TM Factory Racing Race Reports

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TM Factory Racing Race Reports

Post by Rayvenator »

Hey guys!

After we became a part of the TM Factory Racing effort I´ve been doing race reports from mainly the Italian MXS Championship.
These have been fairly well received and I´ve been asked to make a thread on the forums for those that dont have facebook or just dont follow us on there. (You should though! Head to it HERE)

I´ll post them all in a long line this time and I´ll update this thread as it goes on.


Italian MXS Championship Rd 3 Giavera Race Report:

Storken was on fire during qualifying setting the 2nd fastest time and looked hungry for a podium finish. After a decent start in the first heat he got tangled up with some other riders and unfortunately also ended up on the recieving end of some aggresive riding from his competitors. Clearly shaken he valiantly steered his TM to a 9th place finish. The team had some pep talk in the break and Storken went out again with new found energy. After a top ten start in the second heat he once again had some issues the first few laps. But then something clicked on and you could visually see that Storken was in the "zone" He carved effortlessly through the pack, making passes and shrunk down gaps of up to 30 seconds with ease. He didnt have enough time to catch first place even though he kept gaining on him but ended up in 2nd place after a breathtaking race.
Congratulation to Justin Wood who swept the class with 1-1 finishes.

Jonsson was looking for an improvement over his last finish (6th) and boy did he deliver. He didnt show blazing speed during qualifying but he said he felt good with the track and was pumped going out for the first race. After going down in the first turn of heat 1 Jonsson started methodically and slowly carving through the field and before he knew what happened he was up in the lead! Clearly startled by this new experience he made a small mistake and dropped down to 3rd. After following the leaders for a little while he made 2 quick passes for the lead then started to check out! He eventually won the race by 9 second and was as happy as ever. Loaded with confidence for the 2nd heat Jonsson lined up far on the inside of the gate and managed to almost pull the holeshot and was in the lead by turn 2. He had a train of Red Bull KTM Italia riders on his tail but he put on a charge and got a 10 second lead after a few laps. The group of RKI riders wouldnt let go but Jonsson rode very consistent and avoided mistakes and could keep the RKI-train at bay to take a win in the 2nd heat by 9 second.

All in all it was a great day for TM-Factory Racing EU and the rides invokes confidence for the upcoming races and the Amateur MXS of Nations this weekend.
Big shoutout to the organizers for putting on a great race once again!


Race report Italian MXS Championship round 4 Fermo

The sun was shining bright on the TMFR team during qualifying when our new recruit Lewis Lynds ripped a crazy lap to take the top spot on a 125! The rest of the present team qualified well in the top 10 and things were looking good.

In the 250 class both our racers Lynds and Storken decided to go with the nimble 125 to the gate. The lack of power didn't seem to matter as Storken pulled a great start in the top 5! Storken struggled with the track and rolled home in 11th place. Lynds started further back and rode a safe race for the first few laps, eventually getting into the top 5. Then it was like something came alive in the young debutant as he started to put down real heater laps. When he reached 3rd place the leaders were a whopping 20 seconds ahead. Lewis put his head down and a combination of the frenzied pace and mistakes from the leaders allowed Lynds to take the lead with a few laps to go! Lynds battled with fellow countryman Justin Wood hard for that first place but managed to minimize his mistakes and take an incredible victory in his debut race for TM! In the second moto Storken pulled the holeshot in surprising fashion by switching bikes on the gate to his 250f. Obviously the 250 was not set up for the gnarly Fermo track and he struggled home in 14th place. Lynds had a rough time in moto 2 and had to dig deep to keep moving forward. A valiant effort awarded Lynds with a 6th in moto 2 and 2nd overall! What a debut!

Could Jonsson repeat his 1-1 from last week or was it just a stroke of luck? He didn't feel immediately at home as the weekend before and struggled with setup on the rough Italian track and didnt have the greatest confidence going into moto 1. All that changed when he nearly got the holeshot and rounded the first lap in 3rd. The setup problem seemed to be washed away as he made a move for 2nd and started charging after RKI:s Luca Cavallero who had pulled away a little bit. The gap remained the same for much of the moto until they started hitting the lappers. They were quite bad this night and both Jonsson and Cavallero struggled their way through the lappers and Jonsson was looking to gain the upper hand. Then on the last lap a lapper took Jonsson out twice handing the win to the strong-riding Cavallero and even caused Jonsson to slip down to finish a disappointing 3rd. The second moto Jonsson rode alot stiffer and had to come through the pack after a bad start. Even so he managed to get up to an comfortable third place but were far off the lead this time. 3-3 for third overall wasn't the amazing last week but he proved it wasn't just luck and that he hopefully can remain a frontrunner for the rest of the season.

A good day for TM-Factory Racing with podiums in both classes and we are looking forward to the rest of the season where we hopefully can snatch a few wins as well!


Race report Italian MXS Championship round 5 Franciacorta:

TMFR-EU looked superb in qualifying with having Jonsson qualifying 2nd in MX1 AM, Storken and both qualifying in the top 10 in MX2 AM and Linus Andersson in his debut for TMFR qualifying second in MX PRO. Unfortunately things didnt go equally great in the races but there was definatety some awesome moments to remember!

When the start of the first heat roared into the first turn it was a beautiful sight seeing both Storken and Lynds into the top 3 right of the bat! For half a lap they followed eachother closely before Storken unfortunately went down but Lynds bursted into first and had a small gap already at the end of the first lap. Storken kept going backwards in a strange manner and the pits looked baffled. Storken started riding really choppy (lagging) and eventually rolled into the pits (disconnected). Turns out he was down with Epstein Barr (bad internet) and had to miss the rest of the event. While this was happening the young TMFR adept of Lewis Lynds looked like a man on the moon while roaring around the track on his TM MX125. He kept extending his lead lap by lap and it was a crushing performance finishing a whopping 43 seconds before second place! A fantastic performance indeed. RKI:s Andrea Di Pietro ended in second and MMoto Suzukis Justin Wood finished third after an impressive charge through the pack.
For the second heat Lynds was the sole TMFR rider after Storkens withdrawal and he made it look good when he once again pulled a great start and had the lead by the first lap! He held the lead for three more laps but this time fellow countryman Wood had a better start and took the lead on lap 4. The intensity from that incredible first heat seemed to take the better of the brit and didnt have the same lightning speed as in the first heat. Nevertheless he soldiered on bravely and although he lost Di Pietro for second he managed to hold on to 3rd giving him 2nd overall. Great day again for Lynds!

