Advanced Post-Processing in MX Simulator

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Re: Advanced Post-Processing in MX Simulator

Post by mxsrider96 »

I'm just using the original config that Lars posted, none of the optimization ones. I also had my game settings set just like his, if that makes a difference
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Re: Advanced Post-Processing in MX Simulator

Post by LKR47 »

I'll try that when I get off work. I run pretty much max settings but still that shouldn't hinder the menues to 11fps. I'll play around with it later and see .
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Re: Advanced Post-Processing in MX Simulator

Post by lars@crossmag »

Hey guys! I've updated the initial post with anything useful I've posted on the other pages and added a tutorial on how to do proper color grading/correction. I also included some sample LUTs and how you install those so you can try them out ingame yourself.

I really hope you guys enjoy this type of content as it's very time consuming :D Please let me now what I should add or write about next.
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Re: Advanced Post-Processing in MX Simulator

Post by MacNeill 31 »

It looks like DOF doesn't work correctly in multiplayer. I tried for awhile to get it to work but gave up :cry:
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Re: Advanced Post-Processing in MX Simulator

Post by MacNeill 31 »

also I like using FXAA too, it seems to smooth out jagged edges a bit more than just SMAA
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Re: Advanced Post-Processing in MX Simulator

Post by yzmxer608 »

kawasakirider616 wrote:I have a i7 5820k and a 980ti and i'm having the same issues as Nate.
I figured it out, I went into windowed mode so I could quickly edit and save the master effect file to turn off stuff one by one to see if it was something specific. Eventually I got normal fps, it turned out to be the AO and the LENZFLARE settings. The AO doesn't surprise me much since it's a very intensive effect, and I know from personal experience in Skyrim ENBs with how it kills performance. The thing is it was disabled on the Best Optimization config, but the LENZFLARE (I have to laugh at the use of a z) wasn't. That actually gave a larger hit on fps than the AO (out the the two settings, AO only on I get 16 fps sitting at the gate on A2, LENZFLARE on only I get 12 sitting on the gate) which explains why I was always getting low fps before no matter which config I used. The lenzflare was enabled in all of them. Also I tried different AO settings but I couldn't get any of the other methods to look good compared to HBAO.

Although it doesn't make much sense to me why the LENZFLARE gives a fps hit if it isn't actually being shown. On A2 at least there is no lens flare because the LENZDEPTHCHECK is enabled. If you turn that off all white objects (the jumbo tron and the scoring tower by the finish for example) will have a lens flare. But disabling that DIDN'T net higher fps (I would have assumed checking each pixel for a depth of 1 rather than just color might have taken longer, but enabling the "USE_DEPTHBUFFER_OUTPUT" didn't cause lag judging by camera movement). I tested this on Millville since I know it has a lense flare, although the whole sky looked like it had a value of 1 so I couldn't tell where the actual sun vector was. The normal game lens flares needs a pure white pixel to work, how ever jlv has it setup for the normal lens flare to work must make the bit depth 1 and this shader can see that, I'm guessing the only way the post processing lens flare will work is if the track has a normal game lens flare.

Anyway, how ever the lenZflare checks for usability must be very inefficient since the actual lens flare being drawn doesn't seem to affect frame rate (at least NO WHERE near the background calculations for checking take).

On a side note I noticed using the in game lens flares, if a flare is on screen the depth of field doesn't work since the image is right in front of the camera. So if you want lens flares with dof you HAVE to use the shader one, which kills fps. I know you (Lars) figured this out since you recommended to turn it off.

Also turned off SMAA and my normal AA settings work now, it must override the driver AA.

Messed around with the lens dirt some and it's a pretty cool effect to play with. Just using the included texture I made it look like the death animation in 007 GoldenEye :lol:
Was thinking you could use it to simulate goggle dirt but the way the blending modes work you can't really do it, unless a plain image overlay can be added somehow.

I think right now I'm using the Lars Config Beta 0.2 config with my own subtle LUT, (and therefore all other cc stuff is disabled), custom lens dirt settings, then AO, LENZFLARE, SMAA, and sharpening disabled, plus the nvidia driver settings I've always used for mxs.

Things like this is why I would like to see SLI for mxs, if more of this post processing could be done using my 2 other 670's I'd be getting pretty good fps I'd think.

Also I recommend trying out the LED Shader :lol:.

Here's some shots I took with my current settings. The edge detection for dof is pretty damn good, but still not as clean as manually doing it. Little harder to see the noise effects and whatnot than on the full res images.

As a side note this new monitor I have seems to be brighter and have higher contrast and displays colors more accurately, directly comparing it to my old monitor next to which seems the whites have a yellow hue almost (stock settings on both). With that said the different settings people use for colors and LUT images will definitely look different depending on their monitor and it's color calibration. I didn't realize there was such a huge difference until I put mxs in windowed mode and stretched it between the two monitors.
TeamHavocRacing wrote:If I had a nickel for every time someone asked for this, I would have a whole shitload of nickels.
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Re: Advanced Post-Processing in MX Simulator

Post by LKR47 »

Once I disabled LENZFLARE my fps jumped back up to normal. I didnt think anything in the lighting section would have that big of an impact on performance. Thanks!
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Re: Advanced Post-Processing in MX Simulator

Post by lars@crossmag »

Very cool and interesting post Nate. I was really wondering about that Lenzflare buggy thing after I've read your post and tried to recreate your situation. In my case turning it off it didn't gain any more fps which is very interesting/weird as well. Maybe this could be an AMD/nVidia specific thing. But thank you anyways for the in depth look on the Lenzflare as I myself didn't take that much time to investigate this particular feature. But I'm very glad to hear that it's working better and smoother for you now man! :) If you're ok with that, I'll include your findings to my next writeup to help people who are facing similar problems.

Anyways I'm planning to write a little guide on optimization next. Putting this together could take a little longer since this will be even more time consuming for me than just learning "easy stuff" like how to color grade as I'm by no means a game development and 3d visualization specialist :D Since I'm currently working on my own side business companies website, I'm also thinking about adding a little microsite, particularly covering the whole post-processing thing. This would give me better possibilities on organizing stuff and displaying the features in a more clean and structured way.
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Re: Advanced Post-Processing in MX Simulator

Post by Motolife_99 »

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Re: Advanced Post-Processing in MX Simulator

Post by Blake_901 »

What do we have to edit in the MasterEffect.h file to change the vignette intensity?
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Re: Advanced Post-Processing in MX Simulator

Post by Blake_901 »

Blake_901 wrote:What do we have to edit in the MasterEffect.h file to change the vignette intensity?
Never mind I found it.
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Re: Advanced Post-Processing in MX Simulator

Post by MOTOZ293 »

This is awesome. Lars you're the man
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Re: Advanced Post-Processing in MX Simulator

Post by Jared133mx »

20fps with 980ti how u do this
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Re: Advanced Post-Processing in MX Simulator

Post by MOTOZ293 »

its mainly for screenshots. you dont really play on it
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Re: Advanced Post-Processing in MX Simulator

Post by meckazz »

I have a Geforce GTX660 and can record at 50fps, upgrade your graphics drivers
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