2016 EMF PRO & Amateur Motosport SX series - Official Thread

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Re: 2016 EMF PRO & Amateur Motosport SX series - Official Th

Post by Wahlamt »

Rd. 11 - Detroit - 250 and 450 Heats

Rd. 11 - Detroit - 250 and 450 LCQ's

Rd. 11 - Detroit - 250 and 450 Mains
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Re: 2016 EMF PRO & Amateur Motosport SX series - Official Th

Post by James Parkin #77 »

This is like the most multicultural track ever, all the different colours of dirt....
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Re: 2016 EMF PRO & Amateur Motosport SX series - Official Th

Post by M@xTizZz »

Round 9 (Postponed) :

Servers and sign up opened !!!
Maxime Tison
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Re: 2016 EMF PRO & Amateur Motosport SX series - Official Th

Post by M@xTizZz »

Protest results of round 11 have been posted here

For those who are interested by this story, Jordan Lacoste finally took 5 weeks suspension and, after this ban, last chance before season ban included in the next EMF official serie (=Motocross).
It means he'll not have any chance, any other warning or 1 week suspension, next problem with him = season ban (if it happens at the end of supercross, it will be applied also for the MX season)

Now i'll try to reply to all bad things wrote in the past posts. I took my time cause i was really upset & edgy about them.
ReflexxDesigns wrote:EMF is so poorly ran since its been taken over, i can just imagine all the Admins day dreaming while people are punting all moto. Also when someone who might beat an eMc rider or one of the EMF buddies gets challenged in the championship someone gets some weird 1 round ban for being off the track to much.
you just talk about the last italian serie which was NOT hosted by EMF, i means not officially so not by us (Bruno, Kris and me), it was hosted by an italian team, EMF has no responsability into this.

Like Kristoffer said, Bruno & me never privelege any of our team's members, it has nothing to deal with EMF. I already banned one week someone from my team without any problem to do it. So just tell me one example of what you says, please !?!
For french community, you want to know my personal opinion, again nothing to deal with EMF or *eMc*, it's my PERSONAL opinion. I don't like the majority of the french community, i got friends which are as old as me on the game. But the majority of the new frenchies on this game, first i don't know them, second i don't like how they act. So why would i privelege them, really !?!

I'll tell you the reality my friend Owen, you were just harsh with us because we kicked your friend Kyle Lane for playing with a really bad connection and you know what ? i told to Kyle on facebook and he's actually understanding why we kicked him...
To tell about "since its been taken over", i just told you one example of one thing who was not done on EMF before, kick laggers. I can find you others things without any problem.
But yeah maybe it was better to play with laggers. nevermind...

Dennisfjeldberg wrote:Image
Okey so this is how it works? you guys are in TS with Jordan and allowing him to punt me and jump from the finish line over to the other lane to take me out, flip on the start on purpose to take me out?
i tought this was a serious series and that BRUNO and TIZZ did there best to keep this professional? but its proof enough here that all you guys where a part of this shit. GG on ruining a good series
Like i explained to Dennis, Jordan was on the teamspeak during the race cause he's a FKF's member, his microphone was muted so we never allowed to do it, and right after the race we told him he will be banned anyway cause he already had 2 warnings.
I wants to clarify some crap who has been said by everyone. I saw the conversation between Jordan & Dennis on facebook and Jordan never said "Bruno & Tison allowed me to do it".
The conversation :
Dennis : insult insult insult french insult (to me it looks like intolerance to french people, nevermind... )
Dennis : i know very good admins you'll be banned permanent (lol, you know very good Bruno or me ?, what's the name of my cat, Bruno's age or just the name of my girlfriend ? nah man you don't know us)
Jordan : insult google translate
Jordan : gyazo of the teamspeak channel
Jordan : insult google translate
Dennis : you french guys are ruining the community (something like this, don't remember exactly)

that's all, so where did you (Dennis) see we allowed him to do it ? the gyazo was just a reply at your "i know very good admins..." => an other "World runs around me" guy
And then you come on this thread to trashtalking EMF... Even after talking on teamspeak with us, you knew the truth you didn't write an other post to say "no it was not true" (something like this)
Also after the heat telling me : what the fuck you are doing, you're stupid ... just because someone punt me outside on you...
I just want to say one thing : GG for ruining a good serie

