2017 EMF World MXSGP series

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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by HarryWhite71 »

maggett wrote:i love the GP's. yeah the tracks can be frustrating sometimes and annoying but the racing is usually fun once you slow down and dont try and do a hot lap every lap. hopefully you guys run the series next year and dont stop cause of some abuse from people who do not even know what effort goes into making the tracks. dont care if the track comes out the day before or not as long as we race lol

and the tracks look way better this year with the crowd and the stadium like thing from this weeks track
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series (Rd5 is up!)

Post by Wahlamt »

VUSTTOS wrote:
Wahlamt wrote:Actually no. Just likelast years sx (when we didn't make the tracks and rf released then later sometimes), qualifying opens at that time, but the servers open when the tracks are out ;)
Wahlamt wrote:It'll be released as soon as it's done. Don't you guys have SX to qualify for? ;)
When you give answers like those ones I wonder if you are talking seriously or if you are laughing at us. I guess I don't catch the Swedish humor...
We sure aren't laughing. The 2nd one was sort of a joke, however we release the tracks as soon as they're finished. What I wanted to stress with the first comment was that the SX season last year seemed to work good for everyone (99% of the time), yet we didn't specifically when the track would be out. Personally (my own personal opinion) is that if the track is out 24h in advance of the end of the qualifying, it's all good, everyone has a day to get their time in. However we wish that we'd be done sooner, but we're all up to stuff in real life. We try to do our best, I promise. Even though it doesn't at all times see like it at all times?
HarryWhite71 wrote:This is the last year of EMF Official Racing!? :(
We haven't really discussed it. But I can say that last year was close to be the last one. Seemingly a lot of people that chose to voice their opinions complains, while a minority says that the tracks are good. Even if it is a majority that gives us good comments, since we're humans, we're getting stuck on the negatives...

As for me, I don't do this for money. I want to make some kick ass tracks for the community to enjoy, just as Haggqvist and Rafagas did in 2013, I've always been inspired of them. As of now, I just feel like I want to make tracks that I like, not having to tie myself up for a whole season of stressing and trying to have a life outside of sim. This may be my final year of MXSGP, but not my final year of trackmaking. That still has a long time to go.
M@xTizZz wrote:dp but forgot one thing, expect a shitty track as usual
Clarification: The track will be a track that we hope and wish you like.
VUSTTOS wrote:2- I've message you guys to help you with the tracks and you replied me by saying there's no need of it assuming you have everything under control.
I do remember getting a PM from you, and I still appreciate the offer. Offered help is always appreciated.
VUSTTOS wrote:So seems like you don't wanna make this thing better. If we pay for something, we deserve more respect.
We do want to make things better, but we also have our own visions of how things will be handled. For example, we had some discussions about how to build the tracks. We came to a mutual decision that we won't make any base of the tracks super rough like the Teutschenthal section everyone hated, but try to get everything to a better flow. I know this comment doesn't go together with Pingland, but that track seemed like popular demand wanted to be rough, therefor Justin made it (just clarifying my statement that's opposing itself, sort of).

Just as a general comment: We all have our own visions of how things should be. Me personally would love rough, tiny rutted slick tracks that simulate a real life difficult GP where you'd have to be on your toes, a lot. Those track would probably been poorly received and hated on, as they'd only appeal to a few guys.
Aaron Hall wrote:Don't know if its just me but i have noticed that it is just the AMs who mainly complain about the track being out 'late' but that's still a problem when you have an extra day to quali :?
Interesting observation. Haven't thought too much about it myself, but it seems possible that this is the case.
Aaron Hall wrote:I agree with people saying 'we paid this year we have a right to say whats wrong with the tracks', is 100% true but tracks will never improve without say what exactly was the problem and how they could improve.
This to me is also a core problem. Everyone has every right to give their opinions on a track, good or bad. Even if people love one of my tracks, I don't only want the "SICK TRACK BRO" comment, I want to know what was good on it. Same goes with what wasn't, especially for the parts I was making. When you go into really and server and see the chat saying "Fuck this track", "Traction is aids", "Worst track ever" and those things, I have 0% more idea of how to improve the track. Yet with comments like that, I'm less motivated to know what I can do to improve it.

