Funny how that works huh?

The biggest problem with the tracks though is not the scaling so much as the shape. The jumps are round topped... What kind of retard designs a jump like that? I've been making BMX/MTB dirt jumps my whole life. The more pointed on top and concave the shape the better. I'm no stranger to steep ass jumps But they better damn well be shaped right or else...Image
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Re: Phyiscs..... Ever Heard of Them?

Post by Rayvenator »

RSmithDRIFT wrote:
onefoureight wrote:
RSmithDRIFT wrote:And yall keep asking about my stability setup, so I know it'll just arouse more questions but I dont care. After much trial and error I've discovered this to be the best (yes I've tried several different pro setups directly and this works 10x better for me) like I said, with this setup it handles turns beautifully and I actually have no problems on nationals tracks. But I cant get down a supercross straight to save my life.

leveling=100.000000 < HOLY FUCKIN BALLS.
roll_damping=50.000000 < this is ok.
roll_limit_angle=0.000000 <Are you retarded?
roll_limit_factor=0.000000 <!?!?!?!?!?
steering_damping=50.000000 <Y SO HIGH?
steering_strength=95.000000 <ok
max_steering_force=750.000000 <slow but whatever.
direct_steering=1.000000 <Good work, you got something that works well.
slow_damping_speed=40.000000< Bit low but manageable
slow_damping_factor=1.500000 <Again, a bit low.
land_damping_falloff=0.062500 <Too low
land_damping_factor=2.000000 <Bit high
full_lock_speed=1.000000< CHRIST.
restricted_lock_speed=40.000000 <Meh.
restricted_lock=5.000000 <AYYYYYY ON THE MONEY.
Your advanced stability is your issue. 110%.
Well, I'll explain my advanced stability settings and why they are so bizzare to apparently all of you...

leveling=100.000000 <This is to make the bike so that when I am not steering I am going straight. This almost works out but it still wobbles a little bit.
roll_damping=50.000000 < This is where I feel most comfortable
roll_limit_angle=0.000000 <This is because at 100% leveling any limit angle will stop the bike from turning on a berm and this is no longer needed at 100% leveling anyways, you can actually balance a turn.
roll_limit_factor=0.000000 <Same as above... Must be 0 or you will not turn with 100% leveling
steering_damping=50.000000 <At 100% leveling this MUST equal your roll dampening as the two must happen at the same speed or you will get uncontrollable wobble
steering_strength=95.000000 <The higher the better when using 100% leveling, but at 100% he glitches and will crash on every jump for some reason and also will over turn the bars and wash out. Anything below 100% is glitch free and the lower you go the less he turns.
max_steering_force=750.000000 <I feel he gets out of control and swaps too easily above this value
direct_steering=1.000000 <Obvious
slow_damping_speed=40.000000< Where I feel comfortable
slow_damping_factor=1.500000 <Any higher and he gets that "wobble"
land_damping_falloff=0.062500 <IDK honestly
land_damping_factor=2.000000 <Seems to help some???
full_lock_speed=1.000000< This is the way it should work. Your slow dampening starts at 0 and falls off untill the set value... So the steering should match it
restricted_lock_speed=40.000000 <Again should match slow damping value
restricted_lock=5.000000 <Lowered this till I prevented swapping

And I love riding. I grew up BMX racing. I was professionally trained as a kid by Profile. I know how a bike should ride and with the above setup I feel that it turns the way it should. He just does crazy shit on the rythm sections. Like, if your trained to ride, you would never let a bike do the shit it does in this game. Your body will AUTOMATICALLY WITHOUT THINKING absorb the bad movements and enhance the good movements of the bike. This game rides like you got a dead body and no feel for the terrain. Like an untrained "stiff". Like growing up my whole life focus was on how your body moves on the bike to make you faster and smoother. I learned to pump race and run fast laps without pedaling. You dont just act like a spring/damper, you ride the damn bike. This game fails at that horribly and expects you to "learn how to deal with it" not a bad skill to have honestly, but not what you want, or in any way shape or form realistic. I was trained to ride the terrain, not react to it like a dead weight. And it's not something you think about doing either, IE it's not something you would put into joystick movement in the game. It's subconcious and it's the "inner ear gyro" effect I keep refering to that's missing from this game. He seems to have that in arcade mode. Why cant I have it in sim mode? Like honestly it needs to be a value I can adjust like any of theones above... Arcade mode obviously has a very limiting 90%+ rider gyro effect. RC drifters use gyro's like this to be able to control a RWD RC drift car. Typically an impossible task, butwith a gyro controlling the steering its a piece of cake. And the steering of the joystick feels realistic. At 90% it's too automatic and doesnt give you enough input. At 10% it's not enough and it's too hard to controll. We need this in this game. BADLY.
Why do you have such a hard time listening to the people who are trying to help you? These people are very experienced with the game and its settings and knows how to fix what and how.
Just because you believe a setting should be a certain way doesnt mean it will actually work in the game engine. You say the game has bad physics and that the bike behave unpredictibly when you refuse to try the things that people are telling you to do. I also thought I had some "good ideas" when I started playing with settings but now having fiddled with the settings so many times and had people telling me what is good and what is not good I have finally reached a setting that makes pretty much every crash my own fault, or something that I could have prevented in one way or another.

