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Re: Please move the dabb Notification to bottom center of screen.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 3:05 am
by checkerz
SKlein wrote:
checkerz wrote:
jlv wrote:I assume you're trying to say "don't add any other features until erode is perfect". If I do that it's not likely that I'll ever do anything besides endlessly adding fruitless erode updates. I've been promising Wheels a working scoring tower for years now!
Not looking for endless erode updates, but a lighting update to see erode and also drastically improve the visuals of the game for all creators that are currently active as well as the players racing actively I would think would be a massive priority.
If we could also look to fix the jagged nature of erode in its current form that would be pipe dream. I don't think there's much else Chris could try at this point to resolve that issue in my opinion.
With better visibility, I can slow it down which will help this.

I plan to slow it down anyways, but it's a trade off. More lines and more jagged versus less lines and less jagged.

Re: Please move the dabb Notification to bottom center of screen.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 3:23 am
by SKlein
checkerz wrote:With better visibility, I can slow it down which will help this.

I plan to slow it down anyways, but it's a trade off. More lines and more jagged versus less lines and less jagged.
Yeah I figured as much, and I think the issue is amplified on a 250 which is why I've always had such an issue with it. SX wasn't too bad Seattle excluded, but MX I would argue had a lot of negative recurring themes because of it.

Re: Please move the dabb Notification to bottom center of screen.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 3:47 am
by jlv
checkerz wrote:
jlv wrote:I assume you're trying to say "don't add any other features until erode is perfect". If I do that it's not likely that I'll ever do anything besides endlessly adding fruitless erode updates. I've been promising Wheels a working scoring tower for years now!
Unfortunately Wheels won't be around to use or see it as he's moved on.
I know he's not around at the same level but he did ask about it a couple of weeks ago. Anyway, it's not just for Wheels. Scripting is a feature that's long overdue.
checkerz wrote:Not looking for endless erode updates, but a lighting update to see erode and also drastically improve the visuals of the game for all creators that are currently active as well as the players racing actively I would think would be a massive priority.

Feeling left on an island without a boat and I used my last phone call to a dude with a Yacht that is taking his homie on vacation instead of picking me up.
The thing is I'm not sure any shading update I make is going to do the magic required to make tiny displacements in the terrain visible. I could do self ambient occlusion in the terrain but it's likely that would only help for fairly deep ruts. If someone has a specific thing they think will help, especially if they have a test render that shows a difference, I'd be interested. But the truth is as it stands now I don't know a sure way to get the effect people are looking for.

Getting basic scripting in place is a concrete thing that I know I can get done. My plan is to get that out and tested and then bless it as 1.13. After that we can go back to erode stuff.

Re: Please move the dabb Notification to bottom center of screen.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 3:34 pm
by Jay
If the bikes drew lines behind them, it doesn't even have to be an amazing tire tread but merely a faint shade so you can at least see where others have gone until the erode is deep enough to shade itself


Re: Please move the dabb Notification to bottom center of screen.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 6:05 pm
by LKR47
I'm not familiar with mxs erode settings. Is there a max depth? In MCTD we have a max depth per texture type (mud, sand etc) and overlay a color of our designation to that position on the UV in the terrain shader based on the normalization of the current depth. It's just a normal grayscale texture the size of the terrain; black is no color overlay and full white is max color overlay. It's pretty fake, but it could look good with some testing. Not sure if that would be something that you would maybe want to consider or if it would even work with the current lighting.
Ours is extremely rudimentary, but here is an example.

Re: Please move the dabb Notification to bottom center of screen.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 1:21 am
by jlv
Could definitely make erode drop a decal. That sounds better to me than new lighting since I'm not certain new lighting will help much. At least with the decal you could just make it super dark if people are still having trouble seeing it.

Re: Please move the dabb Notification to bottom center of screen.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 1:31 am
by Jeremy150
jlv wrote:Could definitely make erode drop a decal. That sounds better to me than new lighting since I'm not certain new lighting will help much. At least with the decal you could just make it super dark if people are still having trouble seeing it.
If that's possible it should definitely help with visibility. I also really like the idea of the dirt darkening depending on the depth of the erode, but that sounds like a lot more code, than simply painting a line behind us/erode dropping a decal.

However, I just started testing the multiple point lighting theory, this is what I have come up with so far.

The idea is to have your main light in the direction that will make most of the track have good visibility. Then I added a second light at around a 45 degree angle. It greatly improves the visibility in the corner where you cant see the erode. The biggest thing is to be able to control how much light the second lamp/sun/light will put out. I had the second light on 10% power of what the main light is, and it improved that corner that much.

In the sections that had good visibility, it did not negatively impact how they looked, if anything it highlighted the small chatter a tiny bit better.

(single light)
(multi point lighting)

Re: Please move the dabb Notification to bottom center of screen.

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 2:06 am
by jlv
Thanks for doing those test renders. Interesting! Maybe extra lights would help more than I thought.

Re: Please move the dabb Notification to bottom center of screen.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 6:45 am
by crimsom
If you want to fix the erode you do a simple command saying that if the vertex (y = height) difference is within a tolerance of a designated rounding number treat the erode as if it doesn't exist or is an averaged plane, that will fix the stupid little death bumps that kill people all the time causing mass rage. That way you can still have erode look complex yet not rape people who can't see it because of monitor or texture resolution issues.

Re: Please move the dabb Notification to bottom center of screen.

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 2:22 am
by jlv
crimsom wrote:If you want to fix the erode you do a simple command saying that if the vertex (y = height) difference is within a tolerance of a designated rounding number treat the erode as if it doesn't exist or is an averaged plane, that will fix the stupid little death bumps that kill people all the time causing mass rage. That way you can still have erode look complex yet not rape people who can't see it because of monitor or texture resolution issues.
A bigger radius will be more averaged. You lose detail though. It's all trade-offs. Modeling this stuff isn't easy!

Re: Please move the dabb Notification to bottom center of screen.

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 9:12 am
by crimsom
Not a bigger radius just a curve of tolerance so the erode stays the same now but the collision map functions differently and doesn't track it as a physical bump untill it passes a certain tolerance.

Re: Please move the dabb Notification to bottom center of screen.

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 1:57 am
by jlv
crimsom wrote:Not a bigger radius just a curve of tolerance so the erode stays the same now but the collision map functions differently and doesn't track it as a physical bump untill it passes a certain tolerance.
That'd be even worse. You could have a little berm form visually but not physically and anyone who tries to use it would fall on their face.

Re: Please move the dabb Notification to bottom center of screen.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 11:33 pm
by crimsom
I suppose that would depend on tolerances?

Can you do anything about kicking or banning griefers from the Elsinore sever out of my 3 hour stream I had two or 3 people grief crash me for at least 2 and a half hours straight?

Re: Please move the dabb Notification to bottom center of screen.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 2:01 am
by jlv
It does ghost out riders who aren't progressing around the track. Hard to do more than that since it's not feasible to make an algorithm that judges intent.