Jonsson although qualifying second didnt feel comfortable on the bike this time around and when the first heat started he got run down in the start and was buried way back in the pack. Struggling hard the first few laps having trouble dodging the crashing riders on the track he came around the first lap in 19th. Not getting comfortable on the track at all and getting pushed around by competitors alot he only managed to muster a 8th place in moto 1.
Doing some last minute adjustments for moto 2 Jonsson managed to get a better start this time around and came around the first lap in 3rd. The last minute change however didnt actually help much and he continued to struggle with consistensy and fell back ever so slowly. Although he had contact with 3rd place going out on the last last some incredibly aggressive moves by a competitor made Jonsson crash not only once but twice on the last lap and he fell back all the way to 6th. A not so great day for Jonsson but he powered through the heats and he saved some points for the overall. Some testing is definately needed for next round but he´ll be back with a vengance for round 6.

With Linus qualifying 2nd he had a good hope for a podium finish before the day started. Linus has shown some incredible starting prowess and once again pulled a clean holeshot in the first heat! He then went into a frenzied pace and pulled out an amazing first 2 laps and had a 5 second lead on Jannik Muller in second. Unfortunately the charge didnt hold and he got passed and ran a great race in second for most of the race but got passed at lap 9 and rolled over the finish in 3rd. Great start for the Swede!
Moto 2 didnt start nearly as good as he got rammed at the start and was buried deep down in the field. He made a valiant charge up to 4th but then got completely destroyed by a competitor and went flying. Linus got up and tried to ride for another lap but eventually pulled into the pits with some serious pain. Andersson got credited with 11th in the second heat going 5th overall on the day.
All in all a day with lots of ups and downs but we can always learn from our mistakes. Some testing is to be done during this week to be ready to go for the next round!


Race report Italian MXS Championship round 6 Paroldo:

The TMFR lineup was a little thinner than usual on the amateur side as both our MX2 AM riders Lewis Lynds and Kristoffer "Storken" Wenerklang were out of this race due to visa problems and "family issues" respectively (No pc and insomnia). It did however for the first time feature the new TMFR member of Alanas Saulys in his debut race on the TM.

Race 1:
Jonsson was hoping to get into form again after a bad day last week at Franciacorta. Qualifying was good and the feeling on the track was there this time around. Jonsson struggled with starts during the practice races because his TM Fi450 (rmz450 dyno) lacked some horsepower on Paroldo´s very long start straight. Jonsson made the bold decision to switch to the brutal TM MX500 2-stroke for the races. The half-litre monster roared out of the gate and powered its way past its competitors. Even with a slight mistake in turn 2 Jonsson still came around the first few turns in the top 3. Jonsson quickly steered his big bore machine into the number 2 spot and kept charging. He didnt have anything for the leader this time around but he kept his cool even with some problems with lappers he could come home in 2nd place!

Race 2:
Once again the TM MX500 vibrated its way into the first turn in the lead but a nudge from another rider put Jonsson headfirst into a haybale and he went down. Jonsson started over in dead last and quickly made some passes to get into the top 5 by the end of lap 3. Jonsson then got completely destroyed by a competitor and went down hard and off the track. Shaken by the event he made more mistakes and struggled his way to a 7th place finish.
2-7 for 4th overall was still an improvement over last week and Jonsson will now take over 2nd place in the championship standings!

Race 1:
Linus Andersson proved once again the he is a monster off the start and roared into the lead on lap one. He unfortunately fell and didnt come around the finishline until down in 13th place. Linus then went to work and did an amazing job slowly and steadily carving through the pack to steer his TM Fi450 to a great 4th place finish.
Saulys had the worst possible start to his TM debut by having a terrible first lap and rounded the finish in next to last place. He continued to struggle with the new chassis of the TM for the first couple of laps and by lap 5 the Lithuanian was still behind back in 12th place. Then it really looked like he started to get along with the bike and some fast and steady riding ended the debut ride up in 7th place in finish! A nice comeback for Alanas!

Race 2:
Once again Linus showed that he is a master off the gate and swept into turn 1 as a leader. He lost the lead to Muller early but kept with the lead group for a long time. Then when the lappers started happening things went really south for Andersson. Some angry lapper took out their aggression on Linus several times and he eventually felt had to pull out of the race before he did anything stupid. Saulys had a much better start this time around and was in the top 3 already by lap 2. He started to reel in second place and halfway into the moto Alanas made the pass for second on Chase Dunivant. Chase didnt back down though and the fight kept going all the way to the finish where Chase ended up winner of the brawl and got second with Saulys comfortably in third.
Linus got credited with 12th in moto 2 for 8th overall and Alanas in his debut TM ride went 7-3 for 3rd overall!

All in all a decent week for TMFR and hopefully next round we´ll have our MX2 squad back in full force again. We also all hope and beg from the racers of this series that the lapper issues and the dirty moves on the track have to stop to make everyone have a much better time.


Race Report NLF Circus SX Championship round 1:

For the first supercross race of the off-season TMFR-EU fielded one rided in Lewis Lynds in the MX2 class. This marked the indoor debut for the young brit on a TM bike. He qualified in 27th place in the nights deep 250 field full of pro´s.
Trying to get used to racing indoor on his new Italian bike Lynds took his time to get used to the race format and still pulled off an impressive 11th place in his heat race. While only 9 riders from each heat goes on to the main event it was the LCQ next for the young brit.
Well there things started to get right for the TM rider and battled with the front guys all the way through and took a super impressive win in the LCQ to transfer to the main event later on!
Well in the main event Lewis pulled off a good start from his outside gate and after some dodging on the first lap he came around the first lap in 13th. Lynds showed impressive consistency and battled his way through pro´s and veterans. Even with some bad luck with backmarkers towards the end he still managed to come around the finish line in 9th place!
Afterwards Lewis comment was that he was pleased he came out with some bumps and bruises but overall happy with the result to kick off his first proper indoor season.
We at TMFR cant see this going anywhere else but up from here and are very impressed with the poise of this upcoming british rider!


