Snapshot Release Notes

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Snapshot Release Notes

Post by yzmxer608 »

This topic just has the release notes for all of the snapshots. I made this so info about specific features are not lost in the old snapshot topics buried where no one can find them. Please note that some things are now obselete. Snapshots are listed in descending order.

  • Always clears Z buffer now to eliminate rendering errors when at or near the edge of the field.
  • Now allows null models and textures in statues file.
  • Warmup bike is mostly ignored in scoring now.
  • New --print-orientation option which prints camera position/orientation on stdout. Mostly useful for people developing VR hardware.
  • Decal spacing range is more reasonable now.
  • New gradients are now centered in the screen instead of the whole map.
  • Four fifties added. One for each Japanese brand. (That's four 50cc bikes folks!)
  • Flywheel damper reworked to prevent jitter with light flywheels.

  • Now ignores other bikes' front wheels in online collisions.
  • Fixed buried wheels bug.
  • Now draws front wheel and lower fork in first person view.
  • Client version is now 9.

  • Larger brush radius and zoom out in editor.
  • Editor can now hide all decals that are different than the selected decal. (The arrows, not the actual decals.)
  • Added "Copy Gradient" button.
  • Fixed buried rider bug.
  • Server to client reliable messages are now pipelined for more throughput on high latency connections.
  • Client version is now 8.

  • By popular demand, physics are now more rammer friendly! Yay!
  • You can now dab while over the max dab speed for 1 second after you've been rammed.
  • Client version is now 7.

  • User specified mipmaps.
  • Fast pickup now disabled when auto dab is off.
  • Linux version is now compiled against Centos 5.5 libraries (glibc 2.5, xorg 1.0.3 and alsa 1.0.17) for better compatibility with older distros.
For custom mipmaps, add [mip_custom] to the png comments.

Put the first level mipmap below than main image, the 2nd level to the right of the 1st, the 3rd below the 2nd, the 4th below the 3rd and so on. If there is no more room below, which can happen in a wide aspect texture, put it to the right of the previous level. Each level has 1/2 the dimensions of the previous level.

Here are a couple of examples. 0 represents the full res texture and the higher numbers represent smaller and smaller mipmaps.

Code: Select all



  • Editor now uses same gui code as the other menus.
  • Editor now remembers multiple gradients.
  • Fixed gate non-jamming bug.
  • Client version is now 6.

  • Now uses parallel projection instead of scaling Y coord for editor's display.
  • Gate jumper penalty is now cleared on restart.
  • Easier to see grab targets in editor.
  • Fixed online collision launching bug. (This time I really mean it!)
  • Steering is no longer weakened when front wheel is hit while stopped.
  • Victim of ramming now gets up faster than normal.

  • Recovery from steering force reduction after front wheel/handlebar contact is now 4 times faster.
  • Much less force reduction for handlebar contact.
  • Slightly more force reduction for front wheel contact.

  • Fixed fall recovery bug in AI.
  • Quicker recovery from steering force reduction after front wheel contact.

  • Disabled collision bias.
  • Greater reduction in steering force after front wheel contact.
  • Client version is now 5.

  • Added "/fov <degrees>" command. This lets you set a fractional fov, e.g. "/fov 106.2602".
  • Added "/camangle <yaw> <pitch>" command. This lets you precisely aim the floating camera.
  • Fixed bug in online collision biasing. I think this might fix the intersected bikes launching issue too.
  • Max steering force is now reduced for a moment after you hit someone with your front wheel.
  • The clutch doesn't transfer as much torque when partially engaged now when compared to older versions.
  • Added 15 second false start penalty when you move more than 3 feet before the gate drops.
  • Now shows the track name and race format after the track loads.
  • Server can now disable arcade mode.
  • Slow damping now boosts leveling at slow speeds too.
  • Client version is now 4.

  • Fixed texture loading bug when loading non png texture fails.
  • Starting gate angles are now range reduced.
  • Custom sounds per bike/skin.
  • pipe2/pipe4 commands have been renamed to just "pipe".
  • pipe command has two new parameters which give the first and last delay lines to affect. There are 16 delay lines to adjust.
The naming for the pipe info file goes like this. If the bike skin is called "yz125-2010 Stock-Blue.png", it will try the following files in order:

yz125-2010 Stock-Blue.pipeinfo
yz125-2010 Stock.pipeinfo

Code: Select all

pipe 1.75 0.1 0.4 0 0
pipe 2.5 0.3 -0.4 1 15
The first line sets delay line 0 to simulate a 1.75 foot pipe at .4 amplitude.
The second line sets lines 1-15 to simulate a 2.5 foot pipe at -.4 amplitude with the lines
covering .3 feet.


