why are there separate AM and Pro classes for RF?

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why are there separate AM and Pro classes for RF?

Post by Motocross709 »

I'm just sitting here wondering why there is separate AM and Pro classes? I have been watching the AM races and also the pros and have noticed an extreme similarity in speed / laptimes for the top 10-15 Am's to the top 10 pros. I think its ridiculous you have some guys who want to race AM to have fun and race people who are actually the same speed as them, but then end up having to qualify and race against people who should be top 10 pros. Its just lame and ruins the fun.

Top 10 qualifying for pros this week -

Top 10 qualifying for Am's this week

Obviously i'm sure some of these guys are pro's who are tired of losing and just chose to sandbag.
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Re: why are there separate AM and Pro classes for RF?

Post by Motocross709 »

Since the images won't post, here they are

Qualifying for AM's this week -

Qualifying for pros this week -

Qualifying times should not be this similar for 2 classes that should have a huge skill gap.
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Re: why are there separate AM and Pro classes for RF?

Post by Jrife548 »

Pros have 1 day to qualify and most of them are adults with lives and not much time to grind, AMs have like a week to qualify and they are children with 18 hours a day to sit and run laps, and they're STILL seconds off the top times, AND they do all of that grind for no reason because as soon as the gate drops for moto 1 they crash 18 times per lap and run 20 seconds off their quali pace. This is how it's always been.

I'm also about 90% sure half the ams class is just pros on a different UID, that shit has gotten out of control lately like you would not believe.

Side note, the top ams riders in real life are faster than most AMA pros, so idk what you really complaining about at least it's realistic
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