Race Report Italian MXS Championship round 7 Cingoli:

The sun was shining this chill November Tuesday as the seventh round of the impressive Italian MXS Championship was held at Cingoli and the TMFR squad had one participant in each class this round. Qualifying was a bit worse then the last few weeks but when that has occured in the past the races has gone better than expected:

Moto 1:
Lewis Lynds had worked out his Visa issues from last week and were back in good form, this time on the usual TM Fi250. In the first heat Lewis has a great jump of the gate and had a wheel on everybody else into the first corner. Unfortunately a rider on the inside apparently had some issues with his brakes and crashed right into the lot of the riders in front of him, including Lynds. The TM rider then had some extra trouble getting the bike started and was among the last to leave the first turn. He put on a nice charge back up through the pack and he obviously had some serious speed on this tricky slick Italian circuit. Lynds then struggled his way through the race and had trouble finding the flow back in the pack. The young Englishman came home in 9th and remarkably pleased with his results he ran straight to the TMFR trailer for some obviously too late afternoon tea and biscuits.

Moto 2:
Clearly strengthened by the between-races beverages the feisty Brit once again roared of the start with a small margin on everyone else. This time brakes seemed to be working for everyone and Lynds powerslid his way through the first turn and grabbed a welcome holeshot. Well up in the lead and with some warming earl gray pumping through the TM rider he literally flashed around the track and once again we got a glimpse of this young talent can do. He had as much as a 20 second lead on the pack at one point but whilst the sugar-rush of the biscuits started wearing of there was a mistake or two but he comfortably held the lead for another impressive win.
Afterwards the one we call "Groot" celebrated by immediately going back to watch the replay of his powersliding holeshot with a big smile on his face. 9-2 actually gave Lewis 2nd on the day. Big congratulations!

Moto 1
Jonsson who had taken over the 2nd place in the championship last week had during the extra week break been doing some extensive suspension work on his trusted TM Fi450. This was the first race with the new overhaul and Jonsson said he felt good, but only the racing would tell the results. The calm Swede bursted out of the gate good in moto 1 but not good enough and got tangled in the first turn and went down hard. He then has some incredibly bad luck coupled with some big mistakes during the first half of the race and when it had reached the halfway point the old bearded viking was still buried down in 18th place. This wasnt the end though and the famous Swedish determination started to kick in and Jonsson put in an impressive charge in the later half of the race and sprinted his way past his competitors up to a final 6th place finish! Jonsson joined Lynds in the trailer afterwards but instead of tea he poured on some refreshing pitch-black Swedish coffee.

Moto 2:
Energized by the massive amounts of caffeine Chris jumped the gate slightly and had a less then ideal start to the second moto. He managed to zig-zag his way past the crashed on the first few laps and after the second lap he was in a comfortable 5th place. Jonsson rode very smooth and consistent and eventually reeled in 4th, 3rd and eventually ended up in a leading position! The tall northerner tried to keep riding smooth and had some incredible battles around the track primarily with the RKI riders of Luca Cavallero and Massimo Virdieri. Again showing tons of respect for each other on the track the battles continued lap after lap. The next to last lap while Jonsson was leading he got punted of the track by another rider and lost not one but two positions. Determined to finally have another podium Chris charged his TM in smooth style and eventually overtook the rider who just before had punted him off the track. Going out on the final lap there was a 5 second gap to Cavallero who had made an incredible ride through the pack into the lead and the blue swede put his head down and put on a serious charge. Jonsson got as close as 2 second in on Luca but the Italian KTM rider was too strong and claimed the victory ahead of the TMFR captain. Incredibly enough this was the first heat race of the year for the championship leading Cavallero who really shows that consistency is the way to win championships.
Jonsson came out really happy with the day with saving alot of points in moto 1 and really battling for the win all the way to the end in moto 2. Chris went 6-2 for 3rd on the day and keeps his 2nd place in the championship while losing points to the leader Cavallero but extending from 3rd place Dallari. He grabbed some knäckebröd and some Kalles kaviar and immediately started preparing for next week.

Moto 1:
For the second time in TM-Factory Racing colors Alanas Saulys lined up at the gate for moto 1 in the pro class. Alanas had a busy schedule while preparing for the upcoming supercross season and had only done a handful of practice runs on the track. Alanas had a mediocre gatedrop and got buried in the carnage in the first turn. The speedy Lithuanian rode an impressive and calm race while showing off some serious passing skills but at the same time making one or two mistake to many. He really gave the spectators a show alongside the frenchman Bruno Gouttesoulard with some entertaining battles for a couple of laps. The Lithuanian eventually bested Bruno and he came home in a very good 5th place in moto 1. When Saulys came into the pits he told us he was happy with a decent result but felt he had much more in him.

Moto 2:
For moto 2 Saulys had a much better start and clinged to the super quick Jannik Muller in 2nd after the first lap. Disaster struck them both when Muller went down and Alanas had no way of avoiding him. Alanas lapped the next time down in 9th place. He then started a charge back up the pack but it was a long way to go at this point. Showing some real poise and style on the track Saulys managed to minimize the mistakes and slowly but steadily moving through the field. Once again he found himself alongside Gouttesoulard and the two battled for a good few laps before the TM-rider eventually took when he started smelling the sweetness of the podium spot. He gained on the third place rider second by second and on the last lap he caught up and was then running an amazing pace, setting his fastest lap of the race and one of the fastest laps all weekend. Alanas was looking to make a move on the backside of the track but while they were side by side the Lithuanian got a small kick right before a jump and without options he sailed to the side and just clipped a tuff block and went down. He had such a gap on the rest of the field that he could pick himself up and cruise to the finish in a respectable 4th place.
The Pro class is so deep with so many fast riders attending and for Alanas going 5-4 for 3rd overall on the day is a really impressive feat!

It was a good day for the TMFR team with podiums in all three classes and a heat with by Lynds in the MX2 AMS. Most of the team is preparing hard for the upcoming SX season and the atmosphere in the team couldnt be better!


