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Lorretta Lynns 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:53 pm
by Sweendoggy
Loretta Lynns 2011
(Click Image to Download)


--Penalties for cutting/cheating will be processed on a "protest" system. To "protest" someone you need to PM me about it within 30 minutes of the completion of the event

--Must use the right sized bike for the right size class.

--Must give me your UID and Race Number when signing up in this thread.

--If I feel you belong in a different class from that which you signed up, I hold the right to place you in that class, although I will PM you about it, and you can challenge it if you really really disagree, I'm not out to call anyone a noob, but I feel like I have a good idea of who belongs where, and I have a ton of race results, demos, and proof to back me up on it.

--It is better to sign up and not show up, than to not sign up, and realize last minute you can make it, and try to sign up but they are closed. Signing up and not showing is NO sweat off my back, as it just means I'll get the returned message "can not find UID=blah blah blah"

--The Sign up deadline applies to everyone!

--Just a disclaimer, I hold the right to add any rules/penalties at any time I see fit...Use common sense and you'll probably be fine

--All classes will have 3 ten minute plus 2 lap motos, and each class starts at the top of an hour (with the exception of the 50 class)

--All Times listed are approximate, though I will try my best to stay within the time limits

--Practice Days will be the day before raceday and will consist of 20 minutes of timed practice (laptime) which will determine gate pick for every moto of that class. If you don't show up for it, you will be ordered by sign up. YOU MUST BE THERE BEFORE THE PRACTICE STARTS OR YOUR LAP TIMES WON'T COUNT, however, if you are there upon the restart, and you post a fast lap in the first 5 minutes and wish to leave, you certainly can, as even rage quitters lap times are saved on the stats site! It will be some what tedious, as times are approximate, but show up at the listed times, you will probably have to still wait, as we will be behind, but just show up at the listed times and you won't miss it. Time will be standardized using the "clock" on THIS FORUM

Schedule/Rider Lists
125 Week Results -

Practice Races

Re: Lorretta Lynns 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:59 pm
by Juan357
125 A
Open A
Name:PPG_Juan "MotoOption"
Number : 357

Re: Lorretta Lynns 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:05 pm
by ShackAttack12
UID: 505

125 21+
50 Open
Open A
Open 21+

Re: Lorretta Lynns 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:19 pm
by yzmxer608

125 0-20
125 A
50 Open
Open 0-20
Open A

Plan on riding the onetwofive for every race except the 50, burraaap. Only thing is I might not be able to make either practice, so I will be put in place by when I signed up?

Re: Lorretta Lynns 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:21 pm
by Sweendoggy
yzmxer608 wrote:moy_yzmxer608

125 0-20
125 A
50 Open
Open 0-20
Open A

Plan on riding the onetwofive for every race except the 50, burraaap. Only thing is I might not be able to make either practice, so I will be put in place by when I signed up?
Yup, exactly. The practice thing is really just for fun, as we usually aren't racing for "fastest Lap time" it should be interesting. Really though, gate pick doesn't matter THAT much in this game, as everyone is going to crash in the first turn anyway! :lol:

Re: Lorretta Lynns 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:22 pm
by yzmxer608
Sounds good! Yeah that's true haha. This first turn has to be bad with a lot of people, trying to get into ruts right away can't turn out pretty (didn't make last year).

Re: Lorretta Lynns 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:27 pm
by tyskorn
FSK[usa]-Tyler Crain
UID: 547

125 A
125 0-20
50 Open
Open A
Open 0-20

A classes. :shock:

Re: Lorretta Lynns 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:50 pm
by Klutch
BTO Sports - Klutch

125 C
Open B

Hope everybody doesnt compete in A. I definitely wanna watch A though.

Re: Lorretta Lynns 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:16 pm
by Jones221
UID: 377

125 0-20
50 Open
Open A
Open 0-20

Re: Lorretta Lynns 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:41 pm
by Juan357
Juan357 wrote:125 A
Open A
Name:PPG_Juan "MotoOption"
Number : 357

Sry for double post , but now i want to join in more classes..

now is :
125 A
Open A
Open 0-20
125 0-20
50 open

Re: Lorretta Lynns 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:05 pm
by BradyS21
UID: 3452

125 C
Open C

Re: Lorretta Lynns 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:12 pm
by Blaze#202
(BTO Honda)Blaze#202
Uid:2097(my brother and i share the same uid)
125 B
Open C

Re: Lorretta Lynns 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:35 pm
by MX196

125 B
125 Age 0-20
OPEN Age 0-20
50 Open

Disclaimer: I have lost a bunch of speed. Just look at the last Monday Night race I was in.

Re: Lorretta Lynns 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:51 pm
by Pumaxcs
Hopefully I will have enough time to get back up to speed by this.


#30 (LL has two digit requirement. Is that enforced?)
UID - 12

Re: Lorretta Lynns 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:56 pm
by Aeck Racing 26
man i'd love to race but ill be at LL in real life. u should make it a diff date if u do this agian next year