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Re: MXS Bike Setup Application (v3.1 01-Aug-2010)

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 6:01 pm
by Servatis
it has to be in the installation folder.

after installing the MXS Setup app go to the folder you installed it at (for example C:\Program files\MXS Bike Setup Application 3.1, not the place you unpacked the rar file). The file is called SSCERuntime-ENU.

if you are 100% sure it isnt in there, try reinstalling.

Re: MXS Bike Setup Application (v3.1 01-Aug-2010)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:46 am
by JACKO258
thanks heaps, got it :)

Re: MXS Bike Setup Application (v3.1 01-Aug-2010)

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:17 pm
by Servatis
I have a dream... well not really, but I have a plan.

I said i wouldn't continue expanding on this application and I don't plan to do so. However, I have certain idea's floating in my head and several limitations with the MXS bike setup app are constantly making me think of a better way to handle things.

I have a big project to finish for school and I thought I could kill 2 birds with one stone.

I'll lay down my idea's here. and if you want to give feedback and new or better ideas you are welcome to share.

my biggest problem with the current application is that it's all just on big grid of data, 1 setups equals about 35 settings and all of them have to be set for each individual setup.
now it's pretty easy to create a new setup by clicking the grab from config file button but that leaves a second big problem. I myself don't often change much about my advanced stability settings, but when i do change them and i save a new setup all my other setups still have the old adv. stab settings. while I would like some if not all of them to have the new settings I just created.

second, not really a problem with the MXS bike setup app, but just a feature i have been thinking of adding for a long time is a bike skin and gear selector.
in the same style as the MXS bike setup app is now.

My plan is to create one big application with multiple functions allowing you to edit just about everything from gear and bike skins to adv. stab and suspension/gear settings. all divided up into "modules".

now there are 2 possibilities floating in my head at this point:

1 application with:
A bike skin/gear section where you can select and save a gear setup that can then easily be changed.
A adv. stability section where adv. stab settings can be saved.
and a suspension/gearing section where suspension settings can be saved.
all 3 of these will be saved separate from each other in the same manner as is done right now in the bike setup app.
the major thing being that you can link a certain adv. stability setting (not required) to a suspension setting(since suspension is the thing that changes the most.).
adding an adv. stab setting to your suspension setup would make changing your adv stability settings much easier.
For example. you have a adv. stab setting called "SX".
and you link it to 3 suspension setups you create called "houston 2010", "anaheim 1 2010" and "toronto 2010".
now when you change a setting in the adv. stab setting "SX", because it is linked to the 3 suspensions mentioned above they will automatically refer to the newly updated adv. stab settings. You can then have for example 2 adv. stab settings like "SX" and "MX". and a whole lot of suspension settings reffering to either "MX" or "SX" and when there is a change in either of the adv, stab settings you only have to change it once.

basically the same as idea 1 with a small change.
The ability to create packages.
no longer link adv. stab settings to the suspension settings.
create a package in the "package manager", here adding a suspension setup and a adv. stab setting to the package, and optionally a skin/gear setup.
that way it would be possible to link a certain bike to a certain setup. again changing a setup in any of the three "components" (not entirely sure what to call them yet) adv. stab setting, suspension/gearing setting and skin/gear would change it for any package containing that setup.

Separating the components this way would create a much more flexible way of dealing with setups and different things. While also insuring that it is easy to incorporate any further expansions of the game into the application.

so those are my very early ideas on a larger project to make things easier in the MXS'ers lives :P. I still have to run these ideas by my teacher and see how well it fits into the parameters the school has set for the project I need to finish. So I have some time to come up with a good plan of attack (which i did not have for the bike setup app, hence the 101 updates haha.)

PS. there is almost 0% chance ("But wait there is no such thing as 0% chance", yes, yes, I know :P) that the bike skin/gear selection will have a render option to show you how it all looks in game since that would require me to be able to read saf files and know a whole lot about the game that jlv probably doesn't want me to know hahaha. The purpose of the saf files being to protect it's contents so that only MXS can use the files.

Please don't TL;DR me, and throw you opinions at me, good or bad :)

Re: MXS Bike Setup Application (v3.1 01-Aug-2010)

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:24 pm
by yzmxer608
What does TL;DR mean?

It sounds really good, I kinda like the first option better since I don't change skins that often. But being able to link suspension settings to different advanced settings would be cool.