Last edited by Rayvenator on Wed Oct 11, 2017 9:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: TM Factory Racing EU Race Reports

Post by Matias43_ »

This is sick
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Re: TM Factory Racing EU Race Reports

Post by ROSE822 »

Matias43_ wrote:This is sick
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Team: TM Factory Racing
Location: Flädie, Sweden

Re: TM Factory Racing EU Race Reports

Post by Rayvenator »

EMF Retro SX Prep Round 1 post-race comments:

Yesterday the new european supercross off-season series consisting of old track layout kicked off with round one (pro only) at the 2004 Anaheim 1 track. For TMFR we had our Lithuanian bullet Alanas Saulys on the line in the MX2 class. Alanas had a slow start with a 9th in his heatrace but managed to pick up the pace and cross the finishline in a impressive 4th place! Great way to start the SX preparations for sure!

This is what he said after the race:

Congratulation Alanas! How was your race? -

"I'm happy and pissed at the same time. It was a long time since I got through the pack so clear and stayed in front. Happy because of that and pissed of losing 3rd in last lap"

What did you think of the track?
"Track was great, loved how emf managed to make it so well on their first official track"

Are you planning on racing the entire series?
"I probably will if there wont be any emergencies haha"

What is your goal for the series?

"Just to make it to all main events. Didnt really set serious goals because it's only preparation series, but top10 would be a confidence boost"

Best of luck and congratulations again on a great start!

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Re: TM Factory Racing EU Race Reports

Post by Rayvenator »

EMF Retro SX Prep Round 1 Amateur night post-race comments:

TMFR had in the amateur event the young brit of Lewis Lynds on the starting gate in MX2. Lewis really felt comfortable on the track and on the TM Fi250. A second in his heatrace was impressive enough but the up and coming rider finished of the evening with a 2nd place in the main event! Clearly Lynds is going after the victory in this class and what better way to start off then with a podium! Here is what he said after the race:

Congratulations on second Lewis! How was the race for you?
"For an amateur race it was actually very clean, only really had problems with 2 back markers. The hosts did an amazing job of making sure those who didn't behave or weren't following the rules got punished and I don't think I could have been happier with a 2nd because on the track there was so much respect from one rider to another everyone rides clean and what's to have a cheeky barbang"

Yes very impressive indeed! What did you think of the track?
"The track was smooth. Nice big lines as well as the smaller lines and it also had some challenging parts like the whoops or the second to last section and the slightly off camber turn. Definitely needed some skill to be able to get round the track as clean as some of us were."

What is you goals looking forward? Any expectations for this series and the upcoming offical SX season?
"For this season my huge goal is top 3 overall but if not that then top 5 is my lowest standards of how i think i will do. For the official SX season I just can't wait and if I get bumped up to pros it will be a bit scary lining up alongside some of the bigger names but it will all pay of in time. However, if i am still an amateur that win is mine ;)"

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Re: TM Factory Racing EU Race Reports

Post by Rayvenator »

Race Report Italian MXS Championship round 8 Cavallara:

Round 8 of the Italian outdoor series was hosted in the hills of Cavallara. The track was very rough and slippery and really put the riders to the test during the races. The TMFR crew all had trouble finding the groove on this unpredictable circuit and after a few practice sessions Lewis Lynds decided to call it a day because he´s out of championship contention anyway and wanted to keep himself fresh and un-injured for the upcoming supercross season. On the gate for TMFR this day was Christoffer Jonsson in the MX1 amateur class who were out to defend his 2nd place in the championship and Alanas Saulys in the PRO class trying to get the time in on his still relatively new bike.


Moto 1:

Despite the long uphill startstraight Jonsson decided to leave the big bore TM MX500 in the garage this time around and stick with his trusted Fi450. Jonsson lined up beside the box on the gate and when the gate dropped he got a really good drive up the hill and soared into the first turn with his first holeshot! Jonsson tried his best to tackle the rough Cavallara circuit and kept the lead for a number of laps but with the championship leader Cavallero lurking behind him all the time. A few laps in coming out of a turn a tuffblock had been dragged out on the track and Jonsson reacted to late and hit the bale straight on and had a big crash. The Swedish Hammer regrouped and went back after Cavallero for the lead. The TM rider had almost closed the gap and then the roughness of the track got the best of him and he went down again and lost 2nd place. He put on a strong charge yet again late in the moto but had to settle for 3rd place. Jonsson was of course upset of losing the lead but still happy he got on the podium when he was struggling so heavily with the track.

Moto 2:
Once again the TM captain got a good jump of the gate and got credited with another holeshot! Unfortunately he got slammed hard from the inside and got pushed off the track right into another tuffblock and went down. Starting coming back through the pack Jonsson never found the smoothness usually so present in his riding and had a bunch of mistakes around the track. He got up to battle for 3rd at one point but eventually had to settle with 4th. 3-4 finishes provided the Swede with 4th overall on the day but extended his gap to 3rd in the championship and the runner-up position is looking like a reality for the rookie this year.


Moto 1:

Saulys was also struggling with the setup on this track and barely had any real track time going in to the first moto. In a desperation move the Lithuanian brought out the TM MX125 to see if he could get comfortable but going down on the first lap and coming around in dead last didnt look too good. Alanas eventually started to get the hang of it somewhat and managed to rev his way up to a 6th place finish.

Moto 2:
Confindent enough efter moto 1 he brought out his Ti450 for moto 2. Power was worth alot on this hilly Italian track and Alanas had a much better start and rounded the first lap in 2nd! He held that position for a little while but eventually got caught out as well by the rough and lost a couple of positions. Alanas showed some great speed at times and was back up battling for 2nd place after a short while and kept fighting for it until the end. Last lap was miserable for the poor Lithuanian though with multiple mistakes and some wierd kicks that resulted in that he lost 3rd place just barely to come home in 4th.

Wasnt the best day for the TMFR crew this time around but we are confident and looking to do alot better next week at round 9! As the weeks go on and supercross is getting closer the team is leaning more and more towards pretty much 100 % supercross focus and the outdoor feeling is maybe getting left behind a bit.

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Re: TM Factory Racing EU Race Reports

Post by Rayvenator »

Race Report EMF Retro SX Prep round 2 (Dallas 2002):

Last night was the PRO night of round 2 of the off-season series held at the 2002 Dallas track. From TM Factory Racing EU we had the Lithuanian bullet Alanas Saulys on the gate in the MX2 class. After qualifying in 5th place before the race Saulys lined up at the gate on his TM Fi250 and a 6th place finish assured him a spot straight to the main event but he didnt look as smooth as we´ve used to seeing Alanas. He came through the pack to get that last transfer spot and with some between-the-races dog cuddling and graphic designing he lined up calm and collected for the main event. The TM rider had a great jump out of the gate and went through the first turn in second place! In lap 2 Alanas made the move for the lead and made it stick! While battling for the lead with the American Jeremi Seabolt he tragically was the victim of some impressive US-lag and went down, losing tons of time and dropping to third place. Alanas picked himself up and rode a superb race battling back and forth with some of the quickest riders in the game and came home in an impressive 2nd place!

