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Re: Upcoming Models #2

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:33 pm
by hvpunk62
and you think we dont.?. goodbye

Re: Upcoming Models #2

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:44 pm
by Sweendoggy
1)Why not make a NEW model? If you would rather make something already made, then fine, but don't expect everyone to be excited about it either...At least make a kxf450 or something...

2)Based on your "track record" you have not released many items in the past, but have started a ton of them...I am the same way, I have like 5 started tracks, a few started models, and a ton of half done skins...Has anyone really seen much of them? No, because I am not commited to releasing them...Prove us wrong rather than get mad, because we are just going off of history, which often repeats itself

3)I have a hunch that MOST people that post in this thread or any "upcoming" thread do so because they want people to think they are great, and get all excited and praise them for making this and that, rather than for the feedback, etc...I say that because most people FLIP OUT about the feedback...Take from the feedback what will help you, and simply ignore what you don't agree with and be done, no need to get into a pissing match over it! What is the point of posting a picture of a shroud...or a single piece of a model...most of the good models have been nearly finished by the time pictures are posted...Do you need to have everyone's approval of every part? Most likely people are just trying to "show off"

All that being said, I don't care what people post here, I'm just saying don't get all butt hurt when people don't care about it OR give you feedback (even if you don't want to hear negative feedback)

Re: Upcoming Models #2

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 6:45 am
by Duckstream
i have to agree with hv, goodbye.
If you cant take it then dont, why did you even post that here if you cant handle "shit" by some nerds from the internez.

Re: Upcoming Models #2

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 3:43 pm
by Atown_Ottowa
haha everyone from sweden makes me lol

Re: Upcoming Models #2

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 5:37 pm
by RaNDoM HeRO
specially this guy