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[p2sta] Little render competition

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 8:52 pm
by p2sta
Hi everybody!

Since lots of you lately start to learn rendering I would like to motivate you a bit and give you some chance to show your stuff!
Not all of you can work good with models, so it will be just about materials,lights,camera and render of course. Next time you will have more freedom, but for thisone you will be limited, so its really about your skins, not about what you have on your hdds ;)


Here is a base pack you need to be able to participate.

There is obj of the whole scene, if you know how to import obj properly it will load as group of objects, if not it will load as one object and you will need to separate them manually.
Also textures for bike, helmet, rider, wheels, with alpha masks for wheels and bike (if you will be in need of them)

How it will work:
  • Make a render of this scene
  • Send it to me with a pm or message on my facebook page with your name/nickname
  • I will show all the entries on my facebook page and you will have to get your friends vote for your entry by liking the picture
  • There will also be 4 judges, each judge will select his TOP3 and combination of that with "facebook liking war" will select the overall TOP3
I don't want to make it just popularity contest and also not all of you use facebook that much, so there will be judges who will judge quality, creativity, etc., but still you will have better chance if you get your friends likes

  • One entry only, also I don't accept fixes, post it when you are sure you did your best!
  • Everything in the obj has to be on the render (select the skin you like from the pack, but any different skin is not valid)
  • You can do minor edits to the models(deleting/moving/rotating/scaling)
  • Don't add anything to the visible scene[you can add objects but they must be hidden to the camera(hint: for example planes for reflections)]
  • Use how many lights and materials you need
  • There are two helmet textures, black and gold, if you do a proper looking gold helmet, you got extra points in voting (if you can't do it right, go with black, bad looking gold means negative points)
  • You are allowed to edit spec and norm maps, not the actual skin!
  • Do whatever resolution you want, don't do anything super-huge please :)
  • Use any rendering soft you like
  • Don't post the picture anywhere public until the voting is up, all entries that will be shown anywhere public before the voting will be disqualified (its for your good so other don't copy from you)
  • Don't ask me for tips/advices and don't show me any work in progress renders, I will not help anybody ;) Its up to you to learn by yourselves if you want to be better
What your entry need to have a chance of winning:
  • creativity(lights/reflections/materials/good came angle, etc)
  • quality(good settings, quality lighting, etc)
  • uniqueness(be creative and make something nobody will have)
  • 15.11.2012: Start
  • 25.11.2012: Deadline
  • 27.11.2012: Facebook voting start
  • 03.12.2012: End of voting
  • 04.12.2012: Winner announcement
  • 1st Place: Personalized beta of my 2013 Thor Flux Circuit gear(those who already have it will get beta of the Fiber version when I finish it)......personal render of you from me.....great feeling you won 1st place! :)
  • 2nd Place: 2 renders from me (you can save the one for future, or use it for your friend, etc.)
  • 3rd Place: 1 render from me
I know the prizes are nothing extra, but its first time, so I don't know how much people will get in and how quality results we will get, next time if all goes right, some better prizes will be for grabs ;)

I'm sure I forgot something, so feel free to ask anything here(about rules, etc.)
Also its my first competition, so please don't rage at me if I do something wrong :) Thanks




First of all thanks to everybody who take a part in this competition. Thanks to all participants, to all judges, to all voter, to all creators their models/textures were used!

As you can see in the picture the top 5 came out following:

You can see the entries here

Congrats to the winners and thanks to all. Hope this help to move your forward a bit and you will take a part i next one as well :)
Erik - send me a personal message with your name/number you would like to have on the gear :) and possible sponsor logos if you want any
Matt and Paul - send me info about the renders you would like (gear/bike/helmet/numbers/names/ideas) :)

Here are the results divided into each judge so you will believe I didn't make them up

#1 Public voting (Facebook)
1.Matt Burton (Wakeymatt)
2.Alanas Šaulys Manitou)
3.Paul Richan (paulr093)
4.Benjamin Ahlm (Benjii)
5.Erik Hellmouth (EH801)

#2 Patrick Evans (he came with the idea of render competition)
1st. Nate Zaworski (yzmxer608)
2nd. Paul Richan (paulr093)
3rd. Erik Hellmouth (EH801)
4th. Matt Burton (Wakeymatt)
5th. Benjamin Ahlm (Benjii)
Why Nate for first place: The perfect cleanness of the render in general. His attention to detail like the riders hand on the seat and the perfect smoothing on the bike and wheels.

#3 Stanislav Bažant (my close friend, working with architecture visualizations)
1. Matt Burton (Wakeymatt)
2. Erik Hellmouth (EH801)
3. Benjamin Ahlm (Benjii)
4. Paul Richan (paulr093)
5. NateZaworski (yzmxer608)
Why Matt for first place: The picture has strongest feeling and even tho his entry is technically and compositionally weaker then 2nd and 3rd place I like it the most. Also with some photoshop magic it will be possible to make great picture from it.

#4 John van de Lest (well known JVDL)
1. Erik Hellmouth (EH801)
2. Benjamin Ahlm (Benjii)
3. Paul Richan (paulr093)
4. Matt Burton (Wakeymatt)
5. NateZaworski (yzmxer608)
JVDL's Render Competition #1 Review.

First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who entered the competition. Without you, this simply wouldn't have been possible, now would it? *grin* You all did a awesome job at making your bike and rider stand out. I tip my hat to you!

Secondly, I'd like to thank everyone who has voted. We really appreciate that you took the time to make the tough decision on who your own personal winner is from all of these strong entrants.

It was difficult and very close, but here is my personal top 5 for this render competition:

1/ Erik Hellmouth (EH801): All the materials are sharp, fresh and well lit, making it possible to spot every single detail on these great models and textures. This in combination with a angle I have a weak for, and the rider staring you down, is just delicious.