Amazing ride by Saulys and he keeps showing some real impressive racecraft and focus on the track. Following up his 4th last week with a 2nd this week can only hint on what is coming up. Super impressive ride and all of the TM crew are happy Alanas is doing so good and we are looking forward to the rest of the series and see whats coming up :P 4-2 finishes so far this series has put Alanas in 2nd place in the series standings so far, only 5 points back on Connor Lynds who finished 3rd this evening.

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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2015 3:57 pm
Team: TM Factory Racing
Location: Flädie, Sweden

Re: TM Factory Racing EU Race Reports

Post by Rayvenator »

Race report Italian MXS Championship round 9 Maggiora:

The 9th round of the Italian MXS Championship was held at the beautiful Maggiora Park. The TMFR is hard at work preparing for the SX season but the old captain Christoffer Jonsson is always up for some national amateur racing and he was today joined by the youngster Lewis Lynds.


Moto 1:
Lewis had an alright start and lapped for the first time around in the top 10. He kept running safe and consistent and throughout the heat he kept getting faster and faster. Eventually he was in a podium place and before anyone knew he had stumbled into the lead! The one we call Groot looked as comfortable as ever and when he got the lead he didnt flinch once and steered his TM to another incredible win!

Moto 2:
This time around the young Brit started at the front and ran second for the first part of the race. He battled with the previous championship leader Matthias Havy all the way but Lewis had another gear towards the end and managed to stretch it out to a 10 second gap to the finishline.
Another outstanding performance by the young Lynds and we dont see it any other way than that we´ll have another Pro rider on our hands fairly shortly. Big congratz to our little Groot!


Moto 1:
Jonsson came into this race with a little surprise up his sleeves. He felt pretty comfortable with his 2nd place in the championship and for the fun of it he decided to bring out the 250 two-stroke on this hilly track. Underpowered but nimble in the corners he should show that its not all about power when it comes to racing motocross. In the first heat he got a very good start but the power of the 450s around him were too much and he came up the first hill in 5-6th spot. A couple of good corner on the opening lap and Jonsson was up battling with the championship leader Cavallero for a few laps. Jonsson had to push hard to keep up with the Italian and eventually made a mistake and crash. He picked himself up and rode carefully and safe to a secure 2nd place finish in moto 1. Jonsson was clearly very happy with his performance on the unproven 250.

Moto 2:
The Swedish Hammer once again had a good start and came up the hill in 2nd place! Unfortunatley the leader crossrutted and Jonsson had nowhere to go but down with his face first in the dirt. Struggling to avoid a few pileups on the first lap the TM rider still managed to lap inside the top 10. The MX1 class was really competitive this evening with everyone running even laptimes so time has hard to gain. With a consistent ride though he eventually caught up to the leading three and with 2 laps to go he had the leader not more than 6-7 seconds ahead. On the next to last lap distaster struck as the Swede got a kick coming of a jump and went down hard. Having a hard time to get going he still managed to salvage 4th and went 2-4 to get 3rd overall on the day.

A good day for TMFR with podiums in both amateur classes!
Next week we are looking forward to the historical track of Namur in Belgium!

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Re: TM Factory Racing EU Race Reports

Post by Rayvenator »

Race Report Italian MXS Championship round 10 Namur.

Last round of the Italian series was held on the classic of all classic tracks, the Belgian Namur. Winding its way past historic citadelles and through the narrow woods its the very definition of European motocross in old day. On site from TMFR was Christoffer Jonsson who was there to secure his 2nd place in the championship and Lewis Lynds who just really liked the track and was looking forward to the race. TMFR was debuting their upcoming SX bike and gear for this event.


Moto 1:
Lewis had probably his worst start in this whole series and came around the first lap in 18th. Groot then continued to plow his way up the field bar to bar with the already crowned MX1 Amateur Champion Cavallero who had jumped down to try and help his teammate Di Pietro in the MX2 overall standings. Lewis didnt have his usual blazing speed or consistency that we´ve come to get used to from the Brit but this Namur track was narrow, slick, rough and very hard to pass on. Lewis made his way up to 7th which was a good result considering the start

Moto 2:
Lynds had a better start in moto 2 and crossed the line on the first lap midpack this time. He quickly fought his way up to 6th but then the charge toned down a bit. On this tough track it was hard to make up time and the MX2 field was very deep this evening. He managed to squeeze himself into the top 5 at the very end.
A decent day for the newly crowned Retro SX MX2 Am champion with 7-5 for 6th overall on the day. The young TM rider was surprisingly happy afterwards with having some good battles on a fun track.


Moto 1:
Chris had a good start on his newly tuned TM (new dyno) and was 2nd coming around the first lap. Jonsson didnt have the same flow and consistency as usual and struggled to keep up with the front and lost down to 5th mid-race. He tried to be more careful towards the end slowly started to creep back up and was 3rd with a few laps to go. On the last lap he overtook for 2nd and felt safe but with just 3 corners to go he got t-boned and went down. He got back up and tried to dragrace his way to 2nd again but lost that place with just an inch and finished 3rd.

Moto 2:
The Swedish Hammer really put the hammer down over the startgate and came out in the lead after the first few corners. Jonsson then had some breathing room with some incidents happening in the pack and coming around the first lap he had a whopping 18 second lead! Unfortunately the track and the Swede really didnt get along and he kept making mistakes big and small and was soon passed and down to 4th. He valiantly steered his TM to a 4th place finish but after the race it came up that some of competitors had broken very clear rules and Jonsson was bumped up to 2nd.

Jonsson was not close to happy with his riding but the results 3-2 for 2nd overall was a really really good result considering. He will also need to get used to the extra horsepower in the new 450 engine (sxf450 dyno).

