MX "IS" the hardest sport on the planet

I've heard conversation coming out of animal pens that is more intelligent than what is going on in here.
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MX "IS" the hardest sport on the planet

Post by Maczust63 »

Hey i was bored and i heard something about motocross being an easy sport, the "all you do is sit and twist the gas". It reminded me of all the times when i was racing and felt like killing my self instead of trying to crawl out of my bunk bed because it was easier, the car rides home from the races that i kinda remember because i was so tired i pass out but would regain consciousnesses with thigh cramps :shock: you know what i mean by thigh cramps if you have had one, the bruise's you would have all over when you didnt fall. I said man ive never had so much pain from a sport other then hockey or lacrosse but motocross was i would say about 60% more pain then those two sports combined and ive been cycling for 100km, mountain bike a 20km loop with lots of steep hills, hockey 6am cold practices where you bag skate for 2 hours (double A level)
, snowboarding is hard on your caffs and butt, lacrosse running and the hits are huge, roller hockey is hot and skates are heavier, swimming all day drinking beers in the sun, soccer in school, hiking, wrestling/fighting, baseball, kayaking, running and somemore that im forgetting ive done at a above average lvl and i still think motocross.... laughing... is the HARDEST sport, activity, workout ive ever done like nothing comes even close. I was looking up the toughest sports in the world and its so funny people saying soccer, baseball, football, cycling and even golf hahahaha, but all the comments on those sites are all die hard moto fans saying motocross is by far the toughest with 180-200bpm heart rates and the forces on your mucles via Gforce and the muscle groups you use , no breaks, the heat, your O2 usage is maxed out in motocross, then the mental game of fear and your will to push forward through the roost and after you fell and are hurting or didnt fall and still hurting, popped blisters and skin that wears off in places most people didnt know could have this happen to (monkey butt) and people didnt think plastic or metal feels amazing agains your nuts... and most people didnt know you have a pubic bone that really hurts to hit... anyways take a look or post some sites on this thread of some funny people saying motocross isnt the toughest sport in the world so we can have a good laugh. and if you disagree i would have to say your a retarded mongaloid that fell out of you ugly inbread mothers vagina when she was past out on upers and downers and shit faced drunk or your really poor and have never been on a motocross bike on a race track because ^(and read to the right again) thanks sorry if this is a topic somewhere else ive never seen it and i kinda looked so sorry...
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Re: MX "IS" the hardest sport on the planet

Post by Maczust63 » ... ion=Submit
check this one out kinda funny if you read the comments
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Re: MX "IS" the hardest sport on the planet

Post by Andy_Hack »

Haha... u talked out of my soul bro! :D
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Re: MX "IS" the hardest sport on the planet

Post by Maczust63 »

Andy_Hack wrote:Haha... u talked out of my soul bro! :D
haha i hope so moto 4 life
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Re: MX "IS" the hardest sport on the planet

Post by Funny Comeback »

Maczust63 wrote:Hey i was bored and i heard something about motocross being an easy sport, the "all you do is sit and twist the gas". It reminded me of all the times when i was racing and felt like killing my self instead of trying to crawl out of my bunk bed because it was easier, the car rides home from the races that i kinda remember because i was so tired i pass out but would regain consciousnesses with thigh cramps :shock: you know what i mean by thigh cramps if you have had one, the bruise's you would have all over when you didnt fall. I said man ive never had so much pain from a sport other then hockey or lacrosse but motocross was i would say about 60% more pain then those two sports combined and ive been cycling for 100km, mountain bike a 20km loop with lots of steep hills, hockey 6am cold practices where you bag skate for 2 hours (double A level)
, snowboarding is hard on your caffs and butt, lacrosse running and the hits are huge, roller hockey is hot and skates are heavier, swimming all day drinking beers in the sun, soccer in school, hiking, wrestling/fighting, baseball, kayaking, running and somemore that im forgetting ive done at a above average lvl and i still think motocross.... laughing... is the HARDEST sport, activity, workout ive ever done like nothing comes even close. I was looking up the toughest sports in the world and its so funny people saying soccer, baseball, football, cycling and even golf hahahaha, but all the comments on those sites are all die hard moto fans saying motocross is by far the toughest with 180-200bpm heart rates and the forces on your mucles via Gforce and the muscle groups you use , no breaks, the heat, your O2 usage is maxed out in motocross, then the mental game of fear and your will to push forward through the roost and after you fell and are hurting or didnt fall and still hurting, popped blisters and skin that wears off in places most people didnt know could have this happen to (monkey butt) and people didnt think plastic or metal feels amazing agains your nuts... and most people didnt know you have a pubic bone that really hurts to hit... anyways take a look or post some sites on this thread of some funny people saying motocross isnt the toughest sport in the world so we can have a good laugh. and if you disagree i would have to say your a retarded mongaloid that fell out of you ugly inbread mothers vagina when she was past out on upers and downers and shit faced drunk or your really poor and have never been on a motocross bike on a race track because ^(and read to the right again) thanks sorry if this is a topic somewhere else ive never seen it and i kinda looked so sorry...