To everyone that has posted a comment explaining good and bad things without just being rude, big kudos. However if your first comment on a track is "Traction is bad, make it better", that person has set the bar of how much their later comments will weight in, for my own part at least. If you can't contribute and explain in what way the tracks can be improved, I won't spend too much time listening to what's being said. Just stressing that this isn't a comment towards anyone, just want everyone to give feedback on what they like and dislike on a track in a respectful manner, that's all I ask for.
Aaron Hall wrote:The traction might not be the best but i don't think i have ever seen someone who is complaining say maybe more friction or less and more traction maybe if some of you were to learn what each value meant in the traction file you may be able to give EMF some useful feedback other than 'traction's shit'
At least on a few tracks from last year, the traction was pretty close to rF traction (changes small enough where I don't think people would have noticed any difference in a side by side comparison) yet again we got bad things for the traction, where it seemed more enjoyed on the other side. This can partially be explained that we have different styles of making tracks. I've explained it to Justin once or twice at least how there is almost a "sweetspot" in traction where it just works. If you have a set of braking bumps: If you add too much traction, your bike will bounce around because it catches on everything it hits. If you have too little traction you'll instead slide out as the bumps will just make you slide. I've tried before going both over and under that sweetspot and it just makes the track a lot worse. Worse than having it either feel too grippy or too slippery (depending on who you ask).

Fun little sidenote I came to think about is that some people claim that they want to ride 1st because it's more of a simulator then, but you have to at the same time be able to enter a rut in 3rd gear wide open and rail it as well as grab a handfull out of a flat turn without loosing traction. While in the real world you'd gone over the rut and you'd highsided out of the turn (eventually slid out) because you can't just go super wide open on a hard packed track, perhaps in sand it'd be possible.
Aaron Hall wrote:People asking where the track is then it will not hurry EMF up because they are not going to release an unfinished track for you all to bitch more about. Now respect comes when you are respectful to someone else and they will respect you back but you won't get respect back if you moan, complain every week without useful feedback.
Mutual respect is always good as you say. I think all of us can work on it, even if it's good in some ways, you can always make it better.
VUSTTOS wrote:But if you still wonder why people ask for money back, ONE of the reasons may be because we raced in a 2016.5 version of the track so EMF had 1 year to basicly smooth a couple of braking bumps and add a couple objects
If we look in the 2017 nationals thread for rf, my (own) general sense was not that minor updates to a previously existing track was a problem, rather encouraged to have that over nothing. Also when people like the 2016 track a lot, why change too much of it?
Care to explain how you would go about building that corner to be less one lined?
This is my big question to everyone reading this. I'm personally struggling with this from time to time, I'd greatly appreciate and viable input in this area that may help me improve my tracks in making better line choices! :)
Big Smooth one3 wrote:
Aaron Hall wrote:Now respect comes when you are respectful to someone else
Most insightful thing I've ever heard you say...and couldn't agree more.
maggett wrote:i love the GP's. yeah the tracks can be frustrating sometimes and annoying but the racing is usually fun once you slow down and dont try and do a hot lap every lap.
This is my personal approach to making tracks, to not be able to rail everything, but actually having to slow down in order to place the bike where you want.
maggett wrote:Hopefully you guys run the series next year and dont stop cause of some abuse from people who do not even know what effort goes into making the tracks. dont care if the track comes out the day before or not as long as we race lol

and the tracks look way better this year with the crowd and the stadium like thing from this weeks track
Thanks :)
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by ROSE822 »

To be honest I think you Amatuers should just shut the fuck up and get on with it, tracks are fine your just bad at the game so you come on here crying.
Aaron Hall
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by Aaron Hall »

ROSE822 wrote:To be honest I think you Amatuers should just shut the fuck up and get on with it, tracks are fine your just bad at the game so you come on here crying.
avvvv itttt
maggett wrote:when JLV gives u a good dickslappin
ROSE822 wrote:braden carter die u inbred veggie cunt
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series (Rd5 is up!)

Post by YzJarne_196 »

Logeyboy wrote:2018 EMF Number Quest
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing
Update: Added Round 5 MXSGP - Added Round 14 Supercross
If you see any mistakes please tell me so I can fix.
I got 18 points not 17
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by chrischanning202 »

Couldn't help but voice my opinion after reading through the last few pages of the thread... Which was interesting...

We can all argue about who is right and who is wrong, who likes the track and who doesn't. But a lot of it is down to personal preference on track styles, and is also about patience and willingness to slow down at the technical parts of the track :lol:

I agree with parts of what everyone is saying; Alex, Justin, Aaron, Matt, Kris, Tizz .... everyone (you get it).