Still very happy with the series and a BIG shoutout the organizer of this awesome series and we really hope we get another one next year! Jonsson crushed his goals going into the series (top 10) by landing on the second spot. Lynds, Andersson and Saulys all came into the TMFR team in the middle of the season and they all showed good colors by having some really great finishes. Lynds with multiple heatwins in the MX2 AM class and Andersson and Saulys with some really nice rides and top finishes in the Pro class.

MX2 AM: Matthias Havy | MTFactory
MX1 AM: Luca Cavallero | Red Bull KTM
MX PRO: Jannik Muller | Konnect Motorsports

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Re: TM Factory Racing EU Race Reports

Post by Rayvenator »

Race Report EMF SX PRO & AMS Round 1 Anaheim1:

The first European supercross race of the season kicked off on a brand new amazing Anaheim 1 replica by Steven Barrington and TMFR had almost everyone lined up to get the season started.



In the PRO MX2 class TMFR had lined up for the night both the Lithuanian bullet of Alanas Saulys and it also marked the debut PRO ride for newly crowned Retro SX Prep MX2 amateur champion Lewis Lynds.
They both ended up in heatrace 2 and while Saulys struggled with his competitor and had to keep trying to catch up to the front, Lynds rode incredibly safe and consistent in the pack and finished his heatrace in 6th place and transferring straight to the main in his first ever PRO race! Saulys made a valiant effort in the LCQ but the gods of luck wasnt on his side this evening and he came home in just short and missed the main. Alanas was very disappointed but is looking forward to showing his worth next week in San Diego.
In the main event the young TMFR rider of Lynds kept impressing everyone by again going incredibly consistent. Still lacking some of the blazing speed of the absolute frontrunners but he is making a statement that he is up and coming for the top very soon! Lewis had a great race and came home in a super impressive 11th place!
Lynds was happy afterward but he made sure he isnt done with getting closer to the top as the season goes on!


In the PRO MX1 class TMFR had Linus Andersson on the startgate after Linus having taking some time off in the off-season to prepare for this event. Anderssons goals for the evening was to just make the main but he would go on to suprise everyone and most of all himself.
After having a great start in his heatrace he rode a really consistent and great race for the 5+1 and came home in a confidence-boosting 2nd place to transfer straight to the main event!
In the main event Linus showed once again he is a king of starts and was at the top once again the first few laps. The heat of the very top pace seemed to dazzle the Swede a little bit and he fell slowly back a little bit but then settled into a good racepace for the rest of the main event. Capitalizing on mistakes from other riders and gaining speed the entire race Andersson would eventually come home in a very exciting 7th place! A tremendous start to the season and Linus couldnt help himself but brag about it in teamchat afterwards. A great start on the season for sure!



In the MX2 class TMFR didnt actually line up a with a offical rider as the bike and gear for James Parkin was still shipped across the world from Australia and the contract wasnt fully signed.
James rode amazing the entire evening and impressively won his heatrace and led parts of the main event to come home in 2nd place! A fantastic start to the season for this new member and one can only see it going forward from here when he for next week hops on the TM Fi250 machine. We at TMFR see a clear future where he follows in Lewis Lynds recent footsteps up to the PRO class in a near future.


For the first time ever the TMFR 450 AM rider of Joel Berntsson lined up for racing as he now intends to start his path upwards this coming SX season. Also on the line was surprisingly the Captain himself Christoffer Jonsson who had been struggling hard with the indoor tracks and format compared to the wider outdoors track. Also still waiting on his bike and gear was the new recruit of Justin Smedley riding a green privateer bike for the event.
In the first heat it was Jonsson and Smedley who lined up to try and make their first main events. They both got buried early but Jonsson managed with some decent dodging skills zig-zag his way across the crashing field in front of him to after a few laps find himself up in 3rd position! Not used to the hard racing of this tight indoor format he got passed and downed early and he rode a smart and safe race to the finish and came home in transfer spot in 7th place. Smedley had a terrible first couple of laps but really got the groove going the last laps. It was too little to late though and he just barely missed a transfer spot.
In heat 2 Berntsson showed some impressive starting skills where he almost pulled the holeshot. Joel held himself in the top 3 for almost 2 laps but it went pretty terrible from there. Unable to find the right focus in his debut he fell back to a 16th place finish and had to go the the LCQ.
The LCQ didnt start out great for either TMFR rider and they both struggled to get through the pack to miss the main event in the opener. Both was happy to be racing and are looking forward to trying again in future races!
The main event couldnt have started out worse for Jonsson as he got punted around the track and clearly didnt have the aggresive style more suitable for stadium racing. The Captain was in dead last after 5 mins and almost gave up but beeing a stubborn old man he continued forward. Getting into the groove after a little while he made up a ton of time and when he got lapped by the leaders he actually stuck with them for a few laps and all of a sudden found himself in 11th place! Well there the hardness of the racers in this class once again found him and he fell down to a 15th place finish. Still happy to make the main and surprised in a good way.

All in all a great couple of days for TMFR and with the new recruits we are hoping for a great season with lots of fun races!

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Re: TM Factory Racing EU Race Reports

Post by Rayvenator »

Had some time for these again :P

A late race report from MXSGP round 10 in Orlyonok, Russia.

In MX2 class Lewis Lynds put on another solid ride with a great result in moto 2. "Groot" went 18-10 for 13th overall. Lewis is now 14th in the overall standing.
The MX2 podium looked like this: Seabolt - Chapman - Buitendijk

In the MX1 class TMFR had 2 surprise starters in "The Captain" Christoffer Jonsson moving up from the amateurs to try his luck in PRO and "Storken" Kristoffer Wenerklang who made an MX1 appearance after have been racing a few rounds in the MX2 class.
Jonsson had a solid day where he got a feeling for the PRO class and wanted to bring the bike home for both motos. He ran his TM home with 14-13 finishes for 13th overall.
Wenerklang had an amazing first moto where he battled withing the top 5 for most of the moto before eventually coming home in 7th! Impressive ride for the friendly swede who spends most of his MXS time these days to making these amazing MXSGP tracks. Storken would struggle more in moto 2 but came home with 7-16 finishes for 11th overall.
The MX1 podium consisted of Root - Moxey - M.Aggett


Race report MXSGP round 11 Ottobiano, Italy.