I dont know why you keep making these threads if you ignore all the people who are trying to help you. If you refuse to change your settings to what these people are suggesting then you will get nowhere with your problem. JLV aint gonna change up the game physics just for you because for everyone else it works good.
Sure its a really hard game but riding motocross is hard. If you could just WFO as much as you wanted in real life without the risk of hurting yourself you would probably crash just as much as you do in this game.

Listen to the people with more knowledge than yourself, give it a week or two to get used to the settings and then see where you are at.
And Ive been riding motocross for 15+ years and my bike has never magically just leaned back on its own after a turn with the gyro effect.
And if you put a dummy on a bike and let him go with some throttle on he still will fall over, he wont just keep going because of "gyro effect"
The bike stands up after a turn yes, but thats because of gravity and the force of weight pushing your outwards, not solely because of gyro.

With your explanation the new Alta Motors electric motocross bike would be impossible to handle since it has no gyro effect other than the wheel but from what I´ve heard it handles very well.
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Re: Phyiscs..... Ever Heard of Them?

Post by DJ99X »


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Re: Phyiscs..... Ever Heard of Them?

Post by RSmithDRIFT »

Rayvenator wrote:
Why do you have such a hard time listening to the people who are trying to help you? These people are very experienced with the game and its settings and knows how to fix what and how.
Just because you believe a setting should be a certain way doesnt mean it will actually work in the game engine. You say the game has bad physics and that the bike behave unpredictibly when you refuse to try the things that people are telling you to do. I also thought I had some "good ideas" when I started playing with settings but now having fiddled with the settings so many times and had people telling me what is good and what is not good I have finally reached a setting that makes pretty much every crash my own fault, or something that I could have prevented in one way or another.

I dont know why you keep making these threads if you ignore all the people who are trying to help you. If you refuse to change your settings to what these people are suggesting then you will get nowhere with your problem. JLV aint gonna change up the game physics just for you because for everyone else it works good.
Sure its a really hard game but riding motocross is hard. If you could just WFO as much as you wanted in real life without the risk of hurting yourself you would probably crash just as much as you do in this game.

Listen to the people with more knowledge than yourself, give it a week or two to get used to the settings and then see where you are at.
And Ive been riding motocross for 15+ years and my bike has never magically just leaned back on its own after a turn with the gyro effect.
And if you put a dummy on a bike and let him go with some throttle on he still will fall over, he wont just keep going because of "gyro effect"
The bike stands up after a turn yes, but thats because of gravity and the force of weight pushing your outwards, not solely because of gyro.

With your explanation the new Alta Motors electric motocross bike would be impossible to handle since it has no gyro effect other than the wheel but from what I´ve heard it handles very well.
Because it's not my advance stability that's at fault me I've tried every possible set of variables in that. It affects cornering alot. But it's the bike setup that affects jumping. Particularly rider spring and damper.