Slating the track on visuals is easy when comparing to rF, which you shouldn't do btw, because the amount of time and effort going into those tracks is unreal... EMF are doing what they can to create the on-track experience the best they can, which for some is falling short of their high expectations after playing the rF tracks.
Keep working on getting the best out of the playability of the tracks. Who cares if you can't get a good screenshot at the moment :D I'd rather the time going into the track itself.

The tracks this year have had their ups and downs, I think everyone, including the trackmakers, would agree?
Personally I think you guys are almost there with what everyone wants put of the tracks, but maybe 1 or 2 things are letting you down...
People want sticky traction, corners you can rail, and braking bumps that are easy (and by easier, most likely bigger and smoother would be better).
Basically they are looking for the traits that the rF tracks have, because that's what everyone has been used to before the GPs came back into play.
Yeah, maybe implementing some features of their tracks would make enjoyability better across the board, but people need to understand that the GP tracks are supposed to play differently, jist like they do irl. Adjust your style of riding to suit the track, don't just blame the track because that's the easy thing to do.

All the people asking for their money back and saying they won't race this 'shit' are protesting because of a few reasons. Some of which I understand, and agree with, some of which are due to faults of their own.
If you want rF tracks, race rF. if you want to help improve the GP tracks, help by being constructive rather than hissy fitting.
This works both ways though (EMF Crew), because from what I just read, some of your choices of how to speak out to the community are totally unprofessional. I understand that so much work goes in to be smacked back in the face by it, but at least offering to people a right to say what they think about the track is the least you can do. It's just a shame some don't give the most encouraging comments :roll:
I don't think anything Alex is saying is at all completely negative, and him trying to offer help is great. For him to get a response like that makes me wonder if you do actually want any help, or are just going to carry on receiving the constructive comments as plain negative comments (granted some are, but this one isn't).

I have to say props to Justin for sitting in with us in Ts and asking us what we think of the tracks and how to improve on it. He seems genuinely willing to give back to the paying community and at least offer an ear to listen to what we hve to say. It seems to me that Kris does this too so thanks guys for that, even if Justin seems to come across as an old grumpy man on the forums :lol: (sry justin lol)

Wow this is the most I've written since leaving school I think...

Still though thank you for all your work, this isn't a negative post, just my honest opinion. Keep it up, hope to see MXSGP continuing on after this year!
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by MxES_Pumu »

Okay, what the hell is this? You think we are dumb? We have done 6 rounds already and all of the uploads are late? Even after paying you expect us to understand the delay? Wake up! I understand we that we do not pay for the tracks but at least you should do things properly and on time, if not we should not pay. If things stay like this you will not make a buck next season.... :lol: :lol:
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by ROSE822 »

MxES_Pumu wrote:Okay, what the hell is this? You think we are dumb? We have done 6 rounds already and all of the uploads are late? Even after paying you expect us to understand the delay? Wake up! I understand we that we do not pay for the tracks but at least you should do things properly and on time, if not we should not pay. If things stay like this you will not make a buck next season.... :lol: :lol:
Shut up your new to this game.

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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by HarryWhite71 »

MxES_Pumu wrote:Okay, what the hell is this? You think we are dumb? We have done 6 rounds already and all of the uploads are late? Even after paying you expect us to understand the delay? Wake up! I understand we that we do not pay for the tracks but at least you should do things properly and on time, if not we should not pay. If things stay like this you will not make a buck next season.... :lol: :lol:
they will because I'll still pay
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by MxES_Pumu »

ROSE822 wrote:
MxES_Pumu wrote:Okay, what the hell is this? You think we are dumb? We have done 6 rounds already and all of the uploads are late? Even after paying you expect us to understand the delay? Wake up! I understand we that we do not pay for the tracks but at least you should do things properly and on time, if not we should not pay. If things stay like this you will not make a buck next season.... :lol: :lol:
Shut up your new to this game.

jajajajaja Why can't I talk if I'm new to the forums? I have paid and I can do the same as everyone else. The fact that I am new to the forum doesn't make me new to the game.
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by Wahlamt »

HarryWhite71 wrote:
MxES_Pumu wrote:Okay, what the hell is this? You think we are dumb? We have done 6 rounds already and all of the uploads are late? Even after paying you expect us to understand the delay? Wake up! I understand we that we do not pay for the tracks but at least you should do things properly and on time, if not we should not pay. If things stay like this you will not make a buck next season.... :lol: :lol:
they will because I'll still pay
Appreciate your support Harry :)