  • Fixed launch to Neptune bug when reseting a time trial.
  • Added new mipmap mode. Put "[mip_max_alpha]" in the png comment and the mipmaps will use the max alpha value instead of the average when downsampling.
  • New billboard statue mode. When angle is over 3.25, the angle becomes the level of detail where the model will always face the viewer.
  • New Y aligned statue mode. When angle is less than -2*pi, the statue will be aligned with the global Y axis.
  • Smoothed out the off idle torque for all bikes.
  • LOD's can now be fractional (e.g. "")
  • Changed the 2 stroke sound a little.
  • Added "pipe2" and "pipe4" commands. These let you play with the pipe parameters. Usage is "/pipe2 <pipelength> <mufflelength> <reverbamp>". "pipe2" changes the 2 strokes and "pipe4" changes the 4 strokes. Default for pipe2 is 1.75 0.3 -0.75. Default for pipe4 is 5.0 1.0 -0.85

  • When rewinding in a demo, the timing info is rewound too.
  • Fixed null decal bug.
  • New console command "/namedemo demoname". When the game closes the demo, it will rename it to the given name.
  • Reverted the underprediction code from the last snapshot.
  • Velocity reduced during online collisions. This should help the bike in front and might help slow things down when bikes intersect due to lag.
  • Fixed sign error in 125 sound. (Reverb amplitude should have been negative.)

  • Now correctly filters lowest resolution mipmaps for non square textures.
  • Scrollback in chat console. Use Page Up and Page Down to scroll.
  • Command history in chat console. Use the up and down cursor keys to go through the history.
  • Chat text is now smaller and is repositioned to the right of the results.
  • New command line option "--accurate-skip". This makes the scoring accurate when skipping ahead in a demo. It's disabled by default since it uses a lot of CPU.
  • When you're about to be lapped, the game now draws a blue bar on the bottom of the screen with the numbers of the riders about to lap you.
  • Prediction has been reduced by about 30 milliseconds in order to favor the rider in front during collisions.

  • Changed conditions required for rider to fall off. Rider now comes off when he's going 31 feet/sec relative to the bike or feels 43 G of acceleration.
  • Controllers get a dead zone by default. Now goes from 1/16 to 15/16 of the controller's travel instead of 0 to 1.
  • Now sets GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT to 1, which may fix the screenshot problems some people had.

  • Removed blackouts after crashes.
  • Changed conditions required for rider to fall off. (Rider comes off when he's going 30 feet/sec relative to the bike or if he hits the ground upside down.)
  • Improved foot position as rider gets back on bike.
  • /renderstats now keeps track of texture and shader changes.
  • Billboards are now drawn out of Z order if they don't overlap to reduce texture changes.
The new billboard optimization looks at the next 8 billboards for one with the same texture and draws it if it doesn't overlap anything behind it. This seems to avoid most of the texture changes. You can tune the search window by typing "/bbopt 32" in the chat screen, where 32 is the new search length. The bigger the search window the more texture changes it will avoid, but it will also waste more CPU time searching. If you have a slow CPU, "/bbopt 0" might be best. I'd like to know how this affects your framerates.


  • Rider's feet come off the pegs in a crash now.
  • "Default Fullscreen" now uses the exact registry mode.
  • Fixed the stop wheelie setting bug and the connect while paused bug.

  • Editor's radial mode is now a half circle rather than a full circle.
  • Editor now draws the brush as two circles. Inner circle is 100% and outer circle is 0%.
  • Height and slope are now printed when the gradient editor is up.

  • Fixed another bug (demo sync) when net slot number doesn't match gate number.

  • Fixed bug when net slot # doesn't match gate number.

  • DDMX's stability suggestion (landing damping factor/falloff in the advanced stability menu).
  • Display metric units on suspension adjusters.
For the new stability settings, "landing damping factor" is how much "roll damping" is multiplied by when you land. "landing damping falloff" is how long it takes the factor to taper back down to one in seconds.


  • Now models air pressure in fork.
  • More suspension adjusters.

  • Bold new graphics.
  • Now prints texture memory used after loading tracks.