I should print this and recite it every time someone says "Motocross is easy" to me.
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Re: MX "IS" the hardest sport on the planet

Post by Maczust63 »

I should print this and recite it every time someone says "Motocross is easy" to me.[/quote]

i could go on for days man like i wish i could work in the industry like moto is my life my dad was a canadian pro and all my uncles were to and i just have to say people who ride are like family there all nice people. like all moto people like dogs and love family and know how mush moto is a part of a life style and dont steel because they know how much work it takes to get to where people who race are and like they are really nice people even the sim guys are all nice people even if someone says something mean to you i bet if you talked to them you would get along like its crazy and i hope people feel the same on this matter
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Re: MX "IS" the hardest sport on the planet

Post by Tony el Tigre »

that reminded me of my facebooks post


Standing in the hot sun, freezing rain, dust, and fumes and noises all day... people ask why we do it? it is all for a chance to watch some of the worlds best athletes duke it out as they fly past the fence up hills, over jumps and through whoops that most people wouldn't want to walk through.

and next time you try to say your sport is better, that motocross is only twisting the thrott
le - try roaring off of a starting gate with 40 of the worlds best riders, around a tight corner and into 3 foot whoops, over 80 foot doubles, and around corners at 40 mph through any weather and terrain conditions you can imagine, week in and week out, banging bars with the worlds elite, and you will quickly see why it is one of the most physically demanding sports in the world.

if you make it to the end of the season, your work is not done. the training never ends... you immediately start training for the next series and trying to eliminate your weaknesses, improve on your strengths, dial in your bike and find that next level of speed to beat the competition.

all of the dirt, grime, pain, mud, fumes, noise, and hard work and determination are what make up a true motocross rider... but the thrill of firing up your bike, the adrenaline of a jump, and the exhilaration of a win make all of it worth it in a minute

this is motocross...
motocross is the 2nd most physically demanding sport . So what is you do again? oh you play school sports , thats cool i guess, and This is why I ride.

Thought I would share :)
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Re: MX "IS" the hardest sport on the planet

Post by The Conman »

I will say, soccer is physically demanding, for sure. Running around for 45 minutes, getting a 15 minute break, and then going and running hard, jumping, etc. for 45 more minutes, plus stoppage time. Now I'm not saying soccer is "tougher," because you probably won't break your back or anything, (though that one guy did have a heart attack while playing) but it is definitely not a walk in the park. I went and played with some of my friends on the soccer team one time, for "fun," and we played for 40 minutes, took a 10 minute break, and played again. I was beat at the end of the game, like, really beat. The only thing that has ever made me more tired was dirt biking, and the only other thing that came close was mountain biking.
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Re: MX "IS" the hardest sport on the planet

Post by mxmasta57 »

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Re: MX "IS" the hardest sport on the planet

Post by Maczust63 »

