General plan, dreams and nightmares...

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General plan, dreams and nightmares...

Post by totorox »

jlv wrote:The general plan....(from Automatic skin downloader. topic)
Some others weird requests : :oops:
1. Hi Josh, can I ask you if we can look at your general plan somewhere ? What can we hope for MXS tomorrow and later ? Because I already said that, for a lot of us, it's a dream becoming true... It's one of my recurring dreams and hope it will never end. But only you, have knowledge, from your position at this moment, to see what could be the MXS future. Let the utopia guid your acts and let us dream forever ^^

2. Open-source or team growing :
I already said how I'm frightened thinking for a day when MXS ending for any imaginary reasons, maybe economic crash, maybe death, war, or simply when you want to do another project ? (It's when I'm sleeping bad ;p).
Looking the suggestion forum, I think the job is too big, even for you. And if i totally agree you deserve the rewards for what you're doing, using a lot of open source community, OpenGL, EDO, POV, etc, contents, couldn't you think about opening some parts or your 'sole proprietary' job for the better interest, including yours, mxs users community (and for all the 'humanity' evolution if I may ). Can't you stay the project 'sole proprietary' while letting people helping partially ? Helping those who want to help to learn and let them trying to help, I'm thinking about some easier parts like, interface, editor, or what you can't make for any reason.

3. Economic way :
Just another point, when you said this is a 'niche' market, i'm not really agree with you because if Micro$oft made MotocrossMadness two times, etc, it was because there's a potential market, and M$ team was not a one men corporation... or maybe you plan to be billionaire too a day ? I saw myself when playing with buddies in LAN sessions MX games are very funny games for everybody, and i was the only one MX practicer. There's a real challenge in your game, and I thing you should not underestimate some aspect of the game, like, game-play, ergonomic, advanced simulation possibility, economic way... Maybe the challenge is a little harder for basic users and transition between arcade and simulation deserve a better transition keeping the challenge.
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