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Re: MXS Twitter

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:40 pm
by Pumaxcs
Oh shit its happening

Re: MXS Twitter

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 4:25 am
Fake news.

Re: MXS Twitter

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 4:31 am
by AWood
Lets get it. I have all your skins from 2012ish

Re: MXS Twitter

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 2:11 am
Sadly, not sure I even have most of them. Adam found some 2013 RMZ stuff but the engines seem a lot better on the newer bikes so will need to figure out how to get an updated set.

Re: MXS Twitter

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 5:57 am
by Atom6246
TBARRY34 wrote:Sadly, not sure I even have most of them. Adam found some 2013 RMZ stuff but the engines seem a lot better on the newer bikes so will need to figure out how to get an updated set.
Open the saf's in Notepadd++, and change the dyno names from there?
Ex. rmz450v2013 to fc450v2016

Here's some of the common new dynos.

Re: MXS Twitter

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 8:13 pm
Atom6246 wrote:
TBARRY34 wrote:Sadly, not sure I even have most of them. Adam found some 2013 RMZ stuff but the engines seem a lot better on the newer bikes so will need to figure out how to get an updated set.
Open the saf's in Notepadd++, and change the dyno names from there?
Ex. rmz450v2013 to fc450v2016

Here's some of the common new dynos.
Didn't know that was possible, thanks for the tips!

Re: MXS Twitter

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 8:40 pm
by TeamHavocRacing
Dust devil took out my fruit stand the other dayyyyyyyy....

Re: MXS Twitter

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 6:50 am
by aeffertz
The amount of people that are 'anti-mask' astounds me. If you still can't wrap your head around this issue after 6 month makes me want to just kill myself and forever distance myself from these fucking morons. Fight fire with fire, right? Here we go...

Fact: Covid is spread through our grubby little respiratory systems.
Fact: Putting a mask over our grubby little mouths HELPS prevent the spread of the virus.
Fact: Covid-19 is extremely contagious and has wildly different effects on people.
Fact: Covid-19 has killed our friends and family.
Fact: There is currently no vaccine or cure for Covid-19
Fact: Public gatherings and events cannot take place unless they take extra precautions. (i.e. wearing a mask)

If you disagree with any of this you are a selfish, moronic asshole. Refusing to wear a mask in public places that require it doesn't make you tough, it makes you a tin foil hat wearing imbecile. The easiest thing any of us can do is help prevent spreading this by temporarily wearing a mask until modern medicine has taken control of it. If you refuse to wear a mask where it is publicly mandated and criticize those who do, kindly find the nearest bridge and jump the fuck off of it.

Re: MXS Twitter

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 3:55 am
by jlv
It's nuts. If people just wore their masks the R value would have dropped below 1 and it would have just fizzled out like it did in other countries. Sad that people won't do something as easy as wearing a mask in public to literally save thousands of lives.

Re: MXS Twitter

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 4:33 am
by Wahlamt
What about the freedom Alex, what about it? Or if you have a condition, you can't wear a mask!

Those jokes aside, how hard is it really to wear a stupid mask? Think we're lucky here to more or less social distance by default. If I had to wear a mask, I'd gladly do it, but we haven't really gotten those guidelines...

Re: MXS Twitter

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 1:12 pm
by dylan22
I don’t really wanna spend millions on photoshop so I was wondering what other programs you guys use for skinning etc?

Re: MXS Twitter

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 1:17 pm
by TeamHavocRacing
aeffertz wrote:The amount of people that are 'anti-mask' astounds me.
jlv wrote:...wearing a mask in public to literally save thousands of lives.
Wahlamt wrote:...wear a stupid mask?
I love how it seems like over half of the right has suddenly developed respiratory problems just when we should be wearing masks. How convenient. In the meantime, they finally came up with a phrase to describe how I live...Social Distancing! Yay!

Re: MXS Twitter

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 4:34 pm
by Wahlamt
TeamHavocRacing wrote:They finally came up with a phrase to describe how I live...Social Distancing! Yay!
Guess Swedish would fit right in there too lol.

Re: MXS Twitter

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 5:26 pm
by Jones221
TeamHavocRacing wrote:in the meantime, they finally came up with a phrase to describe how I live...Social Distancing! Yay!
Smells fishy.

Re: MXS Twitter

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 6:42 pm
by TeamHavocRacing
So, in conclusion, "I'm working on my Dad bod while social distancing." It used to be "Fat, old loner." Thanks Snowflakes!