How do I transfer the game to a new PC?

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How do I transfer the game to a new PC?

Post by IanGroganFMX »

Hi, I need some help figuring this out. I just built a new pc and I want to get mxsim on it but I'm not sure what I need to do. I've searched through my email to the ends of the earth to find my order confirmation from where I initially purchased the game two years ago, but I can't find it. I don't have an external hard drive large enough to just copy the entire game to transfer it so what should I do?
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Re: How do I transfer the game to a new PC?

Post by Pumaxcs »

The only two things you will truly need. One being the "install.exe" (mxsimulator-1_#-install.exe) can be from any version as the "update.exe" (mxsimulator-1_#-update.exe) files are public are will get you to the current version so you can just use the snapshots again like normal. I have saved my installer in my Program Files but you'll have to see if you have saved it anywhere. Second, is your key which is found the in the Personal Folder as "regkey.txt" and you might want to get "config.txt" while you are there so you can keep your suspension and stability settings.
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jlv wrote: Thu Nov 05, 2020 1:09 am Pumaxcs would know better than I do.
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