I've seen images381 back on the stock tracks server the last couple of days, thought he was supposed to be perma-banned. Just thought you'd want to look into it
As JLV said before, it might be possible to get cracked keys, but they aren't activated keys, so they still won't work, despite showing "this key looks good"
Ya. I was online for like 5 minutes and there were about 5 people with the name of images then their number. Like this: images88,images38. When i was on there one said, "the first letter is k." then he said," the rest ill tell you later." Then when i got in 04 with one i asked him why there was so many. He said it was for a team? Ya right. I think a 1 week ban.
i was racing white that guy on 00 server and he wanted my key to use at the evenings because hes was broken or some sh** and was asking if someone could crack his key
I've seen so many different guys riding online with that name at the same time, some of them doesn't even speak english...
And be sure that they are for about 5 - 10 'images',
Its Images. He was taunting me yesterday on the stock server and yes, there's other "Images" on there at the same time. No cutting or ramming mind you.
jlv wrote:If it weren't for Havoc I'd have been arguing with the 12 year olds by myself.