Why I couldn't race today...

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Why I couldn't race today...

Post by Snopro704 »

I got kinda pissed today and I just wanted to explain the situation, mainly to avoid confusion in the future.

As explained to me by Yohann, EU/NA races close qualifying at the top of the hour, so this week I naturally assumed that was the case this week.

To the kids, with being out of town and business of college/work you don't just pay attention to detail on stuff like a sudden switch to qualifying closing 5 minutes sooner. I found out racing was an hour earlier this week, but knew I still had about time for 2 sessions, no problem right? One computer update later and I still have plenty of time to run 1 session before 2cst. I run multiple laps to get a time and the server restarts at 1:55.

Check the site to find out I didn't have a lap so me and Hunter's god lap didn't count.

Look, I'm over this now (I know I rant a lot at other racers in the moment, I'll never meet most u so understand idgaf) But I worry these events are going downhill because of today's example where a host told me I was correct, but that he couldn't investigate it now. I don't wanna see this organization/game die and you have to understand that we're customers and people aren't going to buy again when you dismiss their concerns. There's a reason we don't have full gates, just practice better customer service and maybe EMF racing can grow like everyone wants it to. It's just hard for people to wanna race when this little stuff happens, cause often the little stuff results in sitting on the sidelines, which is hard when you have money invested.
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Re: Why I couldn't race today...

Post by nioubie »

Snopro704 wrote:I got kinda pissed today and I just wanted to explain the situation, mainly to avoid confusion in the future.

As explained to me by Yohann, EU/NA races close qualifying at the top of the hour, so this week I naturally assumed that was the case this week.

To the kids, with being out of town and business of college/work you don't just pay attention to detail on stuff like a sudden switch to qualifying closing 5 minutes sooner. I found out racing was an hour earlier this week, but knew I still had about time for 2 sessions, no problem right? One computer update later and I still have plenty of time to run 1 session before 2cst. I run multiple laps to get a time and the server restarts at 1:55.

Check the site to find out I didn't have a lap so me and Hunter's god lap didn't count.

Look, I'm over this now (I know I rant a lot at other racers in the moment, I'll never meet most u so understand idgaf) But I worry these events are going downhill because of today's example where a host told me I was correct, but that he couldn't investigate it now. I don't wanna see this organization/game die and you have to understand that we're customers and people aren't going to buy again when you dismiss their concerns. There's a reason we don't have full gates, just practice better customer service and maybe EMF racing can grow like everyone wants it to. It's just hard for people to wanna race when this little stuff happens, cause often the little stuff results in sitting on the sidelines, which is hard when you have money invested.
Hey Jack,

Like we all told you, you had 2 days to make a lap, you did your lap too late, since qualifying close at :55.
So ye i won't kick someone that actualy made a lap to put you in, and i won't investigate why your lap not count 1 mn before the race.

If you think im not doing a good support for the good customers like you, you're free to go. But you're wrong and the only one person you gotta blame is yourself, for not carring enof and do your lap at last minutes when you got sunday and monday.
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