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D&H Motorsports Honda

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:56 am
by huntermx4
Hey guys, I have started a new team called D&H Motorsports Honda, and is proud to be on this team with my CO-Manager/Skinner/, Kyler Hawkey! As of now, we are not taking any team requests, but maybe sometime in the future. At this point, we are a growing team with a successful amount of support! Right now, we aren't too worried about the 2013 Sx season, as we are trying to get everything situated with the team and things such as training to get faster. We are looking to do the 2013 Mx Season with a few wins, and hopefully many more in the future!


I would now like to thank the people who played a huge role in this team, and the main one goes out to Ryan Prentice over at Intrinzic Graphix for providing us with the sickest graphics I've seen yet and for the logos on our bikes!
I would also like to thank Kyler Hawkey for taking Ryan's graphics and remaking them for Mxs and also doing our names on the gear! **Yes, he had permission**
Another thanks would go out to P2sta for the rider models, DJ and anyone who contriuted to the making of the Crf250, Everyone who made parts and such for the Crf250, Sam Greenwalt (A.K.A Grizz) for the sick gear, Mona and others for the Bell Moto 8, Giopanda for the Tech10 A-Stars, and everyone who contributes to the comminuty! Thanks all and have a good 2013 racing season!

Re: D&H Motorsports Honda

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:30 am
by Devnn
Looks good dude. Goodluck

Re: D&H Motorsports Honda

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:09 am
by BGnastyy905
Looks good, but the pants are backwards.

Re: D&H Motorsports Honda

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:22 pm
by huntermx4
Lol thank you for noticing that i told him but hell in game you dont know the difference so i said oh well im releasing it its still sick ;)