2010 AMA Motocross Discussion

I've heard conversation coming out of animal pens that is more intelligent than what is going on in here.
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Re: 2010 AMA Motocross Discussion

Post by Voutare »

On The Pipe wrote:Its kind of funny 2 years in a row Mitch Payton loses and he seems to have an "All Star team" that could not lose. Sucks for pourcel first bike problems now an injury.

Man, people might knock him for not getting the big one, but think of what his riders are doing.

Every single person he has fielded on his team has won an overall or supercross main this year. Easily still the most dominant team in Motocross. Look at Pala, even when your championship contender is out, still have a guy go 1-1, and Rattray was there the whole time too.
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Re: 2010 AMA Motocross Discussion

Post by KTM57 »

Yeah, those PC riders are ballers.
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Re: 2010 AMA Motocross Discussion

Post by knapp21 »

unlike most americans... i like riders for the way they ride their motorcycle not what country they're from. ive always liked pourcel because of his raw talent and style. i was always a little taller than everyone so thats why i liked his style.after the injury he suffered i realized this dude was no joke. he is very funny too!! was so angry whenhe went down at pala. i was the only drunk asshole at steel city screamin and wavin my shirt for him.... EVERY LAP. he DESERVED that title. :evil:
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Re: 2010 AMA Motocross Discussion

Post by Voutare »

What Steve Cox said in Racerhead says it best.
I know I’ve talked a bunch about it this week, but even though the AMA National season ended poorly for Chris Pourcel, leaving him with a dislocated shoulder, I can’t stop talking about the sportsmanship shown after the race. Maybe it’s more common than I think, but I don’t know the last time I’ve seen someone who had just lost a hard-fought championship go up to the person who beat them and ask for memorabilia marking the occasion with a smile on his face.

I noticed that a lot of people were denying that Pourcel was getting treated poorly by the fans at the podiums, but I have to say, having stood at every one of them this summer, he definitely was. It may not have been the majority of people or anything like that, but it was a very vocal minority yelling, "Go home" and things like that. And at Washougal, I even heard someone scream out, "F&#$ the French!" I know it was loud enough for Pourcel to hear, because when I’m shooting the podium with the other photographers, I’m probably six feet from him, and I can hear it loud and clear.

I don’t get the whole "nationalism" thing at an AMA Motocross race. I highly doubt that people are screaming anti-Russian or anti-Czech things at hockey games in the NHL very often. Why? Because it’s not a game between countries. At the Olympics, I can understand it more, and I can understand it more at the Motocross of Nations next weekend in Colorado, too. But the thing is, even though I understand it more, it still doesn’t really make sense. Why? Because why isn’t it enough to cheer loudly for your own country (or favorite rider)? Why must you also yell hurtful things at the competing countries (or riders)?

Like him or not (and I admit, I like him), Pourcel has overcome a lot to entertain American motocross fans. He set a goal to race in the USA and came to do so after recovering from paralysis. He left his home country, traveled across an ocean, learned a new language and a new culture, and did it all just to race against the best here in the USA, and people somehow hate him for that? That just seems incredibly stupid. And before anyone responds by saying that it’s not because he was French that they didn’t like him, that’s fine, but the people who were specifically yelling anti-French stuff at Pourcel, such as what I pointed out above, his being French is a definite point of contention for them. And it simply doesn’t matter.

And for all of those Americans who hate the French just because it’s the in thing to do (like back when people started renaming foods "Freedom Fries" and other complete idiocy), remember that if not for the French, we very well may still be a part of the UK. Remember the name General Lafayette? Kind of a funny name for an American of British descent, no? That’s because he was French. He was a very key figure, among many key French figures, in defeating the British here in the Colonies. Even the treaty that ended the American Revolution was called the Treaty of Paris because it was negotiated and signed in Paris.

What I’m saying is we’re lucky to have so many racers from foreign nations not only racing here, but even more key, WANTING to race here. It makes our series stronger. If you want a reason to hate the French, go to Paris yourself. You’ll hate them in no time. Parisians are something else. But my guess is almost no one who was chanting the anti-French stuff has been to France, or perhaps to Europe at all. Hey, what colors are the French flag again?
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Re: 2010 AMA Motocross Discussion

Post by DJD »

knapp21 wrote: he DESERVED that title. :evil:
Pourcel is badass, but Trey Canard beat him straight up. He came back from a over a 50 deficit by winning 8 races (or whatever it was)

Pourcel crashed on his own, it was his fault.

Trey DESERVED that title.
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Re: 2010 AMA Motocross Discussion

Post by KTM57 »

I agree that Trey deserved the title because he earned it, but you can't help but feel bad for Pourcel. That guy is so badass and is just a beautiful rider, and he hasn't been able to capture the title that he is definitely a rider qualified for.
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Re: 2010 AMA Motocross Discussion

Post by FactoryBR21 »

Bubba was qualified to get tittles a lot of times but he always made mistakes and didnt get it , even he was much faster than the other riders
Canard was brillant
Mbutler183 wrote:I remember when we had to play mva instead of mxs, what a load of shit that was.
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Re: 2010 AMA Motocross Discussion

Post by lluks252 »

Canard deserved the title more than Pourcel did anyday. Canard has gotten injuried the last 2 outdoor seasons. Yes, the Pro Circuit team is sick....just look at Vegas SX last year....1,2,3,4? Domination
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Re: 2010 AMA Motocross Discussion

Post by frederick »

Both riders are great imo. And probably the most respectful rivals ever. I was(am) cheering for Pourcel though, 2 years ago he couldnt even walk and he still cant practice too long before it gets painful.
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Re: 2010 AMA Motocross Discussion

Post by Mr.Two »

Saying that either rider deserved it more than the other is retarded. They are both amazing riders with very different styles but close to equal in speed. Canard earned it, but if Pourcel had won the title he would have earned it as well.

"Trey Canard had 8 moto wins and 5 overalls compared to Pourcel’s 9 moto wins and 2 overalls.
Not only were Pourcel and Canard extremely close in points, but also laps led. Canard led a total of 106 laps compared to Pourcel’s 104."
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