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Lucid dreaming/sleeping.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:39 pm
by Baboobeats
Anyone tried it or got it yet? Im thinkin about trying it but im shitting my pants just thinking of it.


Seems like shrooms... but only without... shrooms....

Re: Lucid dreaming/sleeping.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:50 pm
by adhkcrfhonda
its not that great. i havent gone through that process to have lucid dreams, i have had some on my own. i would rather just have a dreamless sleep.

Re: Lucid dreaming/sleeping.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:25 pm
by Judge
I've had 2 and stopped trying because of no time to spare.

I recommend you read Stephen LaBerge's "Exploring the world of lucid dreams", and some other books I'll list some other day.

Also Baboo, you shouldn't be scared of lucid dreams, it's (supposedly) rather unusual to encountar bad thoughts / nightmares once inside.

OBE ( Out of body experience ) is a different deal. Watch a movie called "The good night"... or Insidious :lol:

Re: Lucid dreaming/sleeping.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:31 pm
by Kawasakis
Meh.. I just have wet dreams, that's all.

Re: Lucid dreaming/sleeping.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:50 pm
by p2sta
haha, kawa is right! Those are pretty great :D
Had one about Dianna Dahlgren last week, but damn it was just a dream :/

btw. I'm pretty sure I can control some of my dreams...mostly when I woke up just because of some noise and don't get up...but fall in something like a sleep again...then I can pretty much control what's going in my's not exactly dreaming I guess, just better version of imagination, because I can "see" what I imagine pretty damn good

I red few stuff about OBE and Lucid on 9gag too, but as Judge said, no time to actually try it...

Re: Lucid dreaming/sleeping.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 5:11 pm
by Judge
Nice kawa. :lol:

A very good way to achieve lucid dreaming is to set alarm clocks at around 90-100 minutes after you've fallen asleep ( estimation of course ), because thats when your first REM period is over and you wake up ( you just don't remember the next day ). Like I said Stephen LaBerge's book is very good in explaining all of this, and gives you a lot of tips for beginners etc.

Haven't read it in a long time but I remember it said everyone has the potential to control their dreams, its just about building up "oniric memory" ( dream memory ) which is done by having a dream diary and looking for common objects or situations in all your dreams etc...

This is seriously an amazing thing to do :D

Re: Lucid dreaming/sleeping.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:14 pm
by yzmxer608
I think I've been able to control a few of my dreams before, it was in a couple that I swear I had the same dream before, so I knew what was going to happen. Then I said to my dreaming self "damnit, I have to do all of this bs again?" (I was getting chased by someone with a gun around buildings or something like that).

Re: Lucid dreaming/sleeping.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:04 pm
by p2sta
yeah, those sucks :/

I remember some time ago when I used weed I have an era of flying dreams...i was able to fly longer in every next dream and I knew about the stuff that happens from the last one, that was gnar

Re: Lucid dreaming/sleeping.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:48 pm
by Judge

Re: Lucid dreaming/sleeping.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:52 pm
by Robert196
Sometimes my dreams convince me its the next day. :lol:

Re: Lucid dreaming/sleeping.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:52 pm
by Robert196
LOL that came out wrong. But like I skip a day, so i sleep friday and i get up saturday and I think its sunday.

Re: Lucid dreaming/sleeping.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:34 pm
by Pumaxcs
Does anyone dream in color? My mom told be she didn't and it was just amazing to dream without color and not know your not dreaming. Even with some of my dreams like I'll have panning camera angles on myself then go back to first person. They say its because I'm artistic but personally I think its just cool.

I've also had dreams where I dream the same thing over and over (I would be sleeping on one side and hear something coming and it would shake everything around me violently with each step. As a kid is was pretty nerve racking, had it once a couple years ago and at first it was scary but then as soon as I remember what was going on I woke up. Pretty pissed I don't know what that thing is still.) Theres been a few dreams that convince me of things that aren't real like someone I knew from the past but I've actually never seen that person or once I wake up from a dream I feel so stupid that I couldn't tell I was dreaming. I've also had one that really freaked me out It was just a white, flat, blank room and it was about 5-6 of me, like a panel and I had like a rotating camera in the middle of this group circle and rotated around when someone knew would talk, and I was trying to figure out something. It was why I I can see my veins so prominently. Not sure why I was concerned with it but each one of "me" was a completely different perspective on things like, one would have the death look of it saying its cancer, one was indifferent and said why does it matter, one was reasonable and said I'm skinny and there isn't enough tissue to hide it, one was emo and said that my body produced to much blood and if I didn't cut myself then I would explode, and so on. Woke up a little freaked out but never really thought or told to many people about that one. Nice to know I have my own little doctors though.

Best dream by a long shot for me though was back in Elementary I believe it was fourth grade, Same room as before just a white, blank, room and two hands. They were about the size of humans but nothing gorey at the top just kind of faded away. One hand stood there and the other walked up (when I say this I mean the were making a upside down peace sign using the middle and point finger as legs. The index, pinky, and thumb were balled into a fist.) and kicked him right were his balls would have been. The one who was kicked feel to his knees then to his face. I have never woken up from a dream laughing since then but every time I think of that I laugh pretty hard.

Re: Lucid dreaming/sleeping.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:34 pm
by Pumaxcs
Jesus Christ, my bad for the book. I'll limit myself next time.

Re: Lucid dreaming/sleeping.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:45 pm
by p2sta
nice reading anyway! :)

I'm really not sure about the colors, I know I red some stuff on the net that you can't dream in colors and you always dream in 3rd person view....but i'm sure I have FPS idea about the colors tho

Re: Lucid dreaming/sleeping.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:28 pm
by die996
I've never experienced that but I've really had some weird dreams, most of them were about me having the ability to become a human-size dragon in my high school and in the middle of the night and then killing people. Everything looked to real, I'm kinda afraid of myself because of that. I wasn't afraid with the situation, I was cool with it, killing my then-schoolmates and random people