render the motion blur or render just the car add background separately and blur just that, you can see the selection around the car which doesn't look too well.
new thing would be to work on your materials/lighting/reflexions
I just started getting into blender a few months ago. I'm still learning obviously, but I feel pretty happy with the way these turned out! I need to work on lighting. That's the hardest part for me.
Thanks man! I appreciate it. I had a bit of easy low poly experience with 3ds max several years ago, but it's been like learning the basics all over again! I learn something new everyday and am really enjoying it.
Looks good for starting out, just need some color correction. IDK if you were going for a sort of dark and dreary horror film kind of look but overall the image was still too dark for me.
That is what I got in 2 min of post in PS to bring the color to a more normal range and up the contrast a bit.
Or you can keep the orangeish tint for that horror film look but still bring the brightness up
For me post has been the slowest thing to learn but it can really change the results so it is worth investing some time playing with it on every image to see the different looks that are possible.
wow. i was way off. I just bought a mac right when I started in blender. I used to do color coorection and design for a photographer. I'm a bit embarrassed now! lol I guess I need to calibrate my monitor. I had the brightness up to high and it was on a warm setting or something. When I got to work just now, I was like "holy crap! What did I do!" lol I dont use much compositing. I am just more familiar with photoshop. I will play with my monitor setting when I get home and next render will be much better! Thanks for the input!
Sky you got some serious natural talent and a strong will to learn if you have only been doing this for a few months. Do you browse the forum? Some really cool work and some insanely talented artists on there. You can learn a lot as well as get some inspiration/motivation.
Thanks mason! I appreciate the positive feedback. It's been about 4 months I guess. It started out as a project at work. I design uniforms for Russell athletic and wanted to learn how to model characters to display a 3d rendering of our uniforms to show potential clients. Now it's an addiction! I have not been to polycount. I will definitely check it out. I subscribed for a few months to blender cookie and blender guru's architecture academy. They have helped tremendously! Also has some really awesome reference photos for architecture visualization renders. That is my ultimate goal. To start a small archviz business on the side. I do have a willingness to learn, and hopefully it turn into something in the future. I'm so jealous of the work people like you and p2sta put out. Jay as well. I've tried modeling plastics and what not and can't visualize the topology of plastics very well just yet. Finding good reference photos is hard too.
Here is one from the architecture academy lessons. I didn't make most of the misc objects, but I'm still pleased with the results.
looks great Marcus you have improved quite a lot lately!
Tweaked some materials and wanted to make a render of the top part which barely will be visible anyway. Leather pattern bump looks a little bit weird, feel like that could be improved a bit
HD (3476x1576)