2/ Benjamin Ahlm (Benjii): I'm really keen on the darkness in this scene. Having the touch of an active field of view is definitely adding to the complete image. If the field of view was just a little more defined in combination with slightly more highlights on the bike and rider to define the shapes better, this would have been a shared first place in my opinion!

3/ Paul Richan (paulr093): Very original and fresh to have the rider maintaining his bike, respect! The scene does miss the actual "whoa" factor a bit though. Could have used a bit more light, and would have been more complete if the wheels would have been there (or at least the rear wheel to take care of the now floating chain). All in all, good stuff.

4/ Matt Burton (Wakeymatt): The cinematic and slight mysterious feeling to this scene is seriously awesome! What kept this entry from being top 3 for me is that the materials used did not get as much attention as they deserved. Combined with the misplaced geometry smooth on the bike it really hurt the score.

5/ NateZaworski (yzmxer608): Even though this scene looks a little boring to the bare eye, the attention of detail is phenomenal. If only the scene itself would have had more to it and did not look so pale, it would definitely be top 3.

I'd still like to congratulate every single one of you! even if you did not make it into my personal top 5, you did push yourself to the max on the very first render competition for MX Simulator. This is something that deserves a winner's badge itself and I highly appreciate your efforts. Thank you once more, and onto the second addition of this competition!

#5 Zbyněk Hlava (myself, P2sta)
1.Erik Hellmouth (EH801)
2.Lennard Kording (Kording)
3.Mauricio Antonio Castillo Ellwanger (mace-x)
4.Matt Burton (Wakeymatt)
5.Paul Richan (paulr093)

Erik - Only one who did pretty much everything, good lighting, different materials with reflections, interesting came angle/fov and also some photoshop editing (thats really important step to make the render complete) IMO. Even tho the gold helmet doesn't look much like a gold, he still manage to make it looks interesting

Lennard - I feel like this one is pretty close to what Erik did. He doesn't have reflections on the bike tho (at least they are not visible). I like the fact he used different colored lights, then just white. Helmet looks bit more like a gold helmet, but its bit bright for my taste

Mauricio - I really like the feel of this image, not really sure why tho. IMO one of the best bikes from the whole field. Reflections looks right, it also looks like he did some smoothing to few parts. Reflections on the neckbrace are bit strong tho and the camera is pretty much without any idea, which is a bit of shame, would place better if you get some interesting angle

Matt - Great idea, awesome feel from the picture, that mysterious feel is simply great. But sadly thats pretty much only good thing about the render. Sadly the fact you provided link to hd image hurts your entry more then it helps for me. On the bad quality image from facebook its not that visible, but on the high resolution one its obvious. You have inverted normal maps. You also tried to smooth the bike with some subdivision tool, which ruined the whole look of the bike. Its wasn't bad idea, but you need to pay a lot more attention to what can be smoothed and what not. Still the idea and mood of the pic was so big it makes my top5 and overall 2nd place!

Paul - another great idea. You take your time and moved the parts from the bike(two clutch covers and floating chain tho) also you get the rider into that position (I'm kinda suspicious if you really used the rider provided in the obj tho, but I can't prove opposite and I believe you want to play fair so you did). Helmet looks pretty good too. But the whole picture is really dark. if you edit it in photoshop a bit, it will help a lot. Also materials on the bike looks kinda stock, which is a pitty. You also forgot the wheels as mentioned, so thats why you did only 5th place in by voting.

I will write all of the participants tips in the comments of their entries on facebook to help them out a bit for next one :)

Thanks once again guys! Hope next time we will get even better renders :)

P.S. if I forgot something, let me know! :)

Re: [p2sta] Little render competition

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:06 pm
by Pumaxcs
For the timeline, did you forget to change the month? For the end of the timeline you restarted days and kept '11' so thats what I'm thinking happened.

Looks sweet, might be a good time for me to learn something. A beta of your gear is worth it.

Re: [p2sta] Little render competition

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:16 pm
by Kording
Realy like the idea, i am in.

Re: [p2sta] Little render competition

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:19 pm
by p2sta
derp, yeah puma you are right, it should be .12 of course :)

Re: [p2sta] Little render competition

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:21 pm
by Sandhapper
Nice P2sta! I may join this one. Just one thing I'm not sure about. Are we allowed to delete your background and use a real image for it? (I hope you know what I mean)

Re: [p2sta] Little render competition

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:23 pm
by p2sta
no, keep it studio render please. Next one will be for outdoor renders with possibility to use background pictures ;)

Re: [p2sta] Little render competition

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:29 pm
by Sandhapper
OK, thanks!

Re: [p2sta] Little render competition

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:45 pm
by Kording
And are allowed to move the objects within the stuido or something ?

Re: [p2sta] Little render competition

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:47 pm
by p2sta
yes, you can move/rotate/scale them as you wish, but everything from the obj have to be visible on the render

Re: [p2sta] Little render competition

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 12:30 am
by magnusson
great idea! gonna try to enter :)

Re: [p2sta] Little render competition

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:27 am
by mace-x
i´m in! :)

Re: [p2sta] Little render competition

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:00 am
by wakeymatt
I'm defo in :D

Re: [p2sta] Little render competition

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:07 pm
by Kording
p2sta wrote:[*]Do whatever resolution you want, don't do anything super-huge please :)
What exactly is super-huge ? :D nothing bigger then 1920:1080?

Re: [p2sta] Little render competition

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:11 pm
Nice p2. Found my sunday project!

Re: [p2sta] Little render competition

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 1:11 am
by Brina927
Are we allowed to edit the background plane? I.E. adding an image onto it or changing the color of it while still keeping it an indoor style?