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air control

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 4:32 pm
by MrDiggle
So i've got myself the demo of the game, hooked my controller up and started playing. watched some videos explaining the diffrent settings and what they'd do, but i cant find how to control my jumps. Every takeoff is me ending doing a frontflip not able to change anything.

Is there some toturial/tips how not to front flip every jump?


Re: air control

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 4:38 am
by Uollie
Just takes a lot of practice, man. give it a day or two of a fair amount of practice and you'll figure out the right amount of controller input to jump well.

It's literally all about teaching yourself all the muscle memory of the steps to do certain obstacles...You know the you just need to practice the steps enough so that you just do it, rather than think about it.

Re: air control

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 6:45 am
by JackGat369
Manual gearing helped me

Re: air control

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 11:30 am
by Wahlamt
Practice makes everything. Just get a feel for when to pull back in the face of the jump. Raising your "rider mass distribution" from 0.33 to at least 0.40 helped me a bit in the beginning. A lot of people seem to ride 0.48-0.50 today. Back in the day when the traction was more slippery, it used to be more negative to ride a higher mass distribution since you'd slide out, but on these new asphalt-like tracks, it doesn't matter really. But try 0.40 to start with and see if that helps at all. Also try to put shock rebound damping on 75-75, perhaps that might do something too.

Re: air control

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 3:41 pm
Throttle all the way up the jumps, do not shut off throttle on the lip.
otherwise dbl check your forward backward controls are binded correctly.

Re: air control

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 6:58 am
by NoJobSloB
Make sure your not in arcade mode, Ride it like you would in real life, lean back and gas it at the face of the jump, being in the right gear is key. You might try a 250 2 stroke, the front end seems to stay light and up, making less endos on jump landings. the extra power helps. Plus who doesn't love a 2 stroke?! :mrgreen: This is just what has helped me, idk anything setup or suspension wise. hope this helps you get ripping.