  • View vector is interpolated more accurately in fragment shaders.
  • Fixed tiled normal/specular maps.
  • Animated (.seq) textures can now tile.
  • Animated textures can now use png files. (Working example here.)
  • Track list is now sorted by descriptive name rather than folder name.
  • Fixed sub-frame key timing.
Here's an example .seq file and what everything means:

Code: Select all

ANIM1 6 4 8 1
0 1 2 3 2 1
PNG @frame0.png
PNG @frame1.png
PNG @frame2.png
PNG @frame3.png
In the first line, 6 is the length of the animation sequence. 4 is the number of images. 8 is the time per frame in 1/128 second steps. The 1 makes the animation loop.
The second line is the sequence the frames will appear in. In this example it will run through the frames forward then backward.
The rest of the lines tell it where to load the images from. The images must have the same width, height and depth.


  • Normal and specular maps.
  • Added 'Skip' key - jumps ahead one second. Defaults to '/'.
To find the normal and specular maps, the game will remove .png from the texture and replace it with _norm.png or _spec.png. If that fails, it will then try removing .jm from the model and replacing it with _norm.png or _spec.png, but only for statues. For bikes and riders, it will fall back to the base texture name with .png replaced (e.g. rm125_norm.png).

The normal maps are tangent space normal maps. The tangent vectors should match the ones that Blender uses.

The specular maps should have the specular color for the RGB values and the shininess for the alpha. If the alpha is fully opaque (alpha=255) it will use the specular value from the model, otherwise, alpha=0 sets the specular exponent to 0, and alpha=254 sets the exponent to 128.

  • Update 2009-11-07:
    • Don't use "half" for variable names as it is a reserved word in ATI's compiler.
      Filter norm/spec maps out of the skin list.
  • Update 2009-11-07a:
    • Fixed tangent vector bug for weighted meshes.
  • Update 2009-11-07b:
    • Fixed bug where texture unit 1 was left on after drawing statues.
    See? I told you these aren't well tested...

  • Fixed fog bug.
  • Fixed editor bug.
  • Lighting shader now adds specular after texture.

  • Fixed environment coordinate generation bug.
  • Lighting and environment mapping is now done per pixel if shaders are available and enabled. (No normal maps yet.)

  • Fixed bug where you get incorrectly counted as lapped if you cross the finish line when the checkered flag is out for the leader.
  • Dab button now aims camera at current rider in free camera mode.
  • New "spy mode" lets you watch other players even if you aren't a spectator. Use /togglespy in the chat screen to activate it.
  • Rider's leg position is a little different now.
  • When recovering from a fall, the bike will not turn towards the next gate if the reverse button is held down.
  • If you steer while backing up, the bike will be turned to match the steering.

  • Fixed bug where file descriptors were not getting closed after loading pngs.

  • Fixed memory leak bug and a few other annoyances.

  • Roost density can now be set through the menus.
  • Map now shows player's status. (green=leading gray=finished)
  • Roost no longer rendered when it gets close to the camera.
  • New track file, "tileinfo".
  • Roost is now tile specific.
  • Friction can now be set depending on slip speed.
  • Rolling resistance can now be set depending on angular velocity.
  • Shading can now have twice the dynamic range. The new file is named "shadingx2.ppm".

  • The roost can now throw more than one particle per step per wheel
  • Added warmup mode for online play. You can now ride around without collisions instead of just spectating when you join.
  • Better texture/model memory management.

  • More detailed error message for sendto errors.
  • Model geometric detail setting now adds a bias in addition to scaling at lower settings.
  • Fixed screenshot message.
  • Stopped screenshots in editor mode.
  • Fixed rider interpolation bug.
  • More helmet aiming tweaks.

  • ALSA sound support for Linux.
  • Screenshot function. Bound to 's' by default.
  • Now shows track name in client/server track mismatch error message.
  • Rider's head movement is more restricted.
  • Polygon count stats. Use /renderstats in the chat screen or --draw-render-stats 1 on the command line to enable it.
  • Increased message buffer size to prevent long skin filenames from being truncated.

  • The rider now leans back a little when his chest is close to the bars.

  • Unbinds framebuffer before generating mipmaps.
  • Lowered multiplayer ghostout threshold from 5 seconds to 1. (This should make it easier to ride behind pumaxcs.)
  • Added --glfinish command line option. If your video driver lags you by not syncing on frame swaps, this will help you.
  • Added 2009 250f's.
  • Framebuffer objects disabled. You can re-enable it in the graphics setup menu.

  • Now uses framebuffer objects for offscreen rendering if available.
  • Adjustable terrain texture resolution.
  • Better leg positioning when dabbing.
Before you crank up the terrain texture resolution, make sure you have enough texture memory. The following numbers are the amounts needed in addition to all the other textures loaded by the track, bikes and riders. If you set it to 1024x1024 with a 128 meg card you will get something like 1 frame per minute.

