The first person cam alot of people want <3

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The first person cam alot of people want <3

Post by decouto396 »

Hey jlv, I know you're working hard on other aspects of the game, but the first person cam (edited in post) would be something that'd I literally pay big money to have to be able to ride in game with... the physics of this game are light years ahead of any other moto game out there and I feel like the rigid body cam in first person is what is hiding the beauty of all of it. I know it's been posted before, but I fee like this is such a huge aspect to moto sims in general that we would all love to have the option to toggle in game! Thank you guys, any one else out there that would like this?
Here's an example in an edited go pro cam I found recently...
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Re: The first person cam alot of people want <3

Post by jlv »

Wouldn't be hard to do that. I don't think I'd be able to balance it that way but if people want it I'll do it.
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Re: The first person cam alot of people want <3

Post by Jakob Hubbard »

I feel like having super smooth first person cam would take away the feeling of controlling the bike. All we have is visual feedback to go off in this game so if you take that away almost all of the people who play first person won't have the feeling of the bike at all. Even if this was a toggle option, I doubt many people would see the benefits of running something like this.

On top of that, first person gimbal was adding not too long ago, which smooths out the camera transition in first person. Most people run that pretty low to none at all because if you run it too high you lose that feeling on the bike.
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Re: The first person cam alot of people want <3

Post by Jrife548 »

I think it would be sick to have this as an option when making edits or hotlap videos, or just to play casually in a more realistic view, but not so much actually competing or racing with it. Seems impossible to know what's actually going on with the bike.

BUT JLV Please add this for the former reasons. I know pilsner takes hours upon hours just to get 1 lap to look that good using keycams, it would be insane to be able to just toggle on a realistic cam instead.
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Re: The first person cam alot of people want <3

Post by decouto396 »

Thanks JLV! I think for editing purposes too like some of the others were saying would make it unreal and bring so much attention back to the game. Just an option to have the camera unlocked from the chest would send me over the moon. I really, really hope this comes into play. Like I said, I'd be willing to personally pay you for this hahah
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Re: The first person cam alot of people want <3

Post by dawsonsleeper »

This would be sick for watching playbacks but like other's have said I feel like it would be super hard to actually play like this. Not having that rough "chatter" (for lack of a better term) I think it would be really hard to feel what the bikes doing underneath you. Also, how would it look while playing? In the video the rider looks like he's leaning separate from the bike, like MXGP or MX Bikes but obviously that's not how sim works. Definitely would be a cool feature to play with though!! Whip's look sick and imagine what a slide whip/oppo would look like :shock:
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Re: The first person cam alot of people want <3

Post by dp26 »

Jakob Hubbard wrote: Fri Oct 14, 2022 2:10 am I feel like having super smooth first person cam would take away the feeling of controlling the bike. All we have is visual feedback to go off in this game so if you take that away almost all of the people who play first person won't have the feeling of the bike at all. Even if this was a toggle option, I doubt many people would see the benefits of running something like this.

On top of that, first person gimbal was adding not too long ago, which smooths out the camera transition in first person. Most people run that pretty low to none at all because if you run it too high you lose that feeling on the bike.
I play first, and I totally agree with your opinion.
to add, the example shown in the link which is similar to mxb where the front wheel goes far to the side from the center of the helmet at each turn is so unrealistic, cause rider always move with the bike. The cam effect asked in the video its a gopro effect, not how you see things irl. This way you never be accurate to where you place your front wheel.

for replay or video porpuse its fine,
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Re: The first person cam alot of people want <3

Post by DrDub472 »

I agree with the ability in having a dynamic first person option. Some may not be a fan, but there are also a lot of people that would absolutely love and appreciate this option. Or at least the ability to unlock the camera tilt with cornering. This would definitely help push a first person sim experience (or at least for some) and could consistent bring more people to the community

I know I’m late to this thread and it may be a tired post, but this is a great game and I’d love for it to improve any way it can. Thanks jlv!
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Re: The first person cam alot of people want <3

Post by njc413 »

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Re: The first person cam alot of people want <3

Post by Jessemx67, »

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Re: The first person cam alot of people want <3

Post by Jessemx67, »

its needed
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Re: The first person cam alot of people want <3

Post by ben201honda »

JLV is there any update concerning this topic? is it in the works or on the back burner?
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Re: The first person cam alot of people want <3

Post by jlv »

ben201honda wrote: Tue May 14, 2024 4:23 pm JLV is there any update concerning this topic? is it in the works or on the back burner?
I'd say back burner. I want new lighting first.
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Re: The first person cam alot of people want <3

Post by ben201honda »

jlv wrote: Wed May 15, 2024 1:44 am
ben201honda wrote: Tue May 14, 2024 4:23 pm JLV is there any update concerning this topic? is it in the works or on the back burner?
I'd say back burner. I want new lighting first.
i can side with you on this 100% a valid point, just was wondering if you got anywhere with it cause you said you wanted to. Have a blessed day! Thanks for the amazing game!
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Re: The first person cam alot of people want <3

Post by taylorsmx »

Curious on any updates for this. I absolutely love sim for the physics and how the bikes feel, and I wanna play first person but the current first person camera throws me off so much. I think having a roll gimbal, that keeps the horizon level, and a yaw gimbal, that smooths out when you throw whips would make the camera perfect. I'm fine with the shaky camera during breaking bumps, just throws me off when I throw a whip and I cant keep my eyes on the landing, and the full head tilt while turning throws me off ass well. Would love to hear an update on this topic especially with your planned UI scripting updates
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