Re: MXS Bike Setup Application (v3.1 01-Aug-2010)

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:43 pm
by Servatis
it means too long didn't read. since its such a long post :D

yeah i'm leaning more to the first option myself.

I could always give the option to directly link a bike/gear setup to a suspension setup (also optional) just like the adv. stab setup. but keeping the 2 separate would not pose a problem since the 2 are hardly ever related to each other.

one thing going through my head now is how far do i go with separating settings.
I could for example seperate things more like this:
adv. stability.

and then being able to link both a rider setup and an adv. stab setup to a suspension/gear setup. since I myself don't change much of the rider settings and i treat them more like adv. stability settings anyway, so seperating them from the suspension/gearing wouldn't be such a bad idea.

also should i add a seperate menu where things like name, number, stop wheelies etc can be changed? not saved as a setup, just directly changed. so litteraly all of those relevant settings can be changed in the app?

Re: MXS Bike Setup Application (v3.1 01-Aug-2010)

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:59 pm
by yzmxer608
That sounds good.

Re: MXS Bike Setup Application (v3.1 01-Aug-2010)

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:06 am
by Servatis
ok, so it turns out i'm not entirely free in choosing my own project.. they turned everything around and there are now pretty strict guidelines.
this project does not fit in those..

I still fully intend on making this app, but it might take a while longer. Since I'm working on another project, which should be fun cause it involves robots and hardware programming hehe... my skynet designes are complete already :twisted:

Re: MXS Bike Setup Application (v3.1 01-Aug-2010)

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:23 am
by Mx-Josh #88
I have a problem, it says is this programme installed correctly and things :S

Re: MXS Bike Setup Application (v3.1 01-Aug-2010)

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:52 am
by Servatis
Mx-Josh #88 wrote:I have a problem, it says is this programme installed correctly and things :S
that shouldn't prevent you from running the program :) it's just a thing in windows vista/7 that tends to whine about something but i can't really find anything to get rid of it. not going to get rid of it either since i'm working on something totally new(and awesome :shock: ).

if the program wont run it is probably because you need to install the Microsoft SQL Server Compact. it's in the installation folder after installation.. just follow the instructions on the first post of this topic.

hope that helped..

Re: MXS Bike Setup Application (v3.1 01-Aug-2010)

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 4:13 am
by dms
I can't get the app to work. I downloaded it, ran the installer, it wouldn't open after that so I did what you said in the 1st post. I opened SCSEruntime-enu then I placed the extracted files in mydocuments. The app still wont open. It just says mxs bike setup ap has stopped working.

Re: MXS Bike Setup Application (v3.1 01-Aug-2010)

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 4:17 am
by dms
Oh nvm I got it now. I feel stupid haha

Re: MXS Bike Setup Application (v3.1 01-Aug-2010)

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:33 pm
by Servatis
yeah, i get that the current system is a bit confusing.

this is mosty because of the fact that I kept on adding things and improving on things trying different solutions thinking I had the best one every time haha.

I am currently working on testing a ****load of database solutions and I have learned a lot this weekend (I thought I knew quite a bit, turns out i didn't :P). found what i think is the best solution that does not require the user to install any other programs.

I'm designing a new application fro the ground up, and i'll continue doing research etc. it'll take a while for the new application to come out because it is a major step forward on the current app.
So until then this app will have to do :).

will probably post some progress updates here when the project takes off a little more :) currently still in planning and design phase.

Re: MXS Bike Setup Application (v3.1 01-Aug-2010)

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 1:40 pm
by jamie408
hi just trying to do this wot the hell is SSCEruntime-ENU.exe??? ive got vista running 64bit. and ive downlaoded both sp2. like is says the bike set up crashes and want to no how to get it working thanks

Re: MXS Bike Setup Application (v3.1 01-Aug-2010)

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 2:37 pm
by Servatis
Servatis wrote:Unpack "SSCEruntime-ENU.exe" to any location, then open that location and if you are using 32bit operating system install the x86 version, if you are using 64 bit you will need to install both x86 and x64.
it's a small piece of software (Microsoft SQL Server Compact )that allows the bike setup application to access and use the database.

Re: MXS Bike Setup Application (v3.1 01-Aug-2010)

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:56 am
by hondaracer756
i would download this badass peice of equitment but microsoft doesent go well with my caveman computer it's from the dawn age lmao it's still got one of those weird shaped moniters and a huge ass box HAHA :D