Trading Paints type of program
Trading Paints type of program
This isn't really a game suggestion more like a suggestion to anyone who can program it (hubbard??), maybe a bit of coding from JLV to get it to work, but a program that acts like trading paints in iRacing, where before a race starts, the program takes other peoples car skins and assigns it to their cars on your end. It could also act like a hub of skins that people make and have made in the past so that other people can run the public version, it could also be better for streamers like Kellen where he can just load the program and search for skins before each race rather than download a ton of skin packs. Obviously iRacing has their car models imbedded into their program and its files, but said program would have jms of bikes, rider models with different boots, helmets, and wheels to assign to each of its corresponding skins. (diffuse, norm, and spec) I don't know how storage intensive it would be but for sure less intensive on someone like Kellen where all the different jms aren't present, but maybe the png's that are downloaded before a race could be temp files similar to how when you open a winrar image it creates a temp folder with said image inside, then when you close winrar the image you previously opened gets deleted, so that storage isn't a problem. Its cool seeing other people running the factory pack skins in a server, but imagine everyone in a server having all different kinds of skins from all different years, for example you see one person running a 2024 Tomac replica and another running a 2014 Villoptoto replica, or maybe one guy running 2024 Alpinestars gear and another running 2016 Seven gear. Think it could be a cool addition to the game in the new age of Sim and could get Sim competing against Bikes again with JLV's upcoming updates.