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Erode ''Level'' depending on how many riders in server

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 3:44 am
by WillSt24
I've noticed qualifying for RF NA that it is really hard to have a fast qualifying lap if there is less than 10 people in the server to form good ruts and such.

So i've came with the idea of having more erode when there is less riders, and less erode when there is more riders AUTOMATICALLY

Lots of riders - Less erode
Less riders - More erode

It would not only work better for qualifying, but the whole enjoyment of going into servers racing with people and friends.

Re: Erode ''Level'' depending on how many riders in server

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 3:47 am
by roganmx2003

Re: Erode ''Level'' depending on how many riders in server

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 4:11 am
by jmayo_2
I've always wondered if this was possible so +1

Re: Erode ''Level'' depending on how many riders in server

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 5:09 am
by D_ROY178
Emf tried something like this for outdoors last year I think? From memory they didn’t really get it dialed in tho, it’d take a while to figure out what base value works best, and what value to subtract per new rider that joins the server.

Re: Erode ''Level'' depending on how many riders in server

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 5:45 pm
by Hi Im Skyqe
Yes JLV has already addressed this and it has already been done previously on EMF.

Re: Erode ''Level'' depending on how many riders in server

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 6:08 pm
by WillSt24
Hi Im Skyqe wrote:Yes JLV has already addressed this and it has already been done previously on EMF.
How did that go? Considering Erode has gotten way better now and will keep to, do you guys at RF plan on using it? I have no clue how the setting works for Erode so im not aware of everything you might mention

Re: Erode ''Level'' depending on how many riders in server

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 6:36 pm
by Hi Im Skyqe
WillSt24 wrote:
Hi Im Skyqe wrote:Yes JLV has already addressed this and it has already been done previously on EMF.
How did that go? Considering Erode has gotten way better now and will keep to, do you guys at RF plan on using it? I have no clue how the setting works for Erode so im not aware of everything you might mention
It is something that we will be implementing, however with everything being new for 2019, there are still many features needing to be added.

It is better than having 5 people on a smooth track however the erode can form more choppy than the lower setting with a moderate amount of people.