Burkeen820 wrote: Lol literally can't believe how bad the quality of racing is in emf, its a real bummer. Got taken out by so many lappers i lost count. Apologies to maxime though i totally cleaned him out because I thought i was lapping him and was really frustrated, so my b on that
I'm sorry for the suspension Matt, i did my protest, Bruno & Kris took the decision. But yeah a lapper with a gap of 0.7s since half a lap, pretty weird. I understand why you thought that, i'm often a lapper. But here we were 7th & 8th, we didn't see a lot of lappers at this time of the race.
So i don't think you got taken out by so many lappers.
My opinion :
the track is just really tight and the majority of europeans pro players don't have enough skill to ride them
+ there is a big difference between the top 3/5 and the rest of the pack.
+ (maybe some top pro are just too hasty to pass people when they started bad).

Dollafifty wrote:Heres some things ive learned about the pros. Theyre a bunch snotty "the world runs around me" kind of ppl that think they should win every race and everyone else should just move over and if you dont ill just plow thru you. Just keep complaining so they take racing away all together. You wont care for a few weeks, but after that you will wish it was there. "Dont know what you got til its gone". No offense to you fast guys. I wish i had your speed, but most of your attitudes fucking suck. Theres a easy solution. If the racing is so "unbearable" and "horrible" then dont race. Simple. Thank you emf for allowing me the priveledge of racing. Its greatly appreciated
You know what ? thank you man ! muchas gracias ! danke shön ! grazie mille !
This is so true. And so many guys think it is.

Finally, i don't think EMF is the problem, i think it's more the mentality of the community.

Why some pro are so clean on rF & in the same time so dirty on EMF ?
Because of their mentality, not because of EMF.
I can tell you so many example but i just don't want to tell : this one is bad, this one is good, just protest when it happens.

I can compare EMF (2012) & EMF (2013,2014) & EMF (2015,2016) also. I was riding all of them.
I am actually seeing an evolution since 2012, but idk maybe it was better to play with aussie lags & WIFI guys, maybe better than playing with "world runs around me" guys

Just keep in mind, we are doing this for free, nioubie built the whole website for free (and what a website nah?), we are hosting 30/40 races by year for free and Kristoffer is streaming those races also for free while his girlfriend is sleeping in the same room...
I'll not sign up for the next 4 years on this game, so please for the rest we'll be here,
try to be more mature than you ever been,
protest guys who ruined your race,
don't act like this guy,
and all will be fine.

Thanks for reading.
See you guys in Daytona race tonight !
Maxime Tison
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Re: 2016 EMF PRO & Amateur Motosport SX series - Official Th

Post by mx201 »

Great racing today got a career best 3rd in 450 MAIN today :D :D
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Re: 2016 EMF PRO & Amateur Motosport SX series - Official Th

Post by RyanTurner »

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Re: 2016 EMF PRO & Amateur Motosport SX series - Official Th

Post by Wahlamt »

If the stream gets up later, I'll bring you another episode of the KTM Championships brough to you by EMF sponsored by KTM.
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Re: 2016 EMF PRO & Amateur Motosport SX series - Official Th

Post by ConnerPeavy »

Thanks to Brock Papi for pinning it straight into me no fucks after the SX triple lap 1 and ruining my race, anyway thanks EMF and the guys for hosting even though I got totally fucked over, hopefully I can make it to some other rounds.
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Re: 2016 EMF PRO & Amateur Motosport SX series - Official Th

Post by Bubba40 »

EMF seriously 4 laps to go and you kick me can't you just wait till next round in the heat or warm up and if it's happening tell me that i can't race don't freaking kick me on lap 16 in the main event cause it's spiked a couple of times. I Don't know how bad it was but every 45 seconds i would check it and was 150 ping like normal, and give a warning about it maybe i could have screamed down stair to get someone off the wifi maybe that would help the spikes better than just kicking me from main event.
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Re: 2016 EMF PRO & Amateur Motosport SX series - Official Th

Post by Wahlamt »

The situation here with Hunter Root got quite heated, so let me explain a little.