What I'm getting at with the riders inner ear gryo isnt that the bike will fix itself.. Obviously it wont. If you jump off and ghost ride it it'll continue it's path due to momentum inertia gyro caster all coming together, but eventually it's path can only be altered by an outside force and it is nearly impossible to have it going perfectly straight to where it'll balance itself and even if it was even the sligtest bump will throw it off slightly enough that it'll eventually fall. But that's not my point. My point is, as a rider you NATURALLY level the bike. You NATURALLY pull it up out of turns. You NATURALLY balance the bike in the air and absorb big impacts in a way that'll keep the bike from crashing as best as you can. This is because YOU HAVE A GYRO IN YOUR HEAD!. This is how you can do the impossible feat of walking. Imagine if I made a walking simulator but didnt give you an inner ear gyro in your in game, lets call him an avatar's ear. You know how impossible it would be to do. but I bet you do it every day without thinking about it dont you? That's what this game's problem boils down to. God I cant get this through to you fuckers I swear. You NEED to listen to me. Stop shoving 5 monkeys down my throat. Do you know what 5 monkeys refers to? Just because this is the way you were taught and it's always been done, you cant accept that it's not the right way to do things. You CAN NOT do things in a game with a controller that you could in real life. You simply dont have the input and subconcious feel based controls as you would in real life. You are not controlling your body with a controller. If you tried, you'd fail at it. It'd take you years to get to where you might be able to do it a little bit. You need your gyro's assistance. You need your training in your actual muscle memory to kick in and help you.

THAT is what I mean. My settings are not my problem trust me. It's a combination of the tracks being unrealistic and insane to try and ride and having to learn to ride a bike without my inner ear fluid which automatically balances me in real life. You ever been sick and feel woozy and couldnt walk straight? That's because of your inner ear being thrown off from the fever. Ever gotten off a ride that spins like hell and been all off balance afterward? that's because of your inner ear having adjusted to the ride you were on. Dont even TRY to tell me that I'm wrong about this. LOOK IT THE FUCK UP!

Anyone who is able to ride realistically in this game has literally taught themselves a super human trick and I bow down to them because that is insanely talented. But it's in no way shape or form realistic. I'm sorry it's just not.

I know my problems when riding in sim mode on this game come not from my setup, but because I'm just not able to do the daunting task of having full controll of another persons body on a dirt bike with no input whatsoever from his evolutionarily designed built in interanal balance mechanism that is the inner ear. I can almost replicate the cornering affects of it with use of 100% leveling and no lean limits. But I cant replicate it over the jumps at all. Meaning I end up making mistake after mistake afer mistake and it frustrates me to death because the mistakes I'm making wouldnt have happened if my rider had an inner ear gyro helping me balance to the point that I am wanting him to with the stick.

It's the difference of the stick being direct 100% control of the riders movements and it being a cognitive thought of how his balance needs to be adjusted from center. Like for example. When I hit a jump I naturally lean forward/back some based on the shape of the jump and the way the bike is reacting without even thinking about it in real life because thatis what's required to keep the balance centered. With 100% control i would have to use the stick to replicate this. It's a near impossible task thatwould require you to be god to know how to do cognitively. With inner ear gyro it would require no stick movement as keeping the stick centered is telling the rider to keep his balance centered. If I want to raise the front more than normal, or something threw the bike forward unexpectedly and I needed to correct it, then I would need to cognitively pull up on the handlebars and lean back to do so. These are the times I would use the stick to adjust my center backwards as needed to correct the issue. If I am coming out of corner and need to now go straight but my bike is still leaned over and turning I will automatically (because i"m looking straight ahead) pull the bike back to upright without thinking. At 20-30% leveling and no inner ear gyro you have to use the stick to do so. At 100% leveling the bike returns upright as though I had an inner ear affect doing so. However the bike doesnt stay upright at 100% leveling as though I had a inner ear gyro. If I did the rider would lean left/right slightly as needed to keep the bike going perfectly straight without having to actually do anything cognitively. As it does in real life. But without it you are constantly cognitively moving the stick left and right to keep straight.

Are you starting to understand yet???
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Re: Phyiscs..... Ever Heard of Them?

Post by onefoureight » ... /

Here's one of shadows 1'1 Sx tracks.

Post here when you quit sim after playing this.
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Re: Phyiscs..... Ever Heard of Them?

Post by Rayvenator »


My point is, as a rider you NATURALLY level the bike. You NATURALLY pull it up out of turns. You NATURALLY balance the bike in the air and absorb big impacts in a way that'll keep the bike from crashing as best as you can. This is because YOU HAVE A GYRO IN YOUR HEAD!. This is how you can do the impossible feat of walking. Imagine if I made a walking simulator but didnt give you an inner ear gyro in your in game, lets call him an avatar's ear. You know how impossible it would be to do. but I bet you do it every day without thinking about it dont you?[/quote]

Then why are you still referring to this car simulator that´s so awesome? When you drive around on this simulator you have NO feeling on what forces pulls the car i what direction. Its the exact same thing.
Thing is, If you keep playing the game and practicing, you will NATURALLY pull the bike up with you analog stick! Car game or motocross game, its all about what you LEARN to do and all of these things that makes your ride the bike properly is things that you eventually do NATURALLY when playing. You dont have a Inner ear gyro but its a computer game, you will never have this.

