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Re: tileinfo info

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:12 am
by DJ99X
Its probably a good idea to put a tile of similar colour to your decals underneath, just incase there is a bit of a gap in your decals.

Re: tileinfo info

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:42 am
by tyskorn
how do i get the water clear instead of the green it origanally is

Re: tileinfo info

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:47 am
by jlv
DJ wrote:
Garasaki wrote:So how does the existing "texturelist" file play into all of this?

Is it totally obsolete or does the texturelist file tie the tileinfo file into the game...?
Yes, texturefile is obsolete
It is obsolete, but you might want to put one in for people who haven't upgraded.

Re: tileinfo info

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 3:59 am
by iceman967
Hey guys, I am having a slight problem with adding this to my track. I am using JLV's dirt settings from the test track for starters... I made a loam.ppm texture, added it to the texturelist file and when I go into the game its like I am on slick slick ice. You cant move anywhere, just slide around. Any suggestions please...

Thanks a ton guys!

Re: tileinfo info

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 4:01 am
by DJ99X
texturelist file or tileinfo file?

Re: tileinfo info

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:07 am
by iceman967
I added the loam.ppm to the texturelist and into the tileinfo list... I had JLV's files open to kind of help guide me along. When I go to change the texture in game, its all white and like slick ice. I set up my texturelist like:
(#'s) dirt.ppm
(#'s) grass.ppm
(#'s) loam.ppm

And in the tileinfo where the dirt.ppm was I added loam into it. DJ, if you would like for me to send you my track folder I'd be glad to. Any little help will be awsome!

Thanks for your consideration and help!


Re: tileinfo info

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:13 am
by DJ99X
1)Don't bother touching texturelist if you are using tileinfo
2)If loam.ppm is in your track folder, it should be @trackname/loam.ppm

Here is what I used for our track

Code: Select all

friction 0.8 0.0
friction 0.9 1.0
friction 1.0 5
friction 1.2 20
roll_resist 10 20 0
roll_resist 20 50 20
texture @dirt.ppm
roost texture=@cypresshollows/roostontrack2.png count=5 dig=1.0 slip_threshold=3.0 slow_speed=5.0 fast_speed=64.0 slow_angle=0.0 fast_angle=0.1 size=1.0 grow=6.0 drag=5 vscale=1.0 randomize=15.0 r=53 g=36 b=26 a=200 fade_r=0 fade_g=0 fade_b=0 fade_a=-256
roost texture=@cypresshollows/roostontrack2.png count=5 dig=1.0 slip_threshold=3.0 slow_speed=5.0 fast_speed=64.0 slow_angle=0.0 fast_angle=0.1 size=1.0 grow=6.0 drag=5 vscale=1.0 randomize=15.0 r=69 g=47 b=34 a=200 fade_r=0 fade_g=0 fade_b=0 fade_a=-256
roost texture=@cypresshollows/roostontrack.png count=5 dig=1.0 slip_threshold=6.0 slow_speed=5.0 fast_speed=64.0 slow_angle=0.0 fast_angle=0.1 size=1 grow=4  drag=0.5 vscale=1.0 randomize=15.0 r=22 g=15 b=11 a=200 fade_r=0 fade_g=0 fade_b=0 fade_a=-256
roost texture=@cypresshollows/roostontrack.png count=3 dig=1.0 slip_threshold=6.0 slow_speed=5.0 fast_speed=64.0 slow_angle=0.0 fast_angle=0.1 size=1 grow=2  drag=0.5 vscale=1.0 randomize=15.0 r=22 g=15 b=11 a=200 fade_r=0 fade_g=0 fade_b=0 fade_a=-256

Re: tileinfo info

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:16 am
by iceman967
sorry, ya i have it as amx/loam.ppm... Ill try what you have, just touch the tile info and go from there. Thanks for your help man!

Re: tileinfo info

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 2:52 am
by dms
how do i make mud less slippery ? lower friction or what ?

Re: tileinfo info

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 2:55 am
by DJ99X
Yes, because lower friction makes things more grippy, lol

Either increase the friction to something closer to 1, or lower the slip rate, so the friction increases faster

Re: tileinfo info

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 4:12 pm
by yzmxer608
Bump, this should be added to the track files explained topic, or stickied for newer people to find.

Re: tileinfo info

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 7:49 pm
by Shadow
Is there a way to increase the particle's lifetime to several seconds? I'd want it to be floating around and growing from 5 to 10 seconds so a really dry and dusty sand track could be simulated. I've got the particle to grow pretty good but the game just kills the particles after a second or so.

Re: tileinfo info

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:30 pm
by yzmxer608
Have you tried playing with the drag at all?

Re: tileinfo info

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:54 pm
by Shadow
yupp. I've got drag set to something like 55.5 still doesn't work

Re: tileinfo info

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 10:06 pm
by Shadow
Here's the roost particle info, can anyone spot what could change the lifetime to several seconds? With those settings the particle starts to form and grow like a dust cloud but it just disappears after a second.

count=10 dig=1.2 slip_threshold=5.5 slow_speed=0.0 fast_speed=64.0 slow_angle=1.57 fast_angle=0.196 size=0.25 grow=12.0 drag=50.5 vscale=3.0 randomize=35.0 r=255 g=255 b=255 a=255 fade_r=0 fade_g=0 fade_b=0 fade_a=0