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ingame help command

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 6:01 pm
by totorox
- ingame help command :
"/help" to list all available commands and shortcut commands ... Quick explanation.
"server,help" to list all server commands and syntax. Quick explanation.
"/help settingname" to get explanation for settings like servatis application without leaving game.

Re: (Toto's) suggestions topic ^^

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:56 pm
by totorox
totorox wrote:- A 'wisp to player' could be great too to get conversation without boring other players.
Just to say if anybody can show chat, adding a filter to be red only by wanted players could be easy no ? Using first word as filter for names containing words or part of word.
Command like /w arma Hello to talk to *arma* or /w MXS hello my team to talk to *mxs* team...

- Another needed thing is using slot number to designate players is not a handy thing, need better way to designate players in commands :
- - by bike number : should not allow doubles at connect.
- - by player names (using key words : see previous suggestion, game should alert if doubles found)
- - using a variable name (%t) for camera target in spy or spectator mode.

- I repeat here : Need a shown counter for black flagged actions.

- Using list commands : /server, listtracks or /server, listplayers i saw it's slow to generate list. Couldn't you use a pre-made list ? Easy for track at game launch, and maybe usefull for other things...