What you want the game to do is to simulate this inner ear gyro FOR YOU so you dont have to compensate for it yourself. This is exactly the thing the every other motocross game does, MX vs ATV, MXGP etc and thats what differentiates those games from this. It doesnt hold you hand. You have to LEARN how to do all these things instead of the game helping you.

You really must be one of the most narrow-minded persons i´ve ever encountered. You are so certain that everyone else is wrong and you are right in every little detail.
When EVERYONE tells you that your advanced stability setup is what is causing your problems WHY is it so hard to listen to them?

IT IS your advanced stability that is the problem. You are trying to make the game do too many stuff for you and it just messes it up. You just have to PRACTICE.

This game is incredibly hard to learn. It has so many variables that you have to get into your muscle memory for you controller and so many techiques for different situations you have to learn your mind before you can be as good as the pro´s.

But because you just refuse to be helped in any way or take suggestions from people who has way more experience than you in this particular game I vote for this thread and every other topic about it created by you to be shut down.
There is no point trying to help you or convince you when you clearly have no intention of learning or taking advice.

In short - These threads and these discussions is getting nowhere.
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Re: Phyiscs..... Ever Heard of Them?

Post by Phathry25 »

The best part of his whole rant about gyros and how having a gyro would fix the game is that MX sim uses a gyro to balance the bike. Whoops.

Ray, car simulators have FFB wheels, so you do get input from the game, and if you would just listen to the guy here instead of being a dumbass you would know that he specializes and FFB and physics. Dumbass. :roll:
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Re: Phyiscs..... Ever Heard of Them?

Post by Rayvenator »

Phathry25 wrote:The best part of his whole rant about gyros and how having a gyro would fix the game is that MX sim uses a gyro to balance the bike. Whoops.

Ray, car simulators have FFB wheels, so you do get input from the game, and if you would just listen to the guy here instead of being a dumbass you would know that he specializes and FFB and physics. Dumbass. :roll:
Im very aware that car simulators have FFB wheels, but thats not what the discussion was about at all, it was about inner ear gyro and real life forces affecting your riding. If you would read the thread more carefully instead of calling people dumbasses you might understand.
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Re: Phyiscs..... Ever Heard of Them?

Post by TeamHavocRacing »

It sounds to me like this guy's ego couldn't POSSIBLY accept that there might be controller drift or that he thinks other people's experience and tinkering with all of these settings are useless. His setting seem ludicrous, even to a perpetual noob like me. Trying to bend the game to his inability and impatience level. Keep practicing.
jlv wrote:If it weren't for Havoc I'd have been arguing with the 12 year olds by myself.
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Re: Phyiscs..... Ever Heard of Them?

Post by bob117 »

RSmithDRIFT wrote:
onefoureight wrote:
RSmithDRIFT wrote:And yall keep asking about my stability setup, so I know it'll just arouse more questions but I dont care. After much trial and error I've discovered this to be the best (yes I've tried several different pro setups directly and this works 10x better for me) like I said, with this setup it handles turns beautifully and I actually have no problems on nationals tracks. But I cant get down a supercross straight to save my life.

leveling=100.000000 < HOLY FUCKIN BALLS.
roll_damping=50.000000 < this is ok.
roll_limit_angle=0.000000 <Are you retarded?
roll_limit_factor=0.000000 <!?!?!?!?!?
steering_damping=50.000000 <Y SO HIGH?
steering_strength=95.000000 <ok
max_steering_force=750.000000 <slow but whatever.
direct_steering=1.000000 <Good work, you got something that works well.
slow_damping_speed=40.000000< Bit low but manageable
slow_damping_factor=1.500000 <Again, a bit low.
land_damping_falloff=0.062500 <Too low
land_damping_factor=2.000000 <Bit high
full_lock_speed=1.000000< CHRIST.
restricted_lock_speed=40.000000 <Meh.
restricted_lock=5.000000 <AYYYYYY ON THE MONEY.
Your advanced stability is your issue. 110%.
Well, I'll explain my advanced stability settings and why they are so bizzare to apparently all of you...

