2017 EMF World MXSGP series

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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by MXTYSEN21 »

Bubba40 wrote:Best racing track of the year! Did you see the different lines people were taking in the race was amazing for passing. Good job tysen on the win!
Track was a little easy but besides that the track was amazing, Good job Emf crew on this one.
+1 That was one of the sickest races I've done straight last lap brawwl!
you are a G jlv
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by Bubba40 »

Faltsu wrote:I mean its pretty fun but really far from realistic, gonna say this again that last weeks track was perfect. Hopefully you will go back to that style, it was realistic and everybody liked it. :)
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by VUSTTOS »

Will the next GP of Russia be removed to the week after the real race since the FIM will make track changes in the real track?
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by M@xTizZz »

VUSTTOS wrote:Will the next GP of Russia be removed to the week after the real race since the FIM will make track changes in the real track?
hmm we didn't know they were changing it ...
Do you have some pictures or the link of an article about it please
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by VUSTTOS »

M@xTizZz wrote:
VUSTTOS wrote:Will the next GP of Russia be removed to the week after the real race since the FIM will make track changes in the real track?
hmm we didn't know they were changing it ...
Do you have some pictures or the link of an article about it please
I didn't read that anywhere, but It's what I heard when they did the Junior World Champ last year. People told "track wasn't in a MXGP level". I would of have said I assume FIM will make... not FIM will make. From the vids seems good tho. Just wondering since it's some kind of a "new" track.
Alex V111#1017
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by Juanitwo »

No race this thursday ?
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by Wahlamt »

Juanitwo wrote:No race this thursday ?
Think there will be, keep looking on the site for signups.
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by HarryWhite71 »

Wahlamt wrote:
Juanitwo wrote:No race this thursday ?
Think there will be, keep looking on the site for signups.
Yeah, signups are out, just no track
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by Wahlamt »

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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by Atom6246 »

Another week, another dreadful track. Hella 1 lined and narrow, making racing sketchy as could be.
Why is the outside rut the same size as the inside if not smaller? You have to have advantages and disadvantages for every line and that outside has no advantage. Other than first lap when everyone is piled up because the inside is the main line.
This gif is for the scale reference.
I get it, you're trying to slow the pace down but there has to be a better way.

Let's take a look at our options.
Red: Lose how many seconds and potentially cause carnage. (remember this example is for passing you already lost the drive to the guy inside)
Green: The most useless line because it sets you up to slam into the inside so you're losing time having to walk your way through it.
Teal: Wouldn't be such a bad line but the ruts are so mellow and sharp which makes it harder to get a good drive up the hill and the door is opened to get cutoff/cleaned from the inside.
Blue: Main line that sets you up perectly for the inside, only disadvantage is that it cuts across all the other ones lines making racing terrible for people trying to make the pass.
This is just my irrelevant opinion because I'm a spoiled American who wants a highway but feel free to debate.
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by Rayvenator »

Atom6246 wrote: This is just my irrelevant opinion because I'm a spoiled American who wants a highway but feel free to debate.
This is actually a great constructive post and you have good points in that the track is one-lined. As long as you ride the main line the track is great but passing might be an issue. That said, there are corners that have multiple good lines and good spots for passing. In IRL track also doesnt have 2-3 good lines through every corner. That particular corner you presented though isnt very good, just like you said. Every other line but the main one sucks balls ;) Also you Americans arent spoiled, you are just used to running rF:s more upscaled tracks with more traction and bigger ruts. Nothing wrong with either but its certainly differences in trackmaking.
Atom6246 wrote:Another week, another dreadful track. Hella 1 lined and narrow, making racing sketchy as could be.
Just because a track is one-lined in places doesnt make it "dreadful". It rides good, the on track decals is a stepup from the last tracks and traction is in the right direction. No track is perfect but the only way to make them better is to provide some good feedback to the track makers.

Still one of the better ones this year and I´m looking forward to racing on it :)
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by Wahlamt »

Atom6246 wrote:Let's take a look at our options.
Red: Lose how many seconds and potentially cause carnage. (remember this example is for passing you already lost the drive to the guy inside)
Green: The most useless line because it sets you up to slam into the inside so you're losing time having to walk your way through it.
Teal: Wouldn't be such a bad line but the ruts are so mellow and sharp which makes it harder to get a good drive up the hill and the door is opened to get cutoff/cleaned from the inside.
Blue: Main line that sets you up perectly for the inside, only disadvantage is that it cuts across all the other ones lines making racing terrible for people trying to make the pass.
This is just my irrelevant opinion because I'm a spoiled American who wants a highway but feel free to debate.
First off, the track was made in a reaaally tight timeframe, therefor I did not have the privilege of testing out all lines as much as I would have hoped (that one is on me, not an excuse). Actually this particular turn you show is the one I was the most happy with x)

The blue line was the very first I put in there. I found it a bit challenging to hit consistently without sliding (out) in the rut, so I added the Teal line, as an easier option. Red line was to have an outside. What I'm afraid of with the outsides is the they'll be too rail-able, which makes it boring and often 1 lined. Green was just put there to have something more and not a big smooth piece in the middle.

My opinion of that turn is that it seems to have quite a few good options, but I bet I would change my opinion if I were to play it more and see what others did on the servers. If you have some other example I'd like to see it, this was some good feedback that was cut clear and easy to understand, which I always appreciate.
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by Atom6246 »

Rayvenator wrote: As long as you ride the main line the track is great but passing might be an issue. That said, there are corners that have multiple good lines and good spots for passing. In IRL track also doesnt have 2-3 good lines through every corner.
Ya good point I can agree on that but I feel like it's more corners than less.
Wahlamt wrote:Red line was to have an outside. What I'm afraid of with the outsides is the they'll be too rail-able, which makes it boring and often 1 lined.
I see what you mean but you have to have more than 1 dominate line. The way you made it was actually pretty good (besides the size of the rut). It swings out wide but that should be the advantage of it, being able to keep some momentum through it aka rail it. I don't make tracks so I don't know how challenging it is to make the lines even but I feel like you have the potential.
Wahlamt wrote:If you have some other example I'd like to see it, this was some good feedback that was cut clear and easy to understand, which I always appreciate.
for sure I'll get some more examples
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by Atom6246 »

sry for page rape
From personal experience and seeing others do the same, this corner is really easy to blow over the ruts. Feel like you should have made them swing out more. And maybe even less line choices? (noticed rF usually has 3-4 lines) Also look at the outside, much more mellow than the rest of the ruts. Build it up (obviously not to the point you are 5th tapped), you are already wasting time swinging out that wide anyways. And with all those ruts it would be hard to lean it over so thats back to the less lines part(refer to the 2nd to outside rut).
So IMO ruts that have a better angle to the jump and more spaced out/less ruts (even if its 2 ruts less just feels too crowed).

Notice the outside waaay out by itself and still the same size as the insides? Who wants to touch that. With this traction especially you have to build up the outsides more if you want even line choices for more passing opportunities/closer racing.
Also since it leads to a left turn the guy that took the inside will have the option of blocking the inside, but right now everyone is going to go inside inside.
This corner is pretty much everything I explained, still think the outside could be built up/cupped out a lil more
Last but not least how narrow the track is. I get it supposed to be similar to 2013 style but theres a reason rF doesn't do that anymore.
You are never going to please everybody and I know majority of the people that race EMF will be against what I'm saying, but it will make the tracks more enjoyable and race friendly imo.
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Re: 2017 EMF World MXSGP series

Post by RFX_corentin_12 »

I agree with all the point Atom said

What a smart guy we have here:
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