The Conman wrote:I will say, soccer is physically demanding, for sure. Running around for 45 minutes, getting a 15 minute break, and then going and running hard, jumping, etc. for 45 more minutes, plus stoppage time. Now I'm not saying soccer is "tougher," because you probably won't break your back or anything, (though that one guy did have a heart attack while playing) but it is definitely not a walk in the park. I went and played with some of my friends on the soccer team one time, for "fun," and we played for 40 minutes, took a 10 minute break, and played again. I was beat at the end of the game, like, really beat. The only thing that has ever made me more tired was dirt biking, and the only other thing that came close was mountain biking.
man soccer is a cardio work out and you can sub in believe me motocross is way more physically demanding... i have a buddy who drinks like a fish and smokes dope and does alot of drugs, he plays soccer in italy on an elite team and ive taken him mountain biking and he cant last that long. my point is that soccer is just cardio and alittle bit of a mental game but motocross has fear, cardio, strength, huge mental game, the Gforce is huge and if you look at studies they show that soccer is down far on the list of high O2 usage and average hbp.
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Re: MX "IS" the hardest sport on the planet

Post by DK662 »

"but it has an engine" is what I hear from so many people. I have never, in any sport had a workout that puts your body through what mx does. Running up front with guys trying to pass you, you trying to pass them, and turns to straight hell after one lap in. On top of that what sport has the injuries you need to work through that mx has? I can't think of any. There's a reason the oldest guy ever to win a mx or sx championship is 27 years old.
Hockey is the second hardest I have played.
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Re: MX "IS" the hardest sport on the planet

Post by ShackAttack12 »

Having played soccer competitively my entire life, including Olympic Development teams, USA Regional team, MOSA, making 1st Team all state every year in high school, full scholarship to a D1 University for soccer, etc etc.... I can honestly say soccer players are among the most fit athletes in the world. You are not simply just running around for 90 minutes with a 15 minutes break in between. All those short bursts, quick change of direction, shuffling, side stepping, jumping, slide tackling, explosive sprints.... not only does all this require fitness, but it requires precision and finesse. My training was very high level, and intense. My parents hired an Egyptian national goal keeper to train me. We would have three 2 hour training sessions every day in the off season. Have you ever done suicide runs with a parachute tied to your back? Have you ever done suicide runs in a pool? Have you ever done hurdle drills with 5lb sand bags on your feet? Have you ever done laps around a field while jumping rope? Have you ever tried to play goalie with a bungee cord attached between you and the goal? Thinking back, we were overtrained all the time so that when it came game time, we would be well prepared for the 90 minutes. It was hell, but it was worth it come game time.

Having ridden motocross all my life as well, i can offer a nice comparison. For some reason, I never remembered motocross being as physically demanding when i was a kid compared to what i went through with soccer. That is most likely because I was not, comparatively, competing in motocross at the same level i was competing in soccer. I was never personally trained in motocross, nor did i train nearly as hard during the week as i did in soccer. My childhood (and really present) motocross experience has been weekend warrior style, riding open practices, training myself in a sense.

On the flip side, my motocross experiences now are much different, and this is most likely because i was in 100x better shape as a kid than i am now. Motocross beats the shit out of me. I have yet to wake up the morning after a motocross day and feel no pain.
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Re: MX "IS" the hardest sport on the planet

Post by JTmoto »

You guys are stupid. Dirt bikes is easy.
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Re: MX "IS" the hardest sport on the planet

Post by Funny Comeback »

JTmoto wrote:You guys are stupid. Dirt bikes is easy.

Then you must be slow as hell.

I couldn't run this Monday and Tuesday because my back and legs hurt too much from riding Sunday. It's definitely one of the most physically demanding sports out there. THe only sport I think is very close would be MMA. MMA works everything in your body like motocross. The best fighters in the world can barely fight the 10 minute limit in a round. Just like how the best riders in the world struggle with the 35 minute motos.
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Re: MX "IS" the hardest sport on the planet

Post by adhkcrfhonda »

This thread is retarded. It all depends on what sport YOU do that is the hardest for you. Its one of those never ending circle arguments. As a professional downhill mtn bike racer, i can say that a hard race run is super physically demanding unlike the average person thinks. The whole race weekend is super tiring. But then again, moto is way longer and super tough. ive played hockey, also super tough. It all depends. Yes moto is hard, but any top level athletes are extremely fit. Its all very similar
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