voting system online

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voting system online

Post by Servatis »

I think a simple voting system on servers would make the online aspect of this game much more enjoyable.
i'll give some suggestions.

voting on next track in line:
for the people that play counterstrike, tf2 etc this is going to sound familiar.
at the end of a race the server picks 3 tracks at random from the track list. these tracks are posted in the console with a corresponding number.
then the people in the server can vote for their preferred track, example: server vote 1, server vote 2, server vote 3.
each rider can only vote once. after maybe a minute of voting the track with the most votes is going to be next in line.

voting to skip current track:
any rider on the server can start a skip track vote. for example: server vote skip.
other riders can then also vote for skipping by also typing "server vote skip".
again only 1 vote per rider.

admins could disable these options if for example there is a championship race (also disable restart)

I think this (especially the first suggestion) will increase the fun in online racing since then not many people are going to leave when a track comes up that 3/4 of the current riders don't like.
and the fact that only 3 tracks are up for voting also means there will still be diversity in the tracks that are being ridden on the server.
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Re: voting system online

Post by Postma »

Servatis wrote:I think a simple voting system on servers would make the online aspect of this game much more enjoyable.
i'll give some suggestions.

voting on next track in line:
for the people that play counterstrike, tf2 etc this is going to sound familiar.
at the end of a race the server picks 3 tracks at random from the track list. these tracks are posted in the console with a corresponding number.
then the people in the server can vote for their preferred track, example: server vote 1, server vote 2, server vote 3.
each rider can only vote once. after maybe a minute of voting the track with the most votes is going to be next in line.

voting to skip current track:
any rider on the server can start a skip track vote. for example: server vote skip.
other riders can then also vote for skipping by also typing "server vote skip".
again only 1 vote per rider.

admins could disable these options if for example there is a championship race (also disable restart)

I think this (especially the first suggestion) will increase the fun in online racing since then not many people are going to leave when a track comes up that 3/4 of the current riders don't like.
and the fact that only 3 tracks are up for voting also means there will still be diversity in the tracks that are being ridden on the server.
Andrew Postma
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Re: voting system online

Post by gomoto846 »

+2 for sure
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Re: voting system online

Post by nickallen199 »

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Re: voting system online

Post by totorox »

"Vote skip" is just setting next track then ask restart. It's a useless ask.
If players could set next track, you don't need to skip, just vote for restart.
So the purpose is to allow player to set next track.
As track marshall i can use /server, settrack ## and /server, nexttrack commands.
Maybe allowing user to use them, and use result as a vote may be doable. But it should be more than a 50/50 choice. Each time players ask to set a track, another players want another one, it's a problem for me...

Personnally, i would be abble to vote to remove next race from stats, or inverse, training by default and vote for race. Each new track, no hardcore gamers need to train on new path, take marks, like real events. The current gameplay need to be safe for each new race session, don't allow to 'play' and doing some test (risks). I don't like the 'all for competition' spirit MXS. Players will prefer train on private server or offline, but more we are and more fun is the race. (need to talk about lapper problem).
The actual solution is using /server, spec (spectator), but you're a ghost, it's not like a training time in real life. Doing some chrono-laps, without risk of loosing race because of crashes...
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