When dealing with lag there is a few things to take into consideration.
  • Ping - This is the most common and well known one. Ping is how long it takes from the signal to go back and forth. If this is constantly high, you will constantly lag. If it gets high from time to time, you will most likely look like you gets "ghosted" for a short bit before returning to the track.
  • Package loss - If you lose packages, that may not be seen on the ping. You could have a 10ms ping, but still lag, due to this. To illustrate here, we could say that your pc "forgets" to send 95% of the frames to your screen. You would end up with around 10 fps or so. Instead here, the server does not receive a position. This game as of a while ago does predict the opponents positions to predict collisions, is my understanding. So if you (according to your game) hit someone on your screen it looks like they crash, and all the sudden they are "alive" 50ft away. What basically goes down here is that the packages that actually makes the way back and forth to the server will have a fast connection of 150ms, while the other 46/50 (for example) packages will not arrive. Therefor the game/server will not be very precise with the positioning, making it seem like you float but your ping will still be low since the arriving packages did arrive with a fast connection.
Bubba40 wrote:EMF seriously 4 laps to go and you kick me can't you just wait till next round in the heat or warm up and if it's happening tell me that i can't race don't freaking kick me on lap 16 in the main event cause it's spiked a couple of times. I Don't know how bad it was but every 45 seconds i would check it and was 150 ping like normal, and give a warning about it maybe i could have screamed down stair to get someone off the wifi maybe that would help the spikes better than just kicking me from main event.
Your ping was normal, I did check that on the stream. It was around 120-160, rather stable. However every now and then it would just for a split second spike, yet you still lagged. You did not lag in the beginning of the race, nor in the warmup. It got gradually worse as the race kept going. If you'd been lagging during the warmup lap, you would have received a warning as we try to tell most people on the warmup lap. Personally (only speaking for myself here, not EMF) I've never seen anyone being able to pull off getting rid of lag during a race UNLESS it's one or two spikes, that can happen to anyone. Anyone I've ever seen lagging that constant, I've never seen it getting better. (once again, just speaking for myself on the last part).
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Re: 2016 EMF PRO & Amateur Motosport SX series - Official Th

Post by M@xTizZz »

Kristoffer is right
Rules are the same for everyone, Hunter Root or Stephane Guido, if you got massive drops, constant ping over 300ms, you'll be kicked.
Sorry for the inconvenience, we are just trying to be FAIR, which we've been called out for not being.
Maxime Tison
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Re: 2016 EMF PRO & Amateur Motosport SX series - Official Th

Post by ryxn »

EMF is more corrupt that Sepp and Fifa!
Fair Play.
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Re: 2016 EMF PRO & Amateur Motosport SX series - Official Th

Post by Wahlamt »

ryxn wrote:EMF is more corrupt that Sepp and Fifa!
What's Sepp? Also can you give me a few examples of why EMF is corrupt. The more examples the better, as we then know what people would like to see EMF not do I guess.
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Re: 2016 EMF PRO & Amateur Motosport SX series - Official Th

Post by Wahlamt »

Demos AM and PRO from Daytona Rd 9.
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Re: 2016 EMF PRO & Amateur Motosport SX series - Official Th

Post by M@xTizZz »

ryxn wrote:EMF is more corrupt that Sepp and Fifa!
an other smart kid

If you guys think we kicked Hunter Root because André Santos was 2nd, i'll tell you it's not even an *eMc* member who kicked him, it's Bruno ...
The only *eMc* member who got admins right on the server is me and i was riding, with my song muted on teamspeak so ...
Maxime Tison
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