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Anyone wanna be my teacher?

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 12:34 pm
by rezonen
Hi. My name is Marcus and im almost 17 years old from Sweden.

I bought the full game tonight and would need some help.

I played the demo for 1-2 weeks now but im not that good in full.

I do slow times and i crach alot. Nose dive and etc.

Wanna be my teacher? Write PM/In this thread/ My msn Or my skype rezonen



Re: Anyone wanna be my teacher?

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 9:30 am
by Jester#132
I'll be your teacher and say: PRACTICE SONNN!

Going over the bars tho is caused by you not leaning back at the face of the jump, sometimes I 'pull' on the bars before I take off from a jump in outdoors, slow times is common when you've only been playing for a little while, it took me I'd say at least a month to get the hang of it a LITTLE bit, I've been playing for almost a year now and I still crash quite alot, you'll just have to find a balance between speed / consistency that suits your skill in the game at this point..
But practice is the best teacher I'd say, and some tips that could help, but you'll learn all the little tricks as you go along I'm sure, goodluck. :D

Re: Anyone wanna be my teacher?

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 10:54 am
by rezonen
Okay ^^ I was "experimenting" in-game and foudn that my rider was sitting ALL of the time. So i made him stand upp all of the time instead and now its going better ^^ Still crash and so on but i dont nosedive and fly of the track when i go through whoops and such as before ^^

Of anyone else got some good setup or some tips please post a reply :)

Re: Anyone wanna be my teacher?

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 11:42 am
by rezonen
Here is a vid of me riding.

As you can see not so good BUT.... Im training ;)

Re: Anyone wanna be my teacher?

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 12:33 pm
by Jester#132
Oh yeah sitting down doesn't help alot.. :P
Only in corners sometimes, also I think supercross might not be the easiest to learn.. personally I learned to ride outdoors, on tracks like hurricane hills / lodge forest (starting with hurricane hills cause it's easier imo.)
Also try to be 'smooth' on the throttle, and try to go straight when you're about to take off from a jump, whipping and stuff all comes naturally later, for now just try to keep it on 2 wheels.. :)

Re: Anyone wanna be my teacher?

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 1:19 pm
by rezonen
Well the thing is, When i am riding and im going up on this "wall" in the turns, When i ride down from it it feels like i dont have enough time to get the bike straight xD So i fly out of the track instead :$