TMFR had Alanas Saulys, Lewis Lynds and Kristoffer "Storken" Wenerklang on the gate for the 250 class this evening.
"The Lithuanian Bullet" Saulys ran after a good start in the top 5 for most of the race before eventually beeing forced down to a very respectable 8th place finish. Alanas would struggle more in moto 2 where he was credited with 15th place. "Storken" once again had those consistent and solid results for one who doesnt play very much. This is also Wenerklangs rookie pro season so his results are very impressive. He would fight his way to 12-14 finishes. "Groot" continues to show his amazing consistency and brought home his TM 250Fi with solid 10-10 finishes on the day. Good day for TMFR in Ottobiano for the MX2 category!

For the big bore class TMFR had "The Captain" Jonsson on the line again and was this day joined by the gone but not forgotten Logan "The Comeback Kid" Leitzel. He hadnt raced since Mexico at round 4 and was really pumped to go out and bang bars with the best of them. Jonsson really stuggled this week and ended both motos watching from the pits. Leitzel had shown some amazing speed during qualifying but unfortunately the starts would be his nemesis this day. Having to come from the back in both motos denied any chance of a top 5 but he made some truly epic charges through the pack and ended up with impressive finishes in 7-10. Imagine what this guy could do with some more seat-time!

Onwards and forwards and next race will be in Agueda, Spain in one weeks time. See you there!

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Re: TM Factory Racing EU Race Reports

Post by Rayvenator »

Race report MXSGP round 12 Agueda, Portugal

In the 250 class TMFR had lined up its now class regulars Alanas "The Lithuanian Bullet" Saulys and Lewis "I am Groot" Lynds. Lewis came into this race with some minor injuries and struggled to get into the flow on the track. In usual Groot fashion he valiantly fought his way to the finish flag and pulled home important points with 17-16 finishes. Alanas came out swinging for the fences in moto one where he made a good start and then started to pick people off! After a few laps he was up to 2nd place! Saulys didnt have much time on this track coming in though and even though he fought hard for it he eventually had to surrender some positions and came home in an impressive 8th place.

TMFR lined up with "The comeback kid" Logan Leitzel once again and for the third week in a row "The Captain" Christoffer Jonsson tried his luck in the pro divison. Logan, who had shown some great speed on the track, once again fell victim of the spirit of bad starts. Having to come from the back of the pack he made some truly heroic charges and salvaged tons of points with 11-9 finishes. Chris struggled with setup in moto one but started to gel with the bike at the end and made a late moto charge to get to 16th. After a good start to moto two he fell victim of some very aggresive moves but had a much better pace and rolled home in a respectable 14th. More points for the old swede.

Now the MXSGP scene goes on a 3 week break before it returns in Loket, Czech Republic

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Re: TM Factory Racing Race Reports

Post by Rayvenator »

Race report ITC 2017 round 3, Giavera
It´s time for the race reports again! TMFR had an unusually large numbers of competitors for this round and going into this race TMFR had Jack Gatland who was leading the MX2 AM standing and Alanas Saulys in 7th in PRO standing. Christoffer Jonsson and Kristoffer Wenerklang had made appearances in MX1 and PRO respectively. Debuting on the TM machine this evening was Markus Olsson, who was riding the respectable 250 two-stroke in the MX1 class.

Jack entered this round a favorite to win both by account of him leading the championship but also he took the pole position with an astonishing laptime.

Moto 1:
Gatland didnt have the best jump off the gate and decided to take it easy. Some very impressive dodging during the first half a lap followed by an aggressive charge Jack made it all the way up to the lead on the first lap. Jack never looked back and rode a brilliant race to win moto 1 by almost half a minute.

Moto 2:

Filled with confidence Jack lined his TM stallion up for the second moto of the evening and when the gate dropped he unleased all the Italian horsepower on the Giavera starting line and by turn 2 he was already in the lead. Once again Jack looked very comfortable on board his Fi250 and even had time to wave at some girls every lap and the finish line jump. He did almost throw it away when he overestimated his scrubbing skills but Jack and the bike was OK and he could remount and continue to impress the ladies all the way to the finish 20 second ahead of the field.
Jack extends his championship lead to 26 points going into the next round next week at Faenza.

Last year at this round Chris Jonsson had the ride of his career when he out of the blue came to Giavera and went 1-1 for his first ever moto and overall win, a feat he hasnt been able to replicate since, neither in the ITC or elsewhere. He did immediately feel very at home with the track and even though he´d had a very rough start to the season because the lack of preparation he did qualify very well in 2nd place. For Chris who usually isnt a good qualifier this infused some kind of confidence. Markus Olsson made his debut on board the TM and surprised himself by qualifying in 13th. A veteran in this game we all knew this track would be a nice fit for his "super-soft" suspension and he can ride the two-smoker like no other.

Moto 1:
Markus made a great start from the inside and came around the first lap in 5th! Jonsson had a rough start with a fall but made some quick progress and was right behind Olsson in 5th after the first lap. Markus had a stroke of bad luck and crashed twice on the following lap and fell down to 12th. Jonsson on the other hand started to pick up the pace and advanced up to 3rd with not too far up to the lead. Jonsson rode like in trance and on lap 4, after a fine battle, he made the move for the lead and never let it go. The old captain rode his Italian Stallion like never before and went on to decimate the field and win by 38 seconds. Markus wasnt happy with a good 12th place finish. Oh no the veteran started to carv down his younger brethren and on the last lap he had a fantastic fight with the championship leader Tirone for 6th but had to settle for an amazing 7th place! What a debut!

Moto 2:
Filled with confidence Jonsson decided to join Olsson on the right side of the gate. A decent jump and a good first corner meant that Chris would come out on top after turn 2. By the first lap he extended his lead to 8 seconds and everyone thought it was over. Markus once again made a fantastic start on his underpowered 250 and rounded first lap in 7th. While Markus would continue to impress, thumb-pump would get the better of him and while he was battling for the top 5 he eventually succumbed to pain and fell down to 10th. Still an amazing result for not having raced in so long and we only see improvement ahead for Olsson! Did Jonsson run away with the win then? A big kick off one of the big jumps saw the "Swedish Hammer" go down in dramatic fashion and he then got passed by the 2015 ITC champion Ivan Dallari. Jonsson remounted his Fi450 and started to track down the leader and eventually did so. Dallari put up a hell of a fight and the two old foxes battled it out but eventually Jonsson made the pass stick and got a few seconds lead. Chris now had a clear track and Dallari defended his seconds place so Jonsson ended up winning the heat once again by 38 seconds.

