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Re: Sorketorp

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:07 am
by enzopersson

And yeah.. GO SWEDEN!

Re: Sorketorp

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:59 am
by haggqvist
Thanks for the praise!
Firstly, about the contest, it would have been great to enter the comp but I felt these tracks should be released together since the main idea with this project was to make a track with both dry and wet versions. Imagine turning up to a race not knowing whether the track is going to be dry or a complete mudfest, or have a dry first moto and a wet second.

About the enduro: As I said in the post, it's still very much a beta version. I just uploaded it to see if anyone was really interested before I put anymore work into it. The enduro part of the disp was made exclusively in the editor quite a while ago and I think that if I'm going to finish it I'll probably redo the whole track with ingame erosion; just turning loads of laps and then give it a tweak in the editor and ps. This would probably smooth things out a bit in the right places. Going heavy on softness and stability in the config will help immensely on the current version though; my enduro bike feels like an Africa Twin!
I've fiddled quite a lot with the traction settings and I'm pretty happy with them, anybody who's been out to see, or maybe even raced, Novemberkåsan [A classic swedish enduro] should feel right at home. I've been truly annoyed myself at times with the banner collisions but decided to keep them because it's just too easy to ride offtrack otherwise. The same thing with the offtrail traction in the forest, without the low traction/high roll resistance you can just pin it. The alternative would be to make the offtrail terrain completely unrideable but, apart from making things ugly, there's always going to be spots where you can make up loads of time by going cross country. That said, I should probably add that I haven't tried the snapshot with rider fall-off on the enduro. Convince me and I'll change it!
Enough about fat blokes going slow in the forest with their legs out...

About the mx track: This is is the original track layout I started out with, then it sort of got a life of it's own sprouting new extensions on an almost daily basis. But now there are no more building permits from the byggnadsnämd and I hope to get some time these next few weeks to finish some of the other layouts with both dry and wet versions.
The traction is supposed to mimic really hard packed dirt which needs a lot of traction control and a soft setting.

It's technically not correct that I haven't asked any questions. I have actually asked one question...
Seriously, in my opinion there's not really any need to ask any questions here unless you want to break new ground, everything game related is right here in the forums.
On that note I should probably give credit to all the people posting tutorials and solutions here. CHEERS!

Finally; Is there a problem with the wet mx? In that case I'll re-upload it.

Stay golden

Re: Sorketorp

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:01 pm
by haggqvist
Enzo, you're going the wrong way...

Re: Sorketorp

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:10 pm
by MX196
haggqvist wrote:Enzo, you're going the wrong way...
Sig for sure!! lol.

Re: Sorketorp

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:15 pm
by MX196
Oh... And try the rider fall off snapshot on the enduro. You will see what we mean when we fall when we hit the... umm... whatever its called. The banner or something.
I like the texture thing on the enduro track. Makes it fell enduroey. I just like the track in general.

Re: Sorketorp

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:26 pm
by DJ99X
Seriously, in my opinion there's not really any need to ask any questions here unless you want to break new ground, everything game related is right here in the forums.
On that note I should probably give credit to all the people posting tutorials and solutions here. CHEERS!
Man. I wish we had more people like you around here. You are a legend!

Just one question: Have you had previous experience with making stuff for games? You seem very talented at it.

Some more comments about the tracks:
If you are not going to remove the enduro fences, you should at least make it a little bit wider. There is 0 room for error at the moment.

Traction: I had a look at the values that you used. I found it odd that you decreased friction as wheel-slip increased. This does make sense for hard pack (particularly wetted hardpack) when you think about it. But for the enduro, where the mud is more "thick", I think the friction should increase, as well as increased resistance. When the tyre can sink into the dirt, the friction will increase due to the buildup of dirt when it is slipping. That is why ABS brakes are not as good on dirt. Maybe have it slipperier in the rocky sections though, as they will naturally be more slippery with wheel-slip. Something definitely needs to be done about the slipperiness in the gutters on the side of the road. I get stuck for a minute sometimes :lol:

I'd definitely try using the newer snapshots. You will see our frustration, as touching the fence even slightly will knock you off.

You should link all of your tracks to one set of textures/objects, so you dont have to re-upload all of them everytime.

Re: Sorketorp

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:28 pm
by DJ99X
Oh, and with your enduro textures. They must have taken a long time to place. They fit the ruts perfectly. The rocks fit the bumpiness perfectly. The pothole textures fit the potholes perfectly! You definitely must have spent some time on this track!

Re: Sorketorp

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:29 pm
by enzopersson
haggqvist wrote:Enzo, you're going the wrong way...
Give me my jävlar 20 minutes back please.

Re: Sorketorp

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 1:06 pm
by Mutt
Awesome work. I thought it was a replica of a swedish track but I didnt find any of it, so it isnt? Have you thought of making any swedish tracks like Uddevalla? Or if you from Stockholm you should make Uringe. :wink:

Re: Sorketorp

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 1:28 pm
by Duckstream
Well i sorted the problem on mx wet one was that i saved the file, you just need to open it and then it will open normaly, and as dj sayd, you are a legend!
you must have a sixth sense in these things, these tracks are the best ones out there

Anyone other got any times on enduro? i got 12.18.3 with many crashes and stuff like that :D

Re: Sorketorp

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 1:31 pm
by Twitch
i loved your track , awesome work , i really apreciate it...
10/10 :D

Re: Sorketorp

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 1:55 pm
by ddmx
Well, I must say, these tracks are quite amazing. The fact that you did everything yourself, figured it all out on your own, released it as a complete unknown, and blew all of our minds with the quality, is astonishing. You must have prior disp map making skills, because there were definitely some advanced techniques when it came to the disp maps. Not to mention the quality and detail in the textures. The track heavily reminded me of something I'd see in Richard Burns Rally, except moto. For a one person show, these tracks are definitely "Rainbow" quality. :wink:

Re: Sorketorp

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:27 pm
by haggqvist
@DJ - No, no previous experience in game modding but I'm not completely unfamiliar with digital content creation...
I'll probably remove the collision files for the caution-tape if it's as bad as you say [without the fall-off snapshot it just nudges you]. I had the problem with the backwheel "biting" on better traction settings and that basically threw you round in a backflip-on-the-spot, "good but not great" as my scottish friend Martin would have put it. But I'll look into it when I start working on the track again. The low traction in the ditches is there for the same reason as the off-trail traction; it makes you keep it on the track. I usually back up out of them... But I'll probably change that too; making the road edges with gravel traction.
About the decal placement; I placed the decals first and then changed the disp accordingly.

@enzo - Sorry, can't do that. No konsumentombudsman on this forum....

@mutt - You're it's my own creation. I have actually thought about replicating Blixås in GBG since it's going to be closed. Would be good to still have it around...

Re: Sorketorp

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:36 pm
by haggqvist
...and thanks again for the praise.

Re: Sorketorp

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:49 pm
by Nybrok
I really liked the enduro track, its so realistic,i did a clear lap with 2 stroke and it was pure blast,thanks for this haqqvist!