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Re: Chat channel

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 4:34 am
by jlv
ddmx488 wrote:hmm, ua's ip adress changes constantly. that could be a problem. a unmanaged server sounds good but what is the quality difference between the two? is there much coding that goes into online multiplayer?
Unmanaged leaves all the software configuration/upgrades up to you. They basically just rent the computer to you and you're on your own from there.

A managed server is almost like using shared hosting except you have the server all to yourself. They keep the software configured and up to date while you just use cpanel or whatever to run your website.

As for how hard multiplayer will be, I won't know until I do it. I was initially thinking making the server run the physics and letting the clients use prediction to keep in sync and not lag. That would have been technically challenging and also have high CPU requirements for high latency clients. The upside would be that cheating would be nearly impossible.

Lately I've been thinking that's not the way to go. Instead I've been thinking I'll let each client handle its own physics and just have the server inform the clients of each other's positions. The coding should be a lot easier that way.

Re: Chat channel

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 3:00 pm
by wakestyle21
yeah that way sounds the best because then online play should actually be easier on our computers than running against AI because our computer only has to calculate our own physics.

Re: Chat channel

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 3:15 pm
by ddmx
does this mean that we will not be able to see each other when we race; we will just only be able to know our own positions?

Re: Chat channel

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:36 pm
by Voutare

Your PC would calculate your position/physics, which is pretty much everything you/your bike does.

Then it will send the information out to the server, and relay that information to everyone else in the race. The same will happen for everyone to you. You will see basically a real time .mxdemo of the race, but your PC won't need to calculate all the bikes, it would just show it.

I think. As I usually say: Let JLV explain. :D

Re: Chat channel

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:30 pm
by DJ99X
Hopefully it doesn't turn out like other motorsport games online, where the bikes will just bounce around the place in random positions. Grid is a good example of that. You think youve passed someone who crashed, next thing you know they are crashing up and down the road, randomly teleporting to other places.

Re: Chat channel

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:42 pm
by jlv
Voutare has it right. It won't be ideal since it will be possible to hack up a cheating client. Bike to bike collisions will be less precise too. Compared with a strict client/server model that is.

Re: Chat channel

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:28 am
by ddmx
either way i'm looking forward to the future.

Re: Chat channel

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 6:26 pm
by cpt_Slow
how does the online multiplayer work on mcm2 and other similar set ups? as i figured it was simply running between the computers involved, not to a main server, just saying because i don't like the sound of additional charges sorry :cry:

sorry if i'm being dumb :oops: but i don't know of any main server for mcm2 you just get the ip of the person hosting it