Code: Select all

1024x1024: 603,979,776 bytes
512x512: 150,994,944 bytes
256x256: 37,748,736 bytes
128x128: 9,437,184 bytes
64x64: 2,359,296 bytes
32x32: 589,824 bytes

  • Regkey menu tries to help find typos involving "1", "l", "0" and "o".
  • Server connection history. (Use Page Up and Page Down instead of retyping to select servers you have recently connected to.)
  • Stopped WSAINVAL error when connecting.
  • Allow dabbing at up to 30 feet per second (used to be 15). Let the bike lean more at extremely slow speeds.
  • Recognize keypad enter key in most menus.

  • Improved engine sound.
  • Fixed suspension menu bug.
  • Online scoring is now accurate.
  • Prior scoring info is now sent when you connect.
  • Tracks are now checked for modifications when playing online.
  • Tracks can no longer be edited when online.
  • Player info (bike, name, etc.) now updated after each race.
  • Lagged out riders no longer prevent race finish.
  • New command line option "--chase-center 0,0,0". This changes the point the 3rd person camera is attached to. Wideopen6, this should make the camera work the way you want.
  • Backup files are no longer kept when saving a track. Be careful when saving now!
  • Client side registration key code is in place, but the server isn't checking keys yet so don't worry about it.
  • Povray exports now include textures for track objects.
  • Restart votes now require a 2/3 majority when the race is halfway over and the leader is still going. (This isn't a client change but I thought you'd want to know anyway.)

  • Multiplayer demo recording.
  • Smoother multiplayer spectating.
  • "Model Geometric Detail" now hides distant track objects when set to 10 or less.

  • Chat in multiplayer. (Default is 't' to chat.)
  • Player list in multiplayer menu.
  • Lagged out/disconnected bikes are now ghosted out.

  • Adjustable first person camera height and angle.

  • Hopefully fixed the collision hang properly.
  • Fixed track change bug.
  • Reduced bandwidth usage.

  • Basic multiplayer support.
  • The bike now rides better on track objects.

  • New command line option: --hidden-hud
  • Race timing info now saved in results.txt after race.

  • Now saves the settings from the hidden stabilizer settings menu. (Press * with "Stability" selected to bring up the menu.)
  • Slow damping factor increased at lower stability settings.

  • Prevents screensaver from starting on Windows.
  • Falls back to default model/skin if anything is missing.
  • Optionally uses a separate rider model for the first person view. (Default is "".)

  • Better rider movement
  • Bones for rider model
  • Skins can now select alternate models.

  • Bindable demo playback keys.
  • Optional time display. (add "--draw-time 1" to the command line to enable.)
  • Smoother float mode camera motion.
  • Adjustable field of view.

  • Separate front/rear brake torque adjusters.
  • Playback bikes ghost out in 3rd person mode.
  • Option for rigid or velocity based 3rd person camera.
  • Faster reverse speed.
  • Better slow speed handling. (Dabbing doesn't fight against the steering as much anymore.)

  • Demo menu. (Put your demos in "MX Simulator/demos".)
  • Race against prerecorded demos. (Hit "Playback Race" and then set "Playback Mode" to "Race Against".)
  • The game can now run with no track loaded.
  • Error messages are now printed to the screen instead of the console standard error output.
  • Non power of 2 textures are now scaled to the next higher power of 2.
  • If a file cannot be found, the game will now do a case insensitive search for a match. (Mostly useful on Linux.)
  • More torque just above idle for yz250f.

  • Rider/bike/wheel texture options in the bike setup menu
  • More flywheel damping tweaks.
To get your texture to show up in the list, name it rider-xxxx.png, wheels-xxxx.png or [bike]-xxxx.png (e.g. rm125-xxxx.png). Replace the xxxx with whatever name you want.


  • Lowers the knockout recovery time to 5 seconds.
  • There is now an option in the graphics setup menu to not hide the rider's arms in the 1st person view.

  • Fixed downsampling bug for completely transparent pixels.
  • Small billboard and decal rendering optimization. (Avoids unneeded glBegin/glEnd sequences.)
  • Sit/Dab key can now be set to toggle.
  • If you land upside down, the rider will be temporarily knocked out.
  • Braking torque is now adjustable.
  • Stop wheelies setting can now be set to "Front Only" which will stop stoppies but not wheelies.
  • Less flywheel damping/spring rate.
  • Quicker refreshes in track editor.

  • A quicker downshifting auto shifter.
  • Less low-mid rpm engine braking on the two strokes.