MxES_Pumu, on what basis are our track releases "delayed" (if we look away from the times we've said it should be up "tonight" and it wasn't)? If we'd get the tracks out on Monday, I'd be very happy, 2 days before the (pro) race. Tuesday is good for me too, you have a day to qualify, but I can understand if a few people think that's late.
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by Rayvenator »

I'd say release it an hour before the race every week.
That would make it more fair for everyone and would also make the skill of learning the track quickly actually useful.
Would also end this discussion on late releases ;)
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by Big Smooth one3 »

Read through Chris's post, was thinking about his well expressed thoughts and the time he took to type them (much appreciated), thought I had read to the end of the page, then:
MxES_Pumu wrote:Okay, what the hell is this? You think we are dumb? We have done 6 rounds already and all of the uploads are late? Even after paying you expect us to understand the delay? Wake up! I understand we that we do not pay for the tracks but at least you should do things properly and on time, if not we should not pay. If things stay like this you will not make a buck next season.... :lol: :lol:
Have to be honest, it just literally had a nice chuckle to myself. Ah, that was funny...anyway...
Just pick a couple of quick things here Chris. Like I said, definitely appreciate the comments and reasonable approach to things - glad you felt the need to speak up.
chrischanning202 wrote:The tracks this year have had their ups and downs, I think everyone, including the trackmakers, would agree?
I don't think any of us would try to sit here and say every track thus far - or every track that is to come - is going to be the best track ever. Each one has it's individual traits that we try our best to emulate into a, in certain ways, flawed game. Not to say sim is bad or the problem at all. There is a reason we have all invested so much time into this, it has provided tons of fun and enjoyment. That said, certain characteristics if irl tracks that we are trying to replicate just don't work in this game, so we try our best to take the platform we have and translate those things into the track. The biggest of which is obvious, and that's terrain deformation. I think we would all agree with the ever present struggle to make tracks have multiple lines in each corner, which is ridiculously hard to do given how good some of you guys are at this game - not to mention, many of these tracks irl are in fact one lined, but we know that isn't great for a gaming experience. Anyway, point is, I don't think you would get a big argument from anyone saying every single track was 100% perfect.
chrischanning202 wrote:This works both ways though (EMF Crew), because from what I just read, some of your choices of how to speak out to the community are totally unprofessional. I understand that so much work goes in to be smacked back in the face by it, but at least offering to people a right to say what they think about the track is the least you can do...I don't think anything Alex is saying is at all completely negative, and him trying to offer help is great. For him to get a response like that makes me wonder if you do actually want any help, or are just going to carry on receiving the constructive comments as plain negative comments (granted some are, but this one isn't).
Not sure if I fall into this category or not...certainly hope not. Anyway, I can't speak to whatever help he has offered in the past since it didn't include me. However, I stand by what I said, and can't believe that would be taken as an unprofessional way to speak to the community? I was annoyed at the insinuation that we had been sitting on our asses for a full year to smooth a couple of bumps on Trentino, explained why I personally wouldn't smooth the face of a jump, and asked for clarification on something he said was bad. If that hurts someone's feelings, then sorry, but I would like to think I'm able to openly respond to a post that had a ridiculous accusation about the lack of work on last week's track, 1 suggestion for change (which I addressed why I disagreed), and another vague criticism without offering any tangible way to make improvements based on one person's opinion. I think that's fair, and hope it isn't misconstrued as being against feedback in any way...which leads me to the last bit...
chrischanning202 wrote:I have to say props to Justin for sitting in with us in Ts and asking us what we think of the tracks and how to improve on it. He seems genuinely willing to give back to the paying community and at least offer an ear to listen to what we hve to say...even if Justin seems to come across as an old grumpy man on the forums :lol: (sry justin lol)
Despite those chats not being entirely productive...lol...yea, that's what I'm at least going for. Old and grumpy, though...we'll have to talk about that part :evil:

That's all from me on this...for now at least. Hope you guys enjoy Valk, which I believe will be beginning to upload within the hour (if all goes as planned).
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by HarryWhite71 »

Big Smooth one3 wrote:That's all from me on this...for now at least. Hope you guys enjoy Valk, which I believe will be beginning to upload within the hour (if all goes as planned).
Can't wait because I know its gonna be a good one (as always!)
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by chrischanning202 »

Big Smooth one3 wrote:Old and grumpy, though...we'll have to talk about that part :evil:
That's what an old man would say :wink:
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