leveling=100.000000 <This is to make the bike so that when I am not steering I am going straight. This almost works out but it still wobbles a little bit.
roll_damping=50.000000 < This is where I feel most comfortable
roll_limit_angle=0.000000 <This is because at 100% leveling any limit angle will stop the bike from turning on a berm and this is no longer needed at 100% leveling anyways, you can actually balance a turn.
roll_limit_factor=0.000000 <Same as above... Must be 0 or you will not turn with 100% leveling
steering_damping=50.000000 <At 100% leveling this MUST equal your roll dampening as the two must happen at the same speed or you will get uncontrollable wobble
steering_strength=95.000000 <The higher the better when using 100% leveling, but at 100% he glitches and will crash on every jump for some reason and also will over turn the bars and wash out. Anything below 100% is glitch free and the lower you go the less he turns.
max_steering_force=750.000000 <I feel he gets out of control and swaps too easily above this value
direct_steering=1.000000 <Obvious
slow_damping_speed=40.000000< Where I feel comfortable
slow_damping_factor=1.500000 <Any higher and he gets that "wobble"
land_damping_falloff=0.062500 <IDK honestly
land_damping_factor=2.000000 <Seems to help some???
full_lock_speed=1.000000< This is the way it should work. Your slow dampening starts at 0 and falls off untill the set value... So the steering should match it
restricted_lock_speed=40.000000 <Again should match slow damping value
restricted_lock=5.000000 <Lowered this till I prevented swapping

And I love riding. I grew up BMX racing. I was professionally trained as a kid by Profile. I know how a bike should ride and with the above setup I feel that it turns the way it should. He just does crazy shit on the rythm sections. Like, if your trained to ride, you would never let a bike do the shit it does in this game. Your body will AUTOMATICALLY WITHOUT THINKING absorb the bad movements and enhance the good movements of the bike. This game rides like you got a dead body and no feel for the terrain. Like an untrained "stiff". Like growing up my whole life focus was on how your body moves on the bike to make you faster and smoother. I learned to pump race and run fast laps without pedaling. You dont just act like a spring/damper, you ride the damn bike. This game fails at that horribly and expects you to "learn how to deal with it" not a bad skill to have honestly, but not what you want, or in any way shape or form realistic. I was trained to ride the terrain, not react to it like a dead weight. And it's not something you think about doing either, IE it's not something you would put into joystick movement in the game. It's subconcious and it's the "inner ear gyro" effect I keep refering to that's missing from this game. He seems to have that in arcade mode. Why cant I have it in sim mode? Like honestly it needs to be a value I can adjust like any of theones above... Arcade mode obviously has a very limiting 90%+ rider gyro effect. RC drifters use gyro's like this to be able to control a RWD RC drift car. Typically an impossible task, butwith a gyro controlling the steering its a piece of cake. And the steering of the joystick feels realistic. At 90% it's too automatic and doesnt give you enough input. At 10% it's not enough and it's too hard to controll. We need this in this game. BADLY.
so you use setting that are no doubt going to cause problems, then blame the game for said problems? makes total sense.
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Re: Phyiscs..... Ever Heard of Them?

Post by fro100 »

I'll gladly take any advice from anyone that wants to give it!, to setup of any kind allowing me to be faster besides seat time. As for this gentleman and his thread I agree with some things and disagree with others, but jlv has done more right than wrong and as with everything! Gets better with time. If there is something really wrong address it to jlv and maybe he will put it in the next snap shot ( in suggestion box) it is a frustrating like anything else you want to be good or go pro at, anyway have fun and keep poppin wheelies
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Re: Phyiscs..... Ever Heard of Them?

Post by TeamHavocRacing »

Example: If you turn all of your suspension settings to the max and then complain that the suspension modeling totally sucks, then you've revealed the true flaw.
jlv wrote:If it weren't for Havoc I'd have been arguing with the 12 year olds by myself.
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Re: Phyiscs..... Ever Heard of Them?

Post by cdub85 »

RSmithDRIFT wrote:
Sounds like you might have a better time on Mx Bikes honestly. It uses "industry standard tire simulation" and all them physics doohickies you are wanting. Mx Simulator is more polished and more enjoyable to me, but the devs on Mx Bikes are really doing good work. The potential is staggering and the vision is starting to come through. MX Simulator is still the god tier whip simulator though.
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