  • This enables fog.
To put fog in your track, add a line like this to your lighting file:

fog [ .75 .80 .87 ] .0003

Where "[ .75 .80 .87 ]" is the RGB fog color and ".0003" is the fog density.


  • This has some AI updates for triggerhappy's upcoming supermoto track (which looks great btw). The AI riders now adjust for differing tractions and have smoother throttle control.

  • Fixes a memory allocation bug.
  • Adds a flashy lens flare effect!
The lens flare has to be set up in the lighting file of the track.
There is an example here:

To put a lens flare in, you add some flare elements and then set the point or vector which must be visible for the flare to show.

A flare element line has this format:
flare_element [ x y ] [ r g b ] size image

Here's an example:
flare_element [ 0.0 -1.0 ] [ 0.25 0.0 0.0 ] 1.0 @flaretest/flare.png

The coordinates [ 0.0 -1.0 ] put the flare opposite the light source. [0 0] would be the screen center, and [0 1] would put it on top of the light source.
The color [ 0.25 0.0 0.0 ] sets the flare to a dim red.

Once you have some elements set up, you can set the flare origin with either flare_vector or flare_point. Use flare_vector for an infinitely distant light source, use flare_point for a local light source. The both have the same format:
flare_vector [ x y z ]
flare_point [ x y z ]


  • All new terrain texturing code.

  • Fixes the automatic clutch bug reported by billybob.

  • Fixes the Smithtown time trial bug.

  • Has a separate menu to pick tracks.
  • There is now flywheel damping that smooths out some oscillations.

  • The winner's total race time is in the final results.

  • Time Trial mode.
  • Volume control.
  • Controller only has to be 7/8 pressed to fully engage clutch.

  • Adjustable suspension and gearing.
TeamHavocRacing wrote:If I had a nickel for every time someone asked for this, I would have a whole shitload of nickels.
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Re: Snapshot Release Notes

Post by yzmxer608 »

Here are a few comments from this. When making it I realized just how much jlv is in contact and listens to us. He's released snapshots to make one person's upcoming track better, and even went against what he wanted with the front end lock removal.

Also, making this took me back to when I first started playing, seeing when online first came around, as well as shaders. Even stuff before I started here, just having a snapshot to display the TRT in the race results shows how far this game has come.

One more thing, why did you have to change the formating for the snapshot topics so much jlv? :twisted: Do you mind if you unlock this?

If anyone notices anything to change, just let me know.
TeamHavocRacing wrote:If I had a nickel for every time someone asked for this, I would have a whole shitload of nickels.
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Re: Snapshot Release Notes

Post by magnusson »

this need to get sticky-ed and unlocked :wink: very impressive yz!, fun to read trough these and see how this game has groaned...
vurbmoto wrote: - Kevin Windham is still a BOSS
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Re: Snapshot Release Notes

Post by MX196 »

great job YZ! I think you should include the latest snapshot download link at the top. It may help some people.
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Re: Snapshot Release Notes

Post by ShackAttack12 »

Wow YZ, you are bored as hell now that school is out :lol:.

Nonetheless, this is a great topic and should be Sticky'd.
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Re: Snapshot Release Notes

Post by yzmxer608 »

I'll add the link to the newest snapshot at the top, thanks for the suggestion.

Yeah Shack haha, it's something I've thought about for a while though.
TeamHavocRacing wrote:If I had a nickel for every time someone asked for this, I would have a whole shitload of nickels.
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Re: Snapshot Release Notes

Post by jlv »

I've unlocked the post, but you do pretty much the same thing with the right search.
Josh Vanderhoof
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Re: Snapshot Release Notes

Post by yzmxer608 »

Hmmm, guess it would have been good to try out return first option...
TeamHavocRacing wrote:If I had a nickel for every time someone asked for this, I would have a whole shitload of nickels.
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Re: Snapshot Release Notes

Post by richy34 »

thx bro i wanted something like this

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Re: Snapshot Release Notes

Post by matias »

yzmxer608 great post, can you tell me how do you do to search all the snapshots treads , to make an update here .
Phathry25 wrote: everyone has to start somewhere and if theres no available templates they have three options, ripping, kissing your ass, or making their own template.
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Re: Snapshot Release Notes

Post by yzmxer608 »

Forgot I made this haha. Just use the link jlv posted.
jlv wrote:I've unlocked the post, but you do pretty much the same thing with the right search.
TeamHavocRacing wrote:If I had a nickel for every time someone asked for this, I would have a whole shitload of nickels.
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