What a track for the old captain and once again went 1-1 here at Giavera. Combined with Jacks 1-1 and Markus´s 2x top10 TMFR was in euphoria as the PRO division started and the happiness in camp TM would just continue.

Alanas Saulys was residing at a nice 7th overall entering this round but the Lithuanian bullet was hungry for more. Kristoffer "Storken" Wenerklang had no expectations going in but said he needed more track-time and more fun-time.

Moto 1:
Watch as chaos erupts when Storkens TM Fi450 went missing (It was later revealed to have been "borrowed" by an jealous former teammate) and he has to, in panic, bring out the only spare bike in the truck, a 125 twostroke. Kristoffer and Alanas lines up and after busy first lap Alanas rounds in 8th and with Wenerklang following in 9th! Saulys makes short work of the guys in front of him and even though he had a few fall-downs he steered his TM home in a very impressive 4th! He also had to fend of some late charging frenchmen but never lost his cool. Great job considering the competition. Storken was the one that everyone around the track always could hear when he was revving the living bejesus out of that 125cc machine. Even though he obviously struggled with the long straightaways and big jumps compared to the 450 he actually held his own and battled these veteran pro´s fair and square. To everyones delight Storken steered his blue (or in this version, red-white-green) stallion home to a fantastic 11th place finish.

Moto 2:
Alanas had a great jump of the gate and almost had the holeshot when he got rammed by a fellow competitor and went down. Bad luck followed the Lithuanian bullet all throughout this heat and while he struggled bad, he never gave up and pushed for a few more spots at the end to finish a good 8th, considering. Wenerklang once again showed impressive starting skills but the long start straight at Giavera didnt help his poor 125cc machine. Storken would slowly gain positions throughout the heat but towards the end his TM would lose even more power (we blame whoever mixed his gas) and the Swede would eventually finish a great 12th.

A great day for TM Factory Racing and alot of fun racing was had in all heats.
We are now charging the batteries again and will be back next week in Faenza with more intense racing!

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Re: TM Factory Racing Race Reports

Post by Rayvenator »

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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2015 3:57 pm
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Location: Flädie, Sweden

Re: TM Factory Racing Race Reports

Post by Rayvenator »

Race report ITC round 4, Faenza

Once again TMFR had a good lineup of riders on this hot sunny day at the Italian track of Faenza. The team came from a superb race last week and was looking to keep the momentum going this week. Alongside the same rider lineup as last week we also had the pleasure at beeing joined by the one and only Justin Smedley who showed up to race moto 1 in the mx2 amateur class on a 125.

Jack Gatland was filled with confidence from last weeks 1-1 performance as well as an outstanding qualifying time. Justin, who understandably didnt have to much expectations since coming straight off the couch other than to have alot of fun!
Everyone standing watching almost sighed when Gatland grabbed the holeshot in the first heat. The back of that jersey was the only thing the competition would see as Jack kept his TM on 2 wheels and came home with the win. Smedley kept his RPMs high and finished an impressive 15th while improving his speed all throughout the moto.
Roles were reversed as in moto 2 Gatland made a big crash at the start and was pretty much last exiting the second corner. A few more tip-overs caused by other riders in the first few laps meant that Jack had a big uphill climb if he wanted to be on the podium today. The brit showed some impressive determination and while he didnt reach the podium, he ended up a strong 5th.

Christoffer Jonsson and Markus Olsson did once again line up for the big bore class and looking to repeat last weeks great performance. Jonsson had a good jump out of the gate and with a few corners of banging bars with RKI;s Ivan Dallari Jonsson started to open up a small gap. While the battle for 2nd and 3rd was brewing behind him Chris kept his cool and held steady to another moto win. Markus started once again great up in the top 10 but fell down a couple of spots early in the race. The veteran Swede picked up the pace mid-race and started picking the youngsters off to a terrific 7th place finish.
Moto 2 was much the same with Jonsson grabbing the lead on lap one and started checking out and this time Markus was even better along with a 3rd place. Distaster struck Olsson on the first lap though and didnt cross the finish until 15th place. Jonsson couldnt get away this time and after a few laps the late night started to show its effects and a slideout meant the old captain was down to second. He held that position for most of the race, even though he crashed twice. On the last lap though the crashes became one to many and he lost two spots and rounded the finish in 4th. Obviously very disappointed but considering his first two rounds 1-4 is still a very good result. What happened behind him was something out of the ordinary to say the least.
The veteran Olsson was going on a rampage and picking off the kids of today with easy. With his 250 twostroke he rode those ruts smooth as butter and avoided all the obstacles laid in his way to come home in a fantastic 5th place finish!

Alanas Saulys and Kristoffer Wenerklang lined up for TMFR again this day and while "the Storkmeister" didnt have many laps on the track before the race and wasnt expecting much, the "Lithuanian bullet" felt good pre race and was eager to get going.
Saulys didnt have an easy first few laps and struggled with traffic and just couldnt get going. Down 11th at one point he eventually got rid of the worst traffic and started hammering fast laps. One by one the competition fell victims for the Lithuanians smooth passes and a magnificent last half of the race made Saulys finish the race in 5th! Storken, today on a 250 twostroke didnt have the easiest time with the rough Faenza track but didnt give up and finished the race in 16th.
Moto 2 would be very different as Alanas this time had a really good start and rounded the first lap in 3rd! The TMFR rider looks incredibly smooth and put is some of the fastest lap of the weekend and on lap 4 he took the lead! The competition wasnt far behind though and a small mistake put Saulys back to 3rd. Storken was doing better as the races went on and kept some really fast pro´s at bay for the longest of time and came home in a better 15th finish in moto 2. Saulys managed his 3rd place for the longest time with even a bried stint at 2nd again. Some small mistakes here and there kept him just a bit of the leaders but just like in the MX1 AM race the last lap would be disastrous once again for a TM rider. Multiple crashes saw a frustrated Saulys come home in another fine 5th place. Of course not happy with the results but 5-5 is a good consistent finish once again.
All in all another good weekend for TMFR but our riders are hungry for more and the taste of that 1st place is too sweet not to taste again. We will